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Everything posted by Kayahammer

  1. Hi, Quick question. I am about to renew my 5 year Thai driving licence. I have permanent residency, so does anyone know if my name in the blue house registration book counts as proof of residency address? Thank you in advance
  2. Thank you for all the helpful replies. I'll opt for the government hospital I think.
  3. Just got bitten by a stray cat. I'll be down at my condo in Cha am for the third shot of rabies, so does anyone know of anywhere in Cha am I can get that rabies shot (preferably inexpensive)? Or failing that, Hua Hin? Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks so much for all the comments. For clarification, the HR lady at work charged me 15,000B up front and 10,000B after PR was issued. Sometime during the process she tried to stiff me for 100K (claiming it was for the immigration officials). I didn't pay though : ) Also my initial post wasn't clear. I meant the red book needs renewing (at local police station). I have to do that once every 6 years. I guess I'll take along as many docs as I put my hand to for the red book renewal and hope I don't need anything else. I agree about the entry and exit stamps being ridiculous. A single use exit stamp for PR holders is 3,800B. For everyone else it's 1,900B. Thanks again.
  5. For what it's worth, I applied for PR early 2017, using the visa/HR lady at my work. She gathered all related documents from work and told me what I had to do (including photos outside my house, outside my village, inside all rooms in my house, outside my place of work, inside my pace of work). We submitted all the paperwork, and each subsequent time we went back they asked for something else. Each visit the immigration officers at CW tried to sell us things like a Thai course (wife informed them I didn't need it as I spoke Thai well enough), a fast track (no thanks, we can wait) etc. until we were called in to an unofficial interview where they asked about savings, assets etc. I'm not stupid, so I said we had none. They explained I would not pass unless we made a contribution (not their policy, but their superiors we were told). It wasn't a great amount, and we were cornered, so we paid. After that it was plain sailing. Short, easy interview. The visit from local immigration beforehand was tension filled as the main guy was not happy about having to perform this task, and didn't hide it. The whole process was about a year. As an aside, the visa lady from work tried to trick me out of 100K as a payment to immigration officials, which we refused to pay (immigration asked for a lot less than that). I will add that having PR is nice, however I have since bought a couple of condos, and both land and house offices refused to accept I now have the right to buy a condo without sending money from overseas, even when I showed them the official rules and regs regarding foreigners purchasing property). Lastly, I am about to get my PR renewed for the first time - does anyone know what documents I have to produce for this? Thanks in advance
  6. Thank you for the helpful reply ????. I'll ask at the condo first when I get there.
  7. What documents are required to get PEA to install an electric meter in a condo? Thank you in advance
  8. After research it looks like a 15/45 electric meter is sufficient for a 45 m2 condo unit with 2 AC units (correct me if I'm wrong please). What documents do i need to take, and photocopy, before I go. Also when they come to fit it, do I need to be there at all? And anything to be wary of at PEA Cha am? Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. I agree. I have held PR for 5 years and wondered about citizenship. Is it almost automatic after a certain period of time holding PR? And is it still possible to retain my UK citizenship (which i would never give up)?
  10. Thanks for all the replies so far. The broker sent all my relevant documents to the land department yesterday, yet they insist I have to show money coming from abroad. It's infuriating beyond belief. He even asked three different ways yet they are adamant. I have thought about visiting immigration to ask for a letter (with contact number) listing the benefits when holding PR. Not sure how well that would go down though. I have gotten one quote by a property lawyer, but I am reluctant to pay 30,000 Bhat just to prove something the land officer should already know, or at least try to find out. Does anyone know of any cheaper property lawyers? Or any other advice as to how to proceed? All replies much appreciated
  11. Thanks so much for this. Do you know where I could find a Thai version of this to show at the land department if need be?
  12. I'm glad it went smoothly for you back then. I am considering emailing immigration and asking for an official letter explaining the PR rights, complete with a contact number for any official who doesn't know. It's such a pain that some government agencies either don't know, or don't want to know. Thanks for your reply
  13. Dasa Book Store on Sukhumvit has a delivery service, and an updated excel sheet of all their stock on their website. The excel sheet is searchable, and is already organised well. They will send to Hua Hin.
  14. That's sound advice Onemorefarang. I am always polite and smile away in the face of nonsense, however the official in Cha am land department was adamant, and my representative (not the best evidently) said the different departments make up their own rules and I either do what he says or the deal will not happen. I am just trying to avoid a similar situation. I will however use your phrasing "I think there is a rule people with residency are allowed to do xyz. Can you maybe check for this..." Thank you
  15. Hi all, I hold Permanent Residency, and am buying a condo in Thonburi (near Pho Nimit BTS station). One benefit of PR is that you don't have to show money coming from abroad when purchasing a condo, however when I purchased a condo in Cha am, the land and house dept insisted I show the money had come from abroad and ignored my PR saying it didn't matter. Luckily I had transferred money already and used the correct form from the bank to avoid further hassle. This time however I don't have funds to transfer from abroad, and want to actually use PR status to buy the condo without showing funds from abroad. My question is this: Has anyone had experience as a PR buying a condo in this area (near Pho Nimit BTS station), and did they come up against any nonsense regarding showing money coming from abroad? In other words will they play by the PR rules? And if not, is there a form (in Thai) that I could show the land and house dept. if they refuse to play by the rules of PR? Or any other advice to get around this problem? Also I can't find where the department is for this area. Anyone have any idea, or how to contact them? Thank you in advance for any advice. P.S. Not buying the condo is not an option.
  16. Hi all, I hold Permanent Residency, and am buying a condo in Thonburi (near Pho Nimit BTS station). One benefit of PR is that you don't have to show money coming from abroad when purchasing a condo, however when I purchased a condo in Cha am, the land and house dept insisted I show the money had come from abroad and ignored my PR saying it didn't matter. Luckily I had transferred money already and used the correct form from the bank to avoid further hassle. This time however I don't have funds to transfer from abroad, and want to actually use PR status to buy the condo without showing funds from abroad. My question is this: Has anyone had experience as a PR buying a condo in this area (near Pho Nimit BTS station), and did they come up against any nonsense regarding showing money coming from abroad? In other words will they play by the PR rules? And if not, is there a form (in Thai) that I could show the land and house dept. if they refuse to play by the rules of PR? Or any other advice to get around this problem? Also I can't find where the department is for this area. Anyone have any idea, or how to contact them? Thank you in advance for any advice. P.S. Not buying the condo is not an option.
  17. Thank you so much to all the replies. Extremely helpful. I just received my new passport and am relieved I do not need to go anywhere to do anything (apart fro the bank). Thanks again
  18. Thanks for the help guys. Apologies for any confusion. I need to go to my local police station at the end of next year to get the PR red book extended as they gave me 6 years from when I first went there. So correct me if I'm wrong, but from the replies it looks like everything will get sorted when I next apply for a re-entry permit?
  19. Passport is due to be renewed, however my residency doesn't need to be renewed until the end of next year. Can't find any info online as to what I need to do. Thanks in advance for helpful advice.
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