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Posts posted by tezzainoz

  1. Funny I have many friends I made while working in China, and they all use the company internet to get there email out with out going through Communist security, and they say the death rate is still incredible, and in fact it can take to to 3 days for deceased bodies to be picked up, now I am not sure if this is true or not, but are the Thai people ready to take this risk just so the elite cate keep their pockets full, this will turn out worse than the conflict with Issan during the protest of a few years ago


  2. It was revealed today that the Thai PM has ignored an official Letter from the Australian PM, stating that Thailand is breaking International Law by detaining an Australia Permanent resident and threatening to deport him to a country that is in breach of International law

    Australia Citizens are really upset with Thailand after the fact of how Australia helped Thailand when boys from a football club where trapped in a cave that was filling with water


    What to Thai people think of this fact that Thailand is treating a country that donates money to Thailand on a regular basis



  3. 6 hours ago, bannork said:

    The woman in question has refused to give any interviews to any UK newspapers except The Times and The Sun.

    Has it occurred to you Murdoch might well have forced her to sign a contract forbidding any interviews with any other media?


    If this is true, then its all about selling papers, for this reason who do you think will pay for the Legal representation in England, any 2nd year law student would know enough to play rings around our famous Mr. Joke, she would not have to say anything, because under the Westminster system she has the right for legal council.    If this was to happen Murdock would make a killing the next Newspaper to hit the streets


  4. Last year when returning back to Sydney for a 3 weeks holiday with wife and kids the customs official demanded he see the photos in my camera

    After a 147 shots of all the family in the Village and 57 shots of what the wife had eaten in the last 3 days, 1 photo I was allowed to take of myself, and 1 of my new car, he was so upset

    Wow what a waste of time he mumbled to himself

    Re: Sex Parties last Sat in the Sydney Classifies there where 10 swinging parties advertised, 4 of them for gay and lesbian adults

    Typical the kettle calling the pot black

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    It's a foregone conclusion and general knowledge by now that she would have found to be guilty last Friday hence the bolting away in the middle of the night,

    and until and when she'll come back, if ever to contest and fight the charges, she 's presumed guilty as sin....

    As we not know where she is, and the verdict has not yet been read I am surprised so many people know the answer before it is give,

    We all are allowed opinions, but I prefer facts, not opinions


  6. 4 hours ago, steven100 said:

    oh well ....   he can absorb the 50k loss. He's lucky it was only 50k and not more ...

    when arriving tourists need to keep gold and money safely hidden ...  it's that simple. And don't carry shoulder bags if you don't need to.



    arrive Bangkok

    1st put brain into locker

    2nd put gold chain in locker and put 50 baht fake chain around neck

    3rd always have 10,000 baht in body bag hidden around waist to pay the police for the best service that money can buy


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  7. I always laugh when I hear and read all you 3 times a year thai tourists, when I go to work in Pattaya I always take the Thai wife and her brother with me, they love to laugh at the stupid Farlang who pay a small fortune for ugly old ladies.

    when you live in the country side learn to speak thai. talk to any hard working Thai man over 50 saying you want to help a poor family with financial help. and they will introduce you to beautiful girl with in 12 hours

    this is there culture and has been for a hundred years

    Stop Complaining. learn to speak Thai, and enjoy the food and the other things that Thailand

    Her Family needs security, and she will treat you like a King

  8. If he wants to make a statement, then why not the tourist areas, where such services are in demand the most.

    another 1 time a year tourist

    I have lived here for 6 years and soon found out tourists make a very small percentage of girly clients

    Maybe on you next visit try and make a Thai Male friend

    Get him to take you to Buffalo Bridge

    Thai Men do not like the ugly girls that are left over and work in Walking Street

  9. China's extremely aggressive (and outlandish) claim to these islands could lead to WW3 if we are not careful.

    Time to wake up WWIII is already way started

    all those who are not afraid to talk against the UN will tell you it is a religious war

    So the UN can kill of 50% off the worlds population and then control the world with an un elected government

    Old Fashion military wars are out dated

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