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Everything posted by thatmanagain

  1. Hi folks, Slightly different but similar enough situation here - my new UK passport was issued via VFS here in Bangkok. I've just spent several hours at CW getting my Non-O marriage extension transferred into the new passport, but they did not transfer the multiple re-entry permit. They directed me to desk C2 for that, but it was already closed by the time my other stamps were transferred at 5.30pm. Can I transfer the existing re-entry permit at BKK next time I leave the country, or do I need to return to CW? Or can I just show the old passport next time I fly out, along with the new one? Thanks!
  2. Good point, but thankfully that's a long way off - I'll have done another two by then.
  3. Makes sense, thanks. Seems a little unfair to send the rejection note on the evening before the last day one can report in person without being fined, given we can only do so if we happen to be in our home province. But I know better than to make any kind of a fuss about it with them. Thanks again to those who responded, appreciated.
  4. It's not my first online one, just the first since moving house. I just wondered whether flying out on the last day I'm allowed to report might reset the clock. Thanks though!
  5. My 90-day report (first one at my new address) was also rejected today, Thursday November 2, after submitting it online a couple of weeks ago. I'm busy all day tomorrow, Friday November 3, there's no way I can get to immigration in person at this short notice (email arrived after close of business today). The report was due by October 29, I submitted mine on October 19 and got the initial receipt email, but nothing further until today. Last day I can do it in person, as I understand it, is this Sunday November 5. However I'm flying out of Thailand that morning, and they're not open at weekends anyway. What's the likely outcome here? Based in Bangkok on a Non-O marriage extension if that makes any difference.
  6. Thanks for all the responses. Went to immigration at CW this morning, as I leave for the UK next week - and decided on just doing the regular 1-year application rather than doing a 60-day first. Everything went fine until they gave me the "under consideration" stamp with a return date of June 2nd, which is 3 weeks today - a couple of days before I'm due to arrive back in Thailand. I explained that I'll be outside the country then, and they told me they need a printout of my air ticket. Fortunately I had that on my phone, and was able to print off a copy downstairs. I then had to write down the purpose of my visit and the dates on the printout. My "under consideration" stamp was then amended with a new return date of June 20th. Only downside was that took so long, I had no time left to apply for a re-entry permit (well, I was at the queue counter just before 3.30pm, but they'd already closed). I *had* a multiple re-entry permit on my annual extension, but I believe I need a fresh one for my new "under consideration" extension. I'll now need to do that at the airport before I fly, unless anyone thinks it's a better idea to return to CW.
  7. Just over two weeks, but I fly three days before my current extension is due to expire. Back two weeks after it expires.
  8. I was under the impression that I can only apply within 30 days of expiration - do you think it's worth going in earlier? I know my wife needs to attend for a one-year extension application. If I can get the 60 day extension without her needing to take a day off work, that would tip the scales in favour of that option...
  9. Hi, Just booked a trip to the UK - it's to attend a family event, so really can't change the dates. My current 1-year non-O marriage extension is due to expire a few days after I'm due to leave Thailand. If I go to immigration a few days before leaving (within 30 days of expiration), I believe they'll give me an "under consideration" stamp, with a return date of four weeks later, which should be after I'm due to return. Can I leave and re-enter on this stamp? Or is it better to apply for a 60-day marriage extension before leaving instead? Would either option require a new re-entry permit? Does my wife still need to attend the initial application in either case? Are there any other options I haven't thought of, besides just letting it expire and starting afresh with a new visa application in the UK?
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