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  2. I would not be at all surprised if rolling-blackouts (or just blackouts) were on the cards. Get your gensets serviced and/or your backup batteries (even simple UPS) checked and charged.
  3. The ‘woke progressive credentials’ are a figment of your imagination., something you dreamed up together with accusations of ‘virtue signaling’.
  4. Since this is Thailand I think it's a good question, people are getting electrocuted all the time. Who are responsible for building them?
  5. This may already have been said in this thread.. When driving in Thailand, vehicles yield to the right at intersections. This means that if you arrive at an intersection simultaneously with another vehicle, the one coming from your right has the right of way. You can, however, and as we all know, not count on other drivers to actually follow this rule.
  6. It's not about those people in the North East, but the few greedy upper-class billionaires who want to add 300 baht times X to their already outrageous fortune...
  7. by the way..... my gf has a lovely house here in Doisaket that she wants to sell . i will gladly sign release of usufruct for any of you rich guys . (only bad air a few months a year ) 🙂
  8. Dunno, it needs someone at the window at Sav that is "genuine" to report back. If the ruling has changed, I think Sav is going to lose a lot of revenue..🤔
  9. Authorities in Tak province have agreed to participation by villagers living near a factory, where tons of carcinogenic cadmium waste were stored, in processes to ensure their safety. The villagers will send their representatives to join inspections by the authorities handling the cadmium slag in warehouses in Tak’s Muang district. Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna will also take part in the inspections. Caption: File photo o: Buried site in Tak province Full story: Thai PBS 2024-04-23 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  10. Same with Thailand, these high rise buildings involve specialist international companies US and EU and Japanese and some specific technologies, even the pilings. Although this building in the US has problems https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/leaning-san-francisco-skyscraper-tilting-3-inches-year-engineers-rush-rcna11389
  11. Waffle? waffle? nay not I, lies upon lies stacked up higher than WTC. But at the end of the day, I've got it, and you ain't. Now bitterness,envy,jealousy, but not just at this very minute at what you are losing, its what is lost from the beginning that is some eye watering amount Have a good day, enjoy as much as you can (if you can)
  12. Nope, if they go over to E-visa you won't be able to apply at all. E-visa applications are limited to citizens of the country where the application is made or those who have legal residence there.
  13. Ok 300 baht but add that to everything else you buy thats maybe imported, certain foods, stay in a 5 star hotel and everything is plus plus, 160 baht for a chang beer ++
  14. Too Smokey ,too Dangerous ,too Far ,must be one of those reasons 🙄 just stay at home thinking about F1 ,Tallest Buildings and getting Taylor Swift to perform in Bangkok. regards worgeordie
  15. Yeah, what rock you live under? 😀 Conscription was always mandatory, and it's still going on. But the ones who conscripted they serve a normal army training, they not going to Ukraine. Only whose who voluntary sign the contract and getting paid for it are going to war. The total amount of army is above 1milion, while in Ukraine is something around 400k
  16. You're one angry cupcake! Run along and get your booster. And don't forget your mask.
  17. It is news to me, first time I read the story. And I had to check again to get the facts, yes it was actually a road rage. I have had some encounters with aggressive Thai males on the road myself , and once inside a shopping mall, I learned my lesson and I avoid any confrontations, I just say sorry and walk away. My understanding is the Brit was unhappy with the way the Thai drove the car and banged on his car a couple of times . That was enough for the Thai to chase after him and kill him in cold blood. I still remember one episode inside a shopping mall when I was unhappy with the service of one of the sales staff and I gave him the finger and walked away. That was 20 years ago and I was a newbie in Thailand. He came after me and chased me for 1 hour, up and down the mall, I had to run for my life. I managed to escape and never set foot inside that mall again . So never provoke anyone, even if it looks innocent it could be your last day.
  18. Fact Check: Drop in climate-related disaster deaths not evidence against climate ‘emergency’ Social media posts are recirculating a bar chart that depicts falling numbers of deaths due to weather-related disasters over the last century alongside comments suggesting that the significance of climate-driven weather changes is exaggerated. Mortality, however, is not a useful measure of the number or severity of weather-related events including the floods, droughts, storms, wildfire, and extreme temperatures listed in the graph, experts told Reuters. Although deaths from these disasters have decreased, due in part to better forecasting and preparedness, the number, intensity, and cost of climatic and meteorological hazards have all increased over the last hundred years. https://archive.ph/EYKCu
  19. A bit of 'whativery' here... what if it were a motorcyclist crossing the junction, or a child running across ? The SUV shows no intention to stop of slow down.... This driver will kill someone if they continue to drive like this. The fact also remains - that the because a disability scooter is a vehicles for the disabled, it needs no licence or tax and no licence to ride it. Switching this up a bit, with a bit of whatifery... What IF a Lorry were traveling 'East to West' (yellow arrow) across the junction, entering from the left and the SUV drove in the same direction, speed and manner 'North to south (red arrow) and didn't stop at the white across the road and impacted the lorry.... Who's fault then ? the lorry or the SUV ???
  20. Didn't the TAT announce in the past that Pattaya tourists come for the temples?
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