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Everything posted by kbelyeu

  1. nah.. my position is its a tool and this nutcase would have used whatever was available to do his bidding.. have a nice day.
  2. Well he had 60 minutes before the police entered the building, my guess would be all of them.
  3. You do not have constitutional rights, you just have rights. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Unalienable: not capable of being repudiated. Come and take it!
  4. Just so I have this straight, the only important item for you is the manner in which a child is killed. So drunk drivers are OK but by guns they are not.. thanks for that... makes perfect sense. Secondly, you believe guns would disappear if they were made illegal? Case in point, illegal drugs. There has been a war on drugs since the 90's and we are no closer to eliminating drugs than we were then.. they can't even keep illegal drugs out of maximum security jails but you believe they will magically disappear.
  5. Just to clarify, the 2nd amended is a restriction on the US government not an individuals rights. Maybe you should give it a read.
  6. I like to use another good example, many many more children are killed by drunk drivers. I don't hear anyone suggesting we ban cars or alcohol.
  7. So your position is if the nutcase didn't have access to guns none of this would happen?
  8. How many lives will be lost when the left attempts to take away gun owners god given rights? How many is too many? Will you participate in the gun round up?
  9. Absolute nonsense but you are welcome to you opinion. Have a nice day!
  10. LOL.. its actually much more common than you think but since you have already made up your mind.. How many times have you been proven correct in this "theory"?
  11. No one is expected to carry a gun, the program is completely voluntary. So you speak for most teachers?
  12. History is history no matter how much you hate it.. RINO's.. you obviously don't know the definition.
  13. And you would be wrong.. ????Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia - BBC News
  14. That entire article is BS. The fact is prior to all these so called "fact checkers" rewriting history there was no discernable difference between before and after the law. I remember law well.. it was absolutely a farce. It banned flash suppressors, certain stocks, etc.. it simply required you to modify the gun so it looked different.... manufacturers simply made a modification to their weapons to comply with the new law... hear this. It was the EXACT same weapon only slightly modified.
  15. Funny, the party you say hates democracy voted to free slaves, give them votes, give women the right to vote. Your party voted against all these freedoms and yet here you are saying that "your" party was on the right side of history.
  16. Its already legal for teachers to be armed in Texas as well as many other states. If we would have had an armed teacher in Uvalde then this might not have happened.
  17. That's because we consider it a god given right.. if you want to change it you will have to do so by force.
  18. From what I have been reading this kid was already on law enforcements radar but no one did a thing.
  19. There is a lot of information coming out that this kid has been previously arrested.. there were plenty of red flags, no new law was needed. If law enforcement had done its job we probably wouldn't be in this situation today.
  20. Does being killed by a knife make you any less dead?
  21. Me as well.. what years were you living in Singapore? I lived there from 2006 to 2011. Kurt
  22. Go with the latest surgery they offer.. I want to say I paid 3500 in 2013 for the procedure with lifetime corrections if needed. Kurt
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