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  1. Still curious about this if someone can help. Much appreciated.
  2. Why do some people go back for a new visa each year as opposed to extending the existing one in Thailand? Can't this one be extended at a local office for another year? Also, is the Kor Ror 22 interchangeable with the Kor Ror 2 as far as how they are used? Thanks!
  3. I'm planning to change visas and apply for a non-O based on visiting my Thai spouse. I could get it over with in Savannakhet soon or do it in a couple months in Chicago. It looks like Savannakhet could give 1 year-multiple entry and Chicago only 90 days-single entry to start. I'm thinking I should just get it over with in Savannakhet since I'll be in Mukdahan soon anyway. I saw the recently reported required documents. We were married in America so will it be the original คร.22 we received in Chiang Mai many years ago that they want to see or will they want the U.S. original marriage certificate? Also, how soon after returning to Thailand will they want to do the home inspection or will that only happen the following year when I extend in-country? Thank you.
  4. I'm planning to apply for a new non-O visa based on my marriage to a Thai citizen. I'll apply through the Chicago embassy and their website lists 2 certified documents. a certified copy of the Thai national's passport/Thai Identification Card of the spouse. a certified letter from the Thai spouse stating that he or she is still married to the applicant. What are they looking for that makes it "certified?" A signature or a notary?
  5. If you were married overseas, do they want the original certificate from overseas in addition to the legalized Thai translation that we've had to use for other things in the past?
  6. I've had good success reporting online. Currently I'm out of the country and will return soon on my re-entry stamp. I received my 90 day report reminder via email. Can I go ahead and report online while overseas?
  7. I just did my 90 day report online for the first time. I always go into the office so this is new to me. It was due May 1st and I did it early on April 28th. How long is the status typically pending?
  8. I recently moved to a new province, but still spend about 25% of my time in the old province. At both locations, I stay in homes owned by my wife and my reported address to immigration is still at the old province address. My visa extensions/reports have always been done in the old province. Can I just continue doing that or do I need to switch to the new province because I spend more time there? I guess one potential problem is if I enter Thailand from an international trip, I'd have to go to the old province first to do the TM.30? Or is that not required anymore? Also, can I legally work remotely in the new province for the employer in the old province where my work permit says I work? Thanks!
  9. I've been complaining to them as well on multiple channels. Hopefully something gets fixed.
  10. My wife is a Thai/U.S. citizen and wants to try to get her niece a tourist visa to go to the U.S. for a visit. We raise the child in our home and she is on my wife's tabianbaan. Is that enough to be considered a legal guardian for purposes of applying for a visa or does she need to work on obtaining some other kind of document? The tabianbaan has always been all we need to do any kind of paperwork for her in Thailand so I'm not sure if there's something else we need. If you know the Thai script name of the document that would be helpful. The birth mother legally signed her parental rights to her father around birth so he is the only birth parent in the picture. Thank you.
  11. The Bank of Ayutthaya ATM displayed a message that said it couldn’t contact my bank which may support your gut. All the others that failed just said to contact my issuing bank but Schwab is seeing at least some of these failed attempt on their visa system.
  12. Update: Aeon, Kasikorn and now Bangkok Bank work. GSB, TMB, SCB, and Ayutthaya did not. ????????‍♂️ Nice having free fee refunds so you can use all the ATM’s. lol
  13. I asked if the 3D-Secure issue could be related and they said, "3D Secure is more for online purchasing. This should not affect you using it at the ATM. Having said that, the Visa system updated that on our end and what happens is if you purchase something online, Visa will ask you to provide them with a code (like an additional layer of security) that you would enter before the purchase can be finalized."
  14. I've tried Bangkok Bank, SCB, & TMB. I'll go try Aeon. I was wondering if it had something to do with the 3D-Secure because I've had the same issue with a Capital One card that others are having on Lazada.
  15. Are any Schwab debit card users having problems taking out money from an ATM the last few days? Schwab and visa can't seem to find any problems on their end with my card. I've tried several ATM's I use regularly. Schwab says, "There is clearly some internal issue between what the ATM is reporting through to Visa and then what shows up on our Visa debit card system. The other decline code I'm seeing is stating an "Invalid security code." This is one I've never personally seen before. I'm not sure if Visa is restricting use of cards in Thailand. We have not been made aware of any information on this. I've personally been working with this debit card system 8 years and have never seen this code before."
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