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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. This scheme/ giveaway is expected to cost the Government 1 Trillion Baht in total Add that to the 10K Digital Wallet giveaway, and you have right there about roughly 45 % of GDP Surely this kind of spending is going to hurt somewhen
  2. Because English is the premier and preferred language across the Globe for conducting Business, and also many digital tools for enhancing Business and making it more efficient and profitable are also in English, IMHO this is the prime reason Thailand is loosing its share of the Global Market Things are not going to improve any time soon as long as Dinosaurs at the top make such comments as " Thai will be the premier language spoken all over the World "
  3. I really dont know if Thailand are legally able to Tax a Pension from a Foreign Country Any, and all recipients of pensions while living abroad as an Expat, will legally be registered for that Pension, and any Taxation Liabilities with their Native Home Country As an Expat, we are "guests " in Thailand ( often referred too as an Alien ) under the provision of Various forms of Visa issuance, something the Authorities are all too fond of stating. As Expats we do not have Thai Citizenship Are classed as non Residents Have no Thai ID number, and therefore cannot be registered as any kind of Tax paying person Any attempt to make an Expat pay Tax will be tantamount to theft, and any Human Rights Lawyer will have a fiekd Day
  4. Most Aircraft Globally are Leased from a few specialist Leasing Companies Thai will neither have a priority over delivery of those Aircraft, or have favorable rates of Leasing on terms of Money
  5. Let all hope for a for good outcome for these Hostages, and they are returned Home safely
  6. The Thai Tourism Industry really needs to wake up and smell the Coffee As we are entering into 2024, the World is slowly, but surely sliding into a deep recession China, as the " Worlds Factory " is feeling the effects of this already A recent Trade Show had Exhibitors crying because they only received some 20 % of their traditional orders The bottom has fell out of the Property Market, and Factories are laying off Hundreds and Thousands of Employees Added to this the Chinese Govt are tryin initiate a stay at home policy for Tourists to keep money within the Country Thailand has rested upon its laurels for too many Years now, and with little or no inventive Investment in the Tourist Sector, they are due for as very rough ride in the next Year o Two
  7. According to report in a Newspaper Yesterday, there is a video that clearly shows the opposite
  8. If Lurch and his Govt cannot communicate such a simple thing as this correctly, how are they going to communicate to Investors that Thailand is the place to be
  9. First of all, a water supply has to go to a Tap Many Thousands have to rely upon well water as they have no reliable water supply
  10. I suppose by asking the Nightlife Venues to Breathalyze their Patrons, and the Chinese Police to assist them in Po;licing Duties, it will free up more time for the Plod to engage in their real activities
  11. It would certainly make me feel secure to witness all these Police looking after me NOT !!!!
  12. IMO, there is going to be an even bigger backlash from Investors, the Stock Market, and International Investors in general; To borrow all the money to fund the Digital Wallet is lunacy The Money should come from raising Taxes, but instead the rich are to receive a 50 K Tax break
  13. As if Tourists felt safe when viewing hoards of Police conducting their frequent patrols for their safety, they now have to contend with and witness a Foreign Police Force as well its pretty bad when you are incapable of Policing your own Country
  14. Thai certainly have a very high opinion of themselves for a bankrupt Company They even told Rolls Royce they dont like their pricing any more
  15. Borrowing to fund the 10K Wallet scheme, is probably something that the Money, Stock, and Investment Markets Globally did not want to hear.
  16. Hardly the rapid injection of Money into the Economy that was touted for the 10K scheme Its slated to start in May of next Year, by which time Srettha and his Government will probably no longer be in charge
  17. For many, the only Tax System registered Business's in the district are for 7/11 Tescossss and Big / Minu C Why make people use a phone App, when its just so much simpler to just hand over most of the allotted Money to one certain huge retailer
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