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Posts posted by Suroo

  1. How sad. RIP to the Austrian.

    I know many people of different nationalities who have divorced their Thai wives. In every instance it was because large sums of money were spent, overtime, without the husband understanding where it went. Their wives could not explain it adequately and usually the discussion ended in a row with the wives screeching "you farang, no understand" etc etc. These wives were not all ex bar girls. Some were well educated and had businesses or professional careers before marriage.

    Money seems to lead to huge issues here and these Thai wives all reacted very quickly and badly when challenged. It seems from the OP that this lady was prone to use violence.

    Before one of the nit picking members will ask you to prove the statement "in every instance"; I fully understand what you mean as well as most other normal members. Money is the root of all evil, and for sure money matters more to most Thai (Oh flip I will be asked to prove this) people because their government does not support layabouts like the western word does. I agree with you that it is not only related to bar girls; the educated ones seem to be more prone to this (Oh I have done it again) Pimay1 will have a field day with this post - knock yourself.

    The love of money is the root of all evil. Not the money itself.

    From my distant school days I think the phrase in latin is ;"Radix Malorum est Cupiditas"" I think that refers to greed. Is not the latin for money "Pecunia"'? And is not the present case as reported not "Peculiar" but rather more common than even suspected. A Thai friend of mine told me one time that the carp in Issarn lakes are bigger because of obsolete falangs.

  2. Thais on the street sure as hell don't like Russians (in the main) but the Government guys love them....oil-ay oil-ay oil-ay!

    Maybe the Russians are (in the main and on the street as visitors/business people) right vis-vis doing business here? The FALANG has been messed around with long enough but it looks like the Russian has brought his bearishness with him to Thailand. Maybe this non-cuddly non-panda version of the species will be less docile than what has come before.

    The least that might come out of this is that someone who sets up a business in Thailand will be granted the common dignity to be allowed to work, walk and be present without restriction within the environs of the enterprise as he/she thinks fit- as is the norm in all civilised countries.

  3. Re Thailand and WW2 I see the collaboration with the japs as a top-down decision from governmental level with the Thai people not involved. There was a small anti-jap movement also. I understand that the pro and anti jap Thais kept each other informed of each other's movements- in case any Thai might get hurt I presume. When elephants fight ants are likely to be crushed so the wise thing is stay out of the harm's way if possible.

    I saw 2 muscled drunk Falangs slugging it out in a condo car park recently with 4 undersized Thai security guys doing a butterfly dance and dodging around and about trying not to get hurt until the Falangs fell in a heap.

    Churchill wished to punish Thailand after the war but the Americans would not agree and proceeded to make Thailand an ally.

  4. Thankfully some of us don't need this treatment whistling.gif

    This, the very first reply, started 3 pages of purile mockery. The subsequent posters following on from this one have shown themselves to be bunch of brainless cads. This is a serious health issue. If it were an item to do with female breast cancer or vaginal cancer it would be treated with appropriate seriousness. Shame on you and grow up and if you don't have something helpful to offer SHUT UP.

  5. Re NGO's saving the bar girls I have two true anecdotes to relate. Both incidents took place on a Pattaya 'baht bus'.

    An American lady questioned a Thai woman who sat with a male 'falang' thus: " sorry dear but are you actually WITH this old guy?" it was explained that he was her husband.

    Two gay friends of mine were on another baht bus when they were complimented by a foreign couple for not having bar girls in tow. Imagine the faces of the meddlers when the guys explained that they were going to Boystown in south Pattaya to 'take off' some boys.

    By the way if you have some spare cash there's an American religious wing nut in Bangkok who's on a mission to save katoi's "for Jesus" but she needs lots of cash.

  6. Looking at the video the car outside the house may have been the romeo's thus the cuckold would have already been suspicious and fired up on entering. However a psychopath emerged from where there had been an angry man so he needs to be taken off the streets. As regards the slut, well she'll end up with big face, owning a big house and smug in the knowledge that she's worth killing someone over.

  7. Interesting that killing and eating most domesticated animals is acceptable but not dogs or cats, at least in western culture. Thailand for some reason has fallen in with western mores on this issue unlike Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam where dog is regularly eaten. I was served dog in Cambodia as a special treat from the lady of the house on my first visit. Luckily there was a (live) dog under the platform who helped me finish the dish proving that dogs are not so loyal after all- at least to each other.

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