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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. 2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I would have thought hat Buriram was pretty deserted certainly as far as anyone under 30 was concerned. All the blokes are driving taxis in Bangkok and all the girls working in that part of the world...

    You are aware the Lisa from "Black Pink" is from Buriram.

    images (16).jpg

  2. 2 hours ago, Smithson said:

    But it's not too early to tell from other countries where it's been legal for years. Has there been a significant increase in road accidents? Any increase at at all?


    You feel sooner or later there will be terrible accidents involving trucks. Any evidence for this feeling? Cannabis makes you sleepy, truck drivers prefer to stay away. Amphetamines have been the driver's drug of choice for decades.


    I think the truth is there are very limited negative impacts. People will point to young ones smoking, but if they are choosing it over meth or even alcohol, it's an improvement.





    https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana   Affects youg users brains

    Brain health: Marijuana can cause permanent IQ loss of as much as 8 points when people start using it at a young age. These IQ points do not come back, even after quitting marijuana.






    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Dart12 said:

    Wouldn't it be better just to go get a new pair of running shoes?

    **or new Knock Off's at Mikes Mall for 300 baht?

    I understand  repairs for dress shoes and boots.

    **Sadly...You cannot do this if you wear a size 11 US or bigger.  

    If he wants NB repaired it's probably  for the same reason I do. For avid runners NB is about the only running shoe maker that makes widths from  AA to 5W for men and narrow to wide widths for women. I usually order from the US or have friends who are coming over  bring me  a few  pairs.  Knock offs  may look the same but do not give the support/fit  , comfort , performance nesessary for  runners.  If you do a lot of running you can really mess up your feet,ankles, legs and body with a bad pair of running shoes especially knock offs.

    • Like 2
  4. On 7/27/2022 at 10:59 AM, KannikaP said:

    Link to your cousins please.  555

    When I wrote I never did or took those things you posted  a sad emoji, why?  They say you never miss what you never had. I am naturaly gregariuos and don't need artificial stimulants/chemicals to make me feel good. Cousins some of who were older cuter asked how come you get all the girls. I said you know I don't drink and by the time you guys have  had 2--3 shots to get up the curage to ask them to dance I already have and you guys are sluring your speach and smell of alcohol so they say Pass. I have gone to parties, dances, concerts and have a great time but I don't need drugs to feel that way.


    Ever hear of Runner's High?

    "A runner's high is a brief, deeply relaxing state of euphoria. Euphoria is a sense of extreme joy or delight. In this case, it occurs after intense or lengthy exercise. Often, people who experience a runner's high also report feeling less anxiety and pain immediately after their run."

    I started running in Jr High an also trained in Martial arts so didn;t need chemicals or MJ to make me feel good or relax me. 

    I don't look down on those that need help to relax ,reduce anxiatey or boost their spirits and I will sit in a bar  with friends to socialise but I'm only drinking Coke or 7-Up.


    Gen Z Is Sober Curious: Why Many Young People Are Rethinking Their Relationship With Alcohol




    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, Snig27 said:

    Enjoy your Chang. 

    Never drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes/weed or taken any drugs like cocaine/crack. As my cousins used to say "he's just high on life" .Always was an athlete and didn't want to take anything to affect my performance or mess up my body.   I don't care what others do just posting the article showing data on adverse effects on growing brains/children.   Adults not affected as much.

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  6. 17 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    A lot of countries went own this path of decriminalization of Cannabis already and have no problems at all ...

    In Thailand the problem is more the use of Yaba , Ice , Methamphetamines than Cannabis . By legalizing Cannabis , the ' authorities ' did a little step to reduce the amount of illegal chemical drugs taken . A good thing .

    The medical benefits of Marihuana , ( prevention of cancer and reduction of stress levels that can lead to psychological disorder etc ) , especially when used in tea , food etc , far outweigh the dangers .

    Anyway , who wants it , gets it , illegal or not .

    The government got it right , It creates an aditional source of income for the people of Thailand . And for the country as well .


    UPI News

    High-potency marijuana linked to higher risk of addiction, mental health problems







  7. 11 hours ago, Purdey said:

    It is unfortunate that scientists release data before it is ready for human use. The Israelis regularly announce they have the cure for cancer but then go quiet. A lot of comments here seem to imply that scientists who study DNA are also trying to find the cure for Covid. A different field.

    While I eagerly wait for Thai scientists to discover or develop something of value to mankind, the "fountain of youth" sounds too much like a non-essential and superficial discovery. I was hoping to see a cure for Alzheimer's, diabetes or even HIV, rather than increase the global population with more smug faces.

    Not a superficial discovery as Alzheimers, Diabetes and many other diseases are age related so if you could stop/reverse aging these diseases would not occur.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    I'm only 57. Occasionally I visit my mother's grave. Not too far away are the plots where children, many of them very young are buried. I think to myself how increbibly lucky we have been to reach the age that we have.

    I've exercised all my life except for a short period when I first came here, got  fat/out of shape and suffered a heart attack.  After recovering got back to working out , eating better and feel great but still have a long way to go to make it to mom and dad's age.  Mom  92, dad 95, gran -ma (Dad's side )  102.

  9. On 7/17/2022 at 7:32 AM, JoseThailand said:

    Because it's corruption. The bank doesn't want to lose a customer because of a corrupt employee.

    In the bank case it's not coruption per se. The bank has told the clerks to promote the insurance by offering it to any customers opening an account. In many cases  expats will do it as it is easier than getting  a Thai person to recommend you or running down to get a letter from your embassy to verify your passport or address and in case for USA citizen paying $50 to do that.  I have had  clerks offer me the insurance or extra services when renewing a debit card. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, mancub said:

    Some folk, however, travel by non-aircon bus, visit outdoor markets and have shopping malls that are more stifling than freezing. 

    Then I guess they would have to take their chances with regular surgical masks if they find the N95's too uncomfortable. Have seen those on trains and other places doubling them up as well or taping the sides so they fit better.

    • Sad 1
  11. 5 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    I didn't mistype, I quoted. The quote isn't suggesting that surgical masks are the best, rather that they are the most practical way to wear a mask and still achieve a respectable reduction in risk, both from infection and transmission.


    I wear surgical masks because K95's are too hot in the tropics and much more expensive.

    K95's are too hot to wear?  You would only be wearing them on Air conditioned train, 7--11, Freezing cold Mall ,or air con taxi. And too expensive, really?   3 M the best brand are 5 for 100 baht and other no name brands are  even cheaper.  Below photo 20 for 79 baht.


    • Sad 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Evidence shows that, yes, masks prevent COVID-19 – and surgical masks are the way to go



    Do you read your own articles?  It states that surgical masks (you called blue mask) are helpful "but" N95's are the best.

    "high-quality surgical masks or masks with even higher filtration efficiency and better fit – such as KF94s, KN95s and N95s – are the most effective at preventing COVID-19."

  13. 7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    I did read your link in it's entirety. My point that what Fauci said about masks remains true and had nothing to do with other circumstances existing at the time.


    Even the standard blue clinical masks work well in preventing others from getting infected.

    The standard blue surgical masks are no where near as  protective as N95-Kn95 respirators



     Surgical masks approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are intended for use in hazardous environments created by dangerous fluids, droplets, splashes, and sprays, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). However, respiratory protection by surgical masks against small airborne particles is very low.


    On the contrary, N95 masks are described by the NIOSH as a filtration system that retains at least 95% of various sized airborne particles ranging from aerosols to large droplets and reduces the vulnerability of the user. Additionally, N95 masks have extra layers of protection compared to surgical masks.

  14. 3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    What he wrote was true then and remains true today. It's also true that Fauci did want people to reserve masks for those who needed them the most when there was a severe shortage but that has nothing to do with the efficacy of masks.

    Yes it does. Guess you were too lazy to read my link;

    Anthony Fauci said the public was initially told not to wear masks to stop COVID-19 because of shortages of PPE for doctors.

    He said the government's shift in advice was because of "changing circumstances" and new research.


    They did studies later from 2020 about the efficacy of different type masks

  15. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    Fauci wrote: "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection

    He wrote that when they were trying to limit a run on N95 masks (respirators) so there would be enough for Medical Staff



    How Wearing a Mask Can Help Protect You Even If No One Else Wears One


  16. 13 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Let's take the advice of the official US expert ... oh wait, he can't seem to make up his mind.



    experts say wear & expects say, don't bother.  I think I'll just do what I want.

    That link you posted from Newsweek is a reprint from what the Dr said in Feb of 2020.  


    "Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic" 


    That was before anyone knew a lot about Covid. Also was at a time that Fauci said that he and CDC did not recomend masks as they knew that there would be a run on buying masks and they didn't have enough for medical personal. The article link below



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