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  2. It is banned on DNS level, so you just can change your DNS to public ones ( and for example). No VPN needed.
  3. As you can see the numbers go all the way. No one knows. Completly subjective
  4. You should never try to use an agent to get a US visa as it is not possible regardless of what you may read or here, but you know that now. They best an agent can do is help fille out the paperwork and double check it to make sure you have all the correct document but all that is available on line for free but that is all. They can not submit or apply for a visa for you.
  5. I am happy that you claim you know why an attorney's invoice should be grossed up, under certain circumstances. So, back up your claim by an explanation. If you cannot, feel free to post insults.
  6. Could she give you power of attorney for a single withdrawal from her account?
  7. A while ago I read that the basic assumption of the immigration staff is to say 'no' unless you can convince the immigration staff that he should change that to a 'yes'. I have no info or facts to back this up, just read it somewhere. Good Luck.
  8. I am pretty sure that this link is an "approved source" . I believe that you and many others have had good experiences . But "never a problem " seems to be very far from the standard in the US . https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/analysis-health-insurance-claim-denials-are-on-the-rise-to-the-detriment-of-patients As i am someone in the "self insure" group .... my experience is that I have never had a problem . Never even had to fight anyone to pay the bill . Since stress is known to be a major factor in causing health problems.... i attribute not having to deal with insurance battles as being very positive . The irony is : if one has health issues that might turn serious , then it would seem prudent to buy health insurance. The catch 22 is that you won't be covered for those issues ! "A recent KFF study of ACA plans found that even when patients received care from in-network physicians — doctors and hospitals approved by these same insurers — the companies in 2021 nonetheless denied, on average, 17% of claims. One insurer denied 49% of claims in 2021; another’s turndowns hit an astonishing 80% in 2020. Despite the potentially dire impact that denials have on patients’ health or finances, data shows that people appeal only once in every 500 cases." ouch
  9. In a properly set up network it's not possible.
  10. Yea it's low effort for a low effort. Garbage. Actually worse than garbage because garbage is immediately visible as such. Here you start reading it and realise they just wasted your time.
  11. good, cant stand weasels that sit behind their keyboards gobbing off, rather than deal with issues directly, face to face
  12. Nobody said it's easy but you said it's not possible.
  13. Great. I thought you have to come back after some month to show the 800,000 deposit in Thai had not sunk below 400,000 or something.
  14. How's that a downgrade? Also you were just giving your requirements and the answer for that would be the Phillipines. Now you have more requirements? Well, next time you should be more specific about what you are looking for. 😊
  15. Not really. Heard some good advice here already.
  16. Nothing wrong with paying a retainer, the 200K might have been a bit strong. Did you go to her office and confront her?
  17. Sorry, I just checked the prices for a new scooter. Yes, that's equivalent. However, if you're going for a second hand car you would have to spend at least 3 times more than for a 2. Hand scooter. My apologies Defo not in Thailand... I know where he is... VW or Audi for the price of a scooter !!!
  18. I fulfill all requirements as far as I know. I was just so dumb to pay her 200k to do this job for me.
  19. That gravy looks nice! Is that sweet potato on the side?
  20. Complete reversal of my experiences with this pair. Pacific Cross saddled me with a whole raft of exclusions, including one relating to my prostate, for which I had had no previous medical history. So I dumped them last September in favour of WR Life who only imposed a couple of exclusions, both based on previous medical history. And like @brewsterbudgen I was not presented with any list of standard exclusions before taking out my policy with them, despite the fact that I am the ripe old age of 74!
  21. Exactly. That I'm smart enough to paint the house, does not mean I want to. It's no different than paying someone to do your taxes.
  22. That's a downgrade. I'm only interested in upgrades in lifestyle.
  23. personally don't mind weed, but its gone so OTT since becoming legal here. skinning up non stop at a bar is a teenager thing, not a 35-55 year old thing. grow up guys!
  24. I see similar things in rural Thailand as I saw while traveling through Central and South America. Household waste was simply thrown out the back of the house - where it would be cleaned up by dogs, rats, birds, ants etc. The problem now is that there is so much waste that is either inedible or non-biodegradable. Add to that- there are very few places where legal dumping can by done (in my area at least) - so all public and non-farmland is fair game to become a tip. Nothing will change here unless there is a major public awareness campaign against littering - and alternatives are provided to the people. (As in designated rubbish collecting sites or recycling - however I have no confidence in 'real' recycling occurring in Thailand because recycling costs money).
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