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Posts posted by laislica

  1. Interesting, the double tax agreement, at least with Spain, states that income from pensions will be taxed in the country of residence. HMRC demanded self assessment from me knowing I was resident in Spain with income from pensions.

    I ended up paying 4 years back tax plus interest and penalties to Spain. HMRC refuse to repay more than the tax they illegally took from me.

    They spend more by staff writing emails etc than doing the right thing. This has dragged on almost 4 years so far

    If the double tax agreement for Spain is pay where you are resident,  why not the same for Thailand?

    Pity we're not the super rich, no tax to pay!

  2. 12 hours ago, lavezzi said:

    wait, normal flu has new variants every year.

    We are getting vaccinated with 2 doses and boosters too.

    New variants will pop every 6/12 months.


    Covid already has high transmissibility and now the new varaint has high transmissibility? 

    What's new?


    While we should warn and keep pressure on unvaccinated to get it we also should stop terrorizing the world.



    What's new?

    It's said to have mild symptoms.

    Therefore, why not let it spread. Then we will have natural immunity at low risk?

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Such BAD PEOPLE!

    Public hanging, a suitable message to encourage the masses to stop rocking the boat?

    If not, drawn and quartered?

    Head on a spike?

    <deleted>, on one hand they want to open the cuntry to win the tourists money, but on the other hand they want total control of the masses, especially those dirty foreigners who have lodsa cash which they must be liberated from. 

    Ya can't have your cake and eat it?

    Oh, sorry, I forgot, even Thailand electricity is different to Farang electricity. 

  4. 1 hour ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Yes of course. So what was the point of it if we are going to be in full lockdown again? We are not going into full lockdown again in the UK. 

    Here in Spain, the southern region of Andalusia is currently at level zero. 

    PCR testing is a joke,  for fully vaccinated,  a short test, don't want to see any break through cases.

    For the unvaccinated a long test, want to soo false positives to force vaccinations. 

    Can pcr discriminate between a current infection and a previous infection from which you are fully recovered?

    I've never been tested but have had mega chest infection. Was it covid? I've no idea.

  5. 19 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Hilarious, they're going to see 500k new infections regardless of whether the country reopens or not.

    It's just a matter of how long it takes to get to that number.


    People will only come if things are opened up, they might as well not bother if there's still lockdowns in place.


    Nothing will stop the rising infection numbers.

    What does the "Vaccine" do?

    It doesn't stop infection or transmission.

    They hope if infected, the symptoms will be less severe and no need to go to the hospital or death.

    This is not like the vaccines that we had before, after vaccination, the immune system killed off all the virus material that was injected but learned about it and made antibodies if you came into contact with that virus again.

    Covid is a flue type virus and we have had to learn to live with the flu.

    • Sad 1
  6. 5 hours ago, smedly said:

    and who's christmas card list has he been removed from lol


    brave man coming out and speaking the truth 


    if certain people were removed now we might actually get a sensible strategy in place that will allow vaccinated tourists to visit Thailand without all the red tape - there are sensible ways and means to address this like I posted on another thread 


    fully vaccinated staff and customers for a start then I see no reason why certain venues cannot open up provided they are supervised with the cops checking they are in compliance

    You write as though the vaccine stops rinse to  and transmission, it doesn't. 

    If vaccinated, the hope is that you will not need hospitalization if you get infected.

    How does this help tourism?

    Don't they require insurance so  no burden on the state?

    The  viral load on infected is the same for  both vaccinated and unvaccinated and they spread it at the same rate. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    The UK is so far ahead of Thailand in numbers of vaccinations that it is out of sight. 

    Vaccines don't stop you from getting or spreading the disease. After the jab, if you get infected your symptoms should not be severe. Why don't people make sure their vitamin D levels are high a d take zinc, vitamin C and magnesium act. Do everything to boost the immune system?

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Numbers high everywhere .... Italy recorded it's at highest, UK, US  and so on .....  

    Absolutely devastating effects worldwide ..... 

    and if it's proven that CHINA IS TO BLAME  .......   what next ?   what will be done   ?     PUNISH   ?   how   ? 

    In the  UK the  number of new unvaccinated is down yet the number of cases of the vaccinated has increased. 

    Israel, Chile and other countries with a high  vaccination rate report similar findings and it's the D variant on the march. 

    Lies,damned lies and statistics!

    • Haha 2
  9. On 6/16/2021 at 4:31 AM, MRToMRT said:

    Thats about as clear as mud!


    Is it only for over 70s?

    What about renewals?

    Can we dump our crappy over priced Thai insurance?
    How can I ask the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to verify my insurance - ridiculous!

    Do these people jus simply hate foreigners and revel in making life too complicated? 

    Spains looking better everyday.

    First check out the income tax for Spain, brutal.....

    Otherwise, depending where you choose to live, it's OK

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    This guy worked for JP Morgan so is no dummy.

    Unfortunately, his superiors mostly seem to be when it comes to economic matters.

    I like his ideas but do not generally see much being changed.

    If anything, the retirement type Visa may be adjusted but i bet he will suggest it is only for high dollar retirees.  Probably need a much larger lump sum in the bank or much higher monthly income to qualify.

    The low monthly pensioners I doubt will see any changes as that is not the group he appears to be focusing on.

    I never see typical foreigners being able to buy land.  Possibly,  at some price point like minimum 30 million b and up.


    Regarding:"I never see typical foreigners being able to buy land. ".

    In my opinion it would be disastrous to allow rich foreigners to buy land in Thailand.
    It will completely unbalance everything, the price of land will rocket and locals will be unable to buy land.

    In Spain, during Franco's regime, only Spaniards could own land and prices were reasonable and stable.
    When foreigners were allowed to buy land, the locals got greedy and land prices rocketed, to the point where even rich foreigners are no longer smiling.

    The way to get more retirees is simple, make it easy for them.
    Look at the big picture not the small one.
    I appreciate that just because you're married to a Thai shouldn't just open up everything without restriction.
    But there seems to be a difference between the rules applied to a foreign female married to a Thai person and a foreign man married to a Thai person.
    Maybe they should have a qualifying period so if you have been married for a number of years and lived in Thailand, then get rid of the TM 30 and the 90 day reports. What would really help would be a foreigners ID card initially valid for five years and and then renewed at 10 years.
    This could be a married Visa and would give the ability to work if required because at the moment a retiree on a retired Visa is not allowed to work even for charity.
    This is exactly what Spain have done for my wife so it would be nice if Thailand reciprocated for me and others in my position.

    One of the worst things about living permanently in Thailand is the chance that you are unable to renew your extension.
    Currently it takes two visits to immigration, the first, if everything is in order, gets you a month in Thailand.
    At the second visit, if everything is in order, you get the remaining 11 months.
    At any point due to any crisis or other, the authorities may just decide you can no longer reside in Thailand, this is really not acceptable.
    Married retirees most often sell everything in their home country and invest everything in Thailand.
    If they are no longer welcome to stay, what can they do.
    Perhaps most of their wealth has been moved into London property and expensive items like cars and motorbikes et cetera.
    The threat of a family being torn apart in this way is stressful.
    A situation best avoided and this alone could be a good reason that many reasonably well off foreigners refused to retire in Thailand.

    Thailand has always been suspicious of foreigners and would rather not have them, but they need them.
    I first saw Thailand 50 years ago and in rural parts the people were not familiar with foreigners.
    We were a curiosity but in those days we were welcome.
    Those days have gone, foreigners are no longer a curiosity, they are a cash cow and barely tolerated.
    We have to be careful what we tolerate, because we are teaching them how to treat us.
    There is nothing under our control that can make any difference when in Thailand.
    All we can do is stay out Thailand, if we stay out long enough and our numbers dwindle, maybe then things will have to change.
    But I'm not holding my breath.
    In Thailand change is not embraced, it is applied only when it's absolutely forced so to do.
    What a shame.








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