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Corporal Punishment

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I don't want to become an English techer in Thailand if I have to do things like that. Are there scool rules to say that I must beat students?  :o

We (farangs) generally can't get away with that type of behaviour (shame). I know one teacher who accidentally (and it was for sure) hit a kid, the parent demanded 10,000 Baht 'compensation' and the parent wasn't even a Thai!

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In all of the schools where I have worked, farang are warned not to get involved in corporal punishment.  The Thais, however, lay into them.


Corporal punishment has been illegal in all schools for a number of years. Teachers who hit kids now can easily be brought up on charges for assault, and it does happen on a very regular basis.... Things are not the way they used to be, in this respect.

The worst example I can think of, or at least the grossest, was a case where a teacher accused a student of lying and made him hold a piece of dogshit in his mouth for the duration of that class..... The teacher was transferred only

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  • 1 month later...
I don't want to become an English techer in Thailand if I have to do things like that. Are there scool rules to say that I must beat students?  :o

Don't be discouraged! Thailand needs teachers, don't worry too much. You don't have to do the beating yourself, classmates will do that for you. You'll get used to it, it isn't that serious as the prison abuse in Iraq here.

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in asian culture teacher have the right to spnak bad student on their bottom, or on the hand

My Thai stepson brought a letter home for me to sign, permitting the teachers to administer corporal punishment, and they do.

A bit later he came home and took off 4 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of underpants.....

The teacher had given warning of the punishment. The whole class got a few strokes of the cane, boys and girls.

My son went well prepared.

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I had no idea that corporal punishment was illegal, it certainly didn't seem that way in the school I worked in last year. The kids were most scared of one young Thai female teacher who had bound 5 metal rulers at one end and would slap their hands if they got their spellings wrong (no wonder they hated learning English!) It made it difficult for the farang teachers to manage the classes as the students would only react to physical abuse.

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Last year, a Thai teacher hit my student for failing to comprehend an assignment (with a ruler on both hands). She was the sweetest little girl, all of 7 years old, and was shaken up all day. I told her as this was my class, I don't condone corporal punishment, especially when the the students (victims) have learning disabilities. The very next day she hit another student for similar circumstances. I confronted her calmly and told her that the next time she hit my one of my students, I would do the same to her. She never spoke to me again, and never hit one of my students again.

Killed two birds with one stone that day.

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in asian culture teacher have the right to spnak bad student on their bottom, or on the hand

My Thai stepson brought a letter home for me to sign, permitting the teachers to administer corporal punishment, and they do.

A bit later he came home and took off 4 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of underpants.....

The teacher had given warning of the punishment. The whole class got a few strokes of the cane, boys and girls.

My son went well prepared.

You signed the letter? I sure as h3ll wouldn't give anyone permission to abuse my child, no matter what the cirmcustances are.

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in asian culture teacher have the right to spnak bad student on their bottom, or on the hand

My Thai stepson brought a letter home for me to sign, permitting the teachers to administer corporal punishment, and they do.

A bit later he came home and took off 4 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of underpants.....

The teacher had given warning of the punishment. The whole class got a few strokes of the cane, boys and girls.

My son went well prepared.

You signed the letter? I sure as h3ll wouldn't give anyone permission to abuse my child, no matter what the cirmcustances are.

Me, neither. My twins got caught doing something naughty at middle school, and the assistant principal (who for many years had been raping young teenagers, on school premises) got out the paddle to hit my daughters. They said, "You can't do that because it's against our Daddy's religion." He phoned me at work and I said, "Yes, sir, you are absolutely forbidden to strike my children for any reason. What are the alternatives?" He said, "3 days suspension." I said, "Fine." One month later they caught him on the rape charges (fortunately, he wasn't raping my girls, and he wasn't beating them, either).

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in asian culture teacher have the right to spnak bad student on their bottom, or on the hand

My Thai stepson brought a letter home for me to sign, permitting the teachers to administer corporal punishment, and they do.

A bit later he came home and took off 4 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of underpants.....

The teacher had given warning of the punishment. The whole class got a few strokes of the cane, boys and girls.

My son went well prepared.

Management material. :o

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Way to go Peaceblondie.  In what country was this Assistant Principal carrying on?

Texas. I gave this great speech to the Board of Education, and afterwards the main principal came up and said he didn't believe in corporal punishment himself (personally and professionally), but he allowed his vice-principals to do it, until they get caught on vice charges.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone know of any legit documentation citing the negative effects of corporal punishment (i.e. Scientific journals, studies, research, etc.)? I'm also looking for documentation proving that corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand....and the charges that could arise. It's time I educate my director.

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  • 2 years later...


Corporal punishment could bring criminal charges

The Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) will in future bring its own criminal charges against school administrators and teachers who are accused of cruel or physical punishment of students, instead of waiting for parents to bring cases to court. "Previously, Obec left it to the parents of injured kids to pursue legal action, but some parents lack the financial means to do that," said Obec secretary-general Kasama Voravan na Ayudhya.

"From now on, I will file complaints with the police myself." Obec's role was previously confined to setting up a fact-finding panel and handing down disciplinary punishment to abusive personnel. Yuwadee Ngamwitroj, of the Centre for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation, said the centre had received complaints about teachers' violence from time to time. Such complaints included verbal harassment or ear pinching until bleeding, which one teacher used as a punishment for a student with an unorthodox hairstyle, she said.

Continued here:


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