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Everything posted by allanos

  1. His "domestic problems" in Finland, so very far away, must have been extreme to prompt him to take such a cruel egress. Cherchez la femme!
  2. Corrective laser surgery and cataract surgery are not the same thing. I support all of those who have had successful cataract surgery. My vision had been greatly impaired in both eyes with cataracts which I left untreated for quite some time. But I took the plunge. I cannot speak to present cost, but to economise, rather than have multi-focal intra-occular lenses implanted, I went for monovision as mentioned by Sheryl. The ophthalmologist had stated that there was a 5-7% possibility that the surgery would not be successful. My second eye was treated around 4 weeks after the first implant was done. For around ten years now, I drive, read, watch tv etc all without any other reading aids. The cataract surgery gave me a new lease on life.
  3. Irrespective of the OP's personal status, the person requiring a visa, if a Ugandan citizen or permanent resident, will be required to apply at the nearest Thailand consulate, either in Kampala or in a country close by, eg Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. The more egregiously "progressive", whatever that means, the more defining of "woke" something is, it seems to me. There appears to be some sort of competition, from the those one identifies as members of the "liberal-left- loony establishment, to outshine each other with more and more far-out pronouncements and edicts. Mr Biden was quick to identify this movement early in his presidency, to show that he "get's it", and America will suffer the consequences. And woe betide if he is followed by Kamala! Personally, I don't like Maher either; he's a bit of a political opportunist and swims with the tide.
  5. Farang 1, Monkey Lady 0! I view the hubris of this scoreline as the major issue with the OP's post. If anything, it should be the other way around. Monkey Lady 1, Farang zero. So he brow-beat and got one-over on a dirt-poor, unsophisticated, poorly-educated old lady who, it is presumed, has never had the advantages that he has had in his life, and then goes online to brag about it! Smug, complacent and self-satisfied doesn't begin to describe it. It is not a Thai vs Farang thing at all, but a question of humanity and compassion, in my view.
  6. Rather a sad and depressing story about human nature. Not about the "monkey lady", of course, but more about the OP. Not sure what kind of world he inhabits and not a good role model for the little boy. I would be too ashamed to post a story like this.
  7. Phineas T Barnum said it best: "There's one born every minute"!
  8. I have no knowledge or experience with LADA. I am type 2 diabetic. Metformin is the medication of choice which can be supplemented with additional medication, like Gliclazide, to improve the effectiveness. Maximum daily dose of Metformin (slow-release) for Type 2's is 1 000mg twice per day. There is a lot of nutritional mis-information out there. Fats are not the demons they were once purported to be. Sugars most definitely are to be consumed judiciously.
  9. You are watching the "politics of envy" playing out. No labourite likes to see any moderately wealthy person, self-made (in Zahawi's case), or otherwise. It kind of goes against the grain of the Socialist/ Communist doctrine. I believe Labour still sing "The Red Flag" at party meetings, which, however, is teeming with "champagne socialists"! There is often a very fine line between tax evasion and tax avoidance. The former is illegal. What seems to irk Labour more is the quantum of the tax bill, reportedly 4.8m, that Zahawi settled. Just like the "Partygate" saga which Labour used to bring down Johnson, so what they are trying to do to Zahawi is from the same play book. It's petty politics, using this case to whip the Tories with, and may have a similar outcome to that of Johnson's.
  10. Denmark is part of the Schengen Agreement. It is highly unlikely that it is able to offer something which is outside of the Schengen area rules. I would be interested to see a link to such information.
  11. The headline of this piece, and, indeed, the premise of the whole article, is phony! The disparity in entry conditions between "western" countries and Thailand is due to relative economic strength between the two. The West is First World whilst Thailand is a Third World, or at best, "emerging" economy. GDP per head of population is heavily- tilted toward the west, including, if you will, countries like South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. Europe and the USA are a magnet for economic migrants, despite the spin about fleeing "wars" and the like propounded by leftist "activists". The last thing they need is a mass of Thais also beating down their doors in search of an, arguably, "better life". Until Thailand bootstraps its way out of relative poverty, there is no way it can expect a relaxation of travelers' entry conditions (and the writer of the mischief-making article probably already knows this)!
  12. Everything in life is a trade-off. Obese, shaven-headed, heavily-inked expats, wearing wife-beater tops, shorts and slops, are suddenly less-noticeable among the tourist influx, lol!
  13. You make a good point, but you are also presuming that global dynamics going forward will remain as they have previously. It's a tenuous argument, given the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent fall-out, uncertainty with China's internal policies and policy in respect of Taiwan, what the Fed's future monetary-policy stance will be, and a host of other variables which may present from left field. That is to say, history may not repeat itself.
  14. Broadly speaking, world currencies trade inversely to dollar strength. A quick glance at the DXY, a basket of currencies versus the USD, shows that, since 26 September last year, the mighty dollar is down by around 11% or so, and poised to go lower according to a bit of TA. It would seem to suggest that the THB will rise against the USD, certainly, but not against others, perhaps, in the near term.
  15. Toilet paper, Izal or any other, was a luxury - only for the elites. For as long as I can remember as a small boy in post-WWII Britain, we used newspaper - torn into appropriate-size squares. I ask myself, "where have all the good times gone?"
  16. The vaccination causing the heart and brain inflammation appears to be as a result of the mRNA kind of vaccines, a more synthetic (radical) product compared with traditional methodology. Nevertheless, the overall results of all of the marketed medical products appear to have had an overwhelmingly positive statistical outcome. 'Excess' deaths over the last two years, which seem to have increased compared with years leading up to the pandemic, do not seem to have been caused by the vaccines, according to health authorities, and are ascribed to a number of other causes. I believe that a great deal more research is going to be required before unequivocal pronouncements can be made as to the effectiveness of the various programs which were instituted by the medical establishment.
  17. Couldn't have made it China-specific. which is really the intention I believe, because the CCP would have been highly miffed!
  18. Not to detract from the horrendous abuse the child was subjected to, which is to be condemned in the strongest possible terms, but who writes this stuff? It is NOT a "depraved story", it is a story about a depraved monk. There is a world of difference!
  19. Really doesn't sound like a pre-planned "hit". Who would be lying in wait for the victim if he stopped off randomly somewhere to buy a few groceries? Hits are more likely to be front on, on a pedestrian target, and not shooting at someone riding away down a soi. Even with three shots, the shooter cannot be certain of having made a "kill". Given the place of the killing, it seems to me that the girlfriend's involvement can be ruled out. It appears more likely to be a road-rage "revenge" shooting, or resulting from an argument in, or close to, the store where the goods were bought. More questioning of the shop-keeper is called for, and which, no doubt, the cops are busy with. In my view, a long-shot (no pun intended), is that this is a hit ordered from England, and that Mr Roger(s) was followed by the perpetrator. There is no evidence for this, of course, and there may never be, and the thought may be extreme. We are all just putting our best theories forward.
  20. Free PSA test is somewhat more indicative than PSA alone. Ultrasound is not definitive but is a strong guide. A biopsy is the only way to detect cancer for sure.
  21. Recently, I investigated going to India for robotic surgery to have my prostate removed, cost-efficiency being a major factor for me. However, my cancer was localised and, in my case, the best option with the lowest level of invasive surgery and potential side-effects was a brachytherapy procedure, which I underwent three months ago. So far, so good, with a minor level of discomfort when urinating. From a PSA of 7.34 when the cancer was confirmed, a recent PSA test level came out at 0.87.
  22. It is possible that Immigration logs applications lodged by agents and their companies, and has an accessible record of such activity in the computer. If the OP goes to the immigration office stating that he needs to get hold of the agent he used previously, their details should be readily at hand in the "system".
  23. The OP's tech-savvy daughter should tell him that such a software "glitch" is highly unlikely. If it happened once, it would likely be doing it all the time. That is what "programming" is all about; it ain't random!
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