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Everything posted by fab99

  1. Try giving 510 baht for a 410 baht bill (because I prefer getting just a 100 bill as change) and see how it just doesn't compute... I gave up doing things like that.
  2. It's the first time in 12 years here that I start worrying about security, living in the middle of nowhere. Never had any problem, and my house is not flashy at all (but more than most around here though). When you combine unemployment, lack of government help and debts, there is a high chance of crime rising (add to that the drugs/alcohol problems or the fact that there are many firearms in Thailand...). Anybody else is feeling the same? I don't see that mentionned in the comments... Before, Thaïs could live on very very little, even food from the temple (donations have probably suffered recently), but now, with the love for smartphones/tv/cars a lot of debts have to be repaid and they risk losing everything. When you have nothing to lose...
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