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    Hua Hin

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  1. The second one today in the killing zone get him back on the road it's safer 🤔
  2. According to my bill I must have joined the wiggle gigawatt club and become a platinum member 🤔
  3. The PM's portfolio needs some investigation BJ get your case back open again🤔
  4. Attention pedestrians! The killing zone is clearly marked in black and white, now red and white in this case 🤔
  5. Think they are busy swimming at the moment the tide has come in 🤔
  6. A swamp within a swamp BJ was not keen on the odds and wants to hang on to his nesteggs 🤔
  7. With the size of Anutin's head it could be a disaster going there PM send Big Joke 🤔
  8. You have reverse elections here, where you only get what you never voted for, or appeared on any ballot paper, a bit like the David Cameron syndrom the UK experienced but with guns 🤔
  9. A direct link from Xi's honey pot to suck you workers dry faster than ever is the prize🤔
  10. Sounds like the police have a chance if they find a man with a hat and a long sleeved green shirt diving a grey van with Cambodian plates now suicide has been ruled out ..but 🤔Rip
  11. Quick cook two hundred ducks to get back on track before you go completely qwackers ..next🤔
  12. Looks like a perfect spot to launch a submarine PM .. your job to save the innocent refuges don't forget it 🤔
  13. Next up Big Joke in a Small Barrel in a Big River as he is saying he has a lot of evidence to show and back up his claims 🤔
  14. Lucky he wasn't doing something really serious like vaping 🤔
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