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  1. I have heard lots of bad stories about DHL and taxes....
  2. What about this?! get a flat bottom wok. As long as the base is magnetic it will work fine. ??
  3. Is there safe air for breathing.... anywhere in Thailand?
  4. Maybe the govt. should start any new initiatives by going after the HUGE % of the Thai population that does not pay taxes, or significantly under-reports!!
  5. Sorry if I am not smart enough to fully understand... Reading one of the articles posted just now- Is it saying that any gift under B20 mil can easily be gotten without the need to pay tax. Or.....???
  6. Let's say my rich aunt wants to give me B2 million to buy a house for me and my spouse.... Will that be taxed? And if it won't be taxed, how will the Thai govt. know what is "a gift" compared to what is income?
  7. Not sure of your situation- There are some excellent supplements on iHerb and other sites. Took me down to no more getting up at night.
  8. Does this initial post really have anything to do with Feng Shui??
  9. I know an excellent practitioner in English, but sorry, no one speaking Thai.
  10. I have been playing blues harp for about 30 years ago, and I have played in a few bands. YouTube lessons- Most of them seem excellent to me. What is it about such lessons that doesn't suit you?
  11. I was hesitant ot use poison because I thought they would die up in the roof, but then I discovered they come out of the roof area and go outside to find water. After trying several supposedly clever traps that did not work, I found poison quickly did the job. Takes about three or four days. If you have any dogs you need to be careful, because they wil pick up and play with, dead animals.
  12. Amway is a multi-level marketing company, which basically means it is a pyramid scheme. Their goods are ok quality, but not special, AND expensive. Not crazy expensive, but expensive. They make the lions share of their money from the various sales associates they have, that buy product for themselves... Very few people do well "money wise" working for them.
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