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  2. You would be amazed, how many drunk foreigners make problems with the girls in the Red light area of Amsterdam.
  3. Your crystal ball is amazing. You already know what the court case is trying to decide. You should offer your services to the justice department as it would save them having to have any court cases. Just ask your crystal ball. Case solved.
  4. Fly EVA, not China. Much better service IMO and I've flown both many times. And spring for premium economy if you can.
  5. Your fulfilled life is drooling while looking at girls at least halve your age in a GoGo?
  6. LOL. They are living on THEIR land, so why should they leave? The land does NOT belong to israels who are stealing it through force. If you disagree, tell us when the UN gave the West Bank and Gaza to israelis. The 1948 borders are the legal boundaries of israel. Everything outside those boundaries are illegally occupied.
  7. Ok point taken. But I will assume that the prosecutors certainly know what they are doing and why they worded it as "another crime" rather than naming it as election interference? I don't know the reason for that but from what i have seen thus far in the trial the prosecutors seem to have their ducks in a row.
  8. LOL. Is that rewriting history or just making it up? If it was true why were the British running Palestine till 1947? I suppose it is true in that they did eventually give them independence, but not after WW1 as promised. Independence was promised after WW1, but those promises were lies as they intended to implement the Balfour declaration. Lawrence was ashamed of his government's duplicity ( which he knew about even while he was telling the Arabs they'd get independence in exchange for attacking the Turks ) and spent many years after the war trying to bring about independence for Arabs. If anyone is interested in the reality, read https://www.penguin.co.nz/books/lawrence-of-arabia-9781405945974 It's a good history and easy to read.
  9. or the iphone they are snapping the awesome instagram pics with....o wait those were made by children. my bad. carry on. why demand food when you can order it from macdonalds on your phone app and have it delivered right to your protest.
  10. yep u are probably right...trump has had so much practice with lying that his "mind" and body can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth. ...but it could be a win win for trump...if he passed the test he could crow about how it was all a witch hunt and raise money off it....if he failed he could whine and complain about how it was all rigged and raise money off of it....either way the MAGA's would find a way to fit it to their beliefs....funny but if trump took the stand and admitted under oath to every charge in every case the magas would not believe him as they are so accustomed to being lied to by dear leader...
  11. Gag! 😊 “I think [FBI officials] need to look at the root causes and find out if some of this was funded by, I don’t know, George Soros or overseas entities,” Democrats knock Johnson for suggesting George Soros behind campus protests https://www.aol.com/news/democrats-knock-johnson-suggesting-george-093000204.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAK2z4yM6TraHdj6s-RZAkrWZkYJKBb46qW1JD92sbl6Y1BAlKUasPjiqw3P-PnAuSgQ0pf9gkHIpOMBUFIa6qP_eZ45a96PVsl5ZTRzSqObWpiyDBLp71LNtB9FSn4U4btEX2GLVzMNyME1IcVU89rP1dHAER8aulQ42F_bnO421
  12. If you're able to bet online without a VPN good for you but my point is who's watching you at this end as gambling is illegal in Thailand. All countries have paid officials surveying the internet content in their countries. I consider my VPN as import as my antivirus program as not only does it hide my identity when gambling but also protects my banking details etc,
  13. All those heavily armed cops dressed up in full riot gear to deal with unarmed and peaceful students are looking like thugs. If they don't think they are sending the wrong message they should be. They are alienating the very people that will be community leaders and politicians in the future, and they will not forget how they were treated.
  14. Does anyone know how to do this? the passport renewal form tells me i need to pay this fee: Insured Return Envelope Fee: Pay Courier Pass Back electronically via Thailand Post Mart website. (If the page appears in Thai, you may use a translate function into English at the top right corner of the page.)  A printout the electronic payment confirmation Please provide invoice number THP________________________ I found the https://www.thailandpostmart.com/ site but no idea how to purchase this
  15. Sounds like she didn't want a slow drawn out painful death, brave woman
  16. If I was on a jury, I wouldn't care if she took an hour to kill him- not guilty.
  17. Temperature varies with the shop and server, for independent shops i tell them and they correct for next time, some don't drink coffee so they don't know, plus no thermometer used unless Starbucks
  18. There is no side for anyone that invades another's space without invitation. Sadly, I live in a country in which if I killed an intruder in self defense I'd likely got to jail for it, and if it was a gang member I'd likely be killed in prison by the gang members in it. I wish we were like America and I could legally kill anyone that invaded my space with nefarious intent. It's also not easy to own a handgun here and the last government tried to disarm all the lawful citizens. Of course the criminals have all the guns they want.
  19. My experience flying from USA with many airlines is that they will hold (in this case) the Taipei to Bangkok flight if they know there are connecting passengers as long as the hold is minimal.
  20. If you look on Lazada and Shopee you'll see the year sim deals are no way near as good as they were last year with limited data, for that reason I've had 3BB fibre installed. If you are ok with 100gb of data or less then buy online
  21. Not had any myself, but I saw a few with other people. In one a moron farang got the beating he richly deserved for behaving badly in a gogo, and I was able to get a couple of Thai cops to help a farang getting beaten up by bargirls. I always felt safer in Bkk than in Auckland or London.
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