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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I’m a guy but I have been told by women some don’t like the pill because it messes with their body’s causes acne and other imbalances try asking one,bottom line it’s not our place to question but to support and comfort it must be a hell of a dilemma fraught with untold emotions compounded by this conservative court …….
  2. Awww come on guys can’t dozing donnie the dotard doze off filling his diaper as he enjoys his dotage?he he he he best not nap around melania he might wake up missing some body parts if she can get past his diaper uhhhh
  3. Sounds to me like a wise concerned leader especially the idea of having the capacity to manufacture most of one’s needs domestically if at all possible and the threat Putin represents be strong my European brothers and sisters
  4. And all the rest of the time was eating ice cream and napping humm???or just maybe there was that governing thingy ehh you know all the other issues you really should try harder that was a pretty weak slur
  5. All that beeing said mr trump is the master of extortion that’s his go to playbook when he doesn’t get what he wants.kinda humorous to think he’s trying to cry about that here.hey Jerry I thought you said no trump family could come support him guess Eric did but heck what do I know I’m just a concerned American…..
  6. Jee how nice of you to speak for American womanhood im sure they are mightily impressed .personally I don’t know of any woman who would get this procedure done without deep thought and reflection,its a heavy thing to have to do kinda like having to be responsible for and supporting another for a minimum of 18 years…….bottom line it’s their choice and not someone else’s.they ain’t happy about having it stripped away especially from some one the likes of trump they vote and they will!!
  7. Well looks like Donnie got another nap today the tec guy put doddering Donne in a doze in his diaper there in the courtroom oh well he is in his dotage guess we should cut the old duffer some slack
  8. Aww come on walker 88 look at what you have done to poor even keel poor guy listing so far to to starboard he’s in danger of capsize lol I do think you touched a nerve.personally I’m delighted hunter seems to be maintaining his sobriety during this trying time it also reflects on the strength and decency of the Biden family to navigate this fraught time and emerge on the other side strong and proud kudos to the Biden’s
  9. That 6 week abortion ban has 6 long months to sink in even with the elderly retired population there they have kids that issue in itself speaks across generations.the republicans are in trouble across the board…….dump the albatross take the hit and recover we need 2 functioning political parties!!
  10. I hope the 2 lady’s are amply rewarded for what they have been put through and gateway pundit ruined the same to all news outlets that knowingly publish lies
  11. That issue in itself is enough to cost the republicans all 3 branches of government.November is 6 months away thats enough time for the reality of this to sink in.lts also a long enough time for the guys to realize that they ain’t getting any sex cause it’s the women who suffer the consequences……..as far as trump is concerned it’s just one more reason among many as to why to dump that albatross
  12. Personally as an American citizen and voter in my humble opinion trump is done,he’s set the women folk back 50 years and taken away their autonomy over their own body’s that bodes bad for trump.trump is under indictment for very grievous crimes against the United States.hes allways fawning over and supporting the worst authoritarian regimes on our planet.hes tryed to kill nato when his idol valid is trying to exterminate his neighbor……..nope not buying the trumps gonna win spiel
  13. You are absolutely correct PLEASE don’t misunderstand what I’m going to type is in anyway in support of hitler or his horrific stain on mankind…..but…..hitler was no coward no was he a spoiled silver spoon trust fund baby like trump
  14. I for one hope he’s successful and makes fake news fox pay biggly massively the bigglest ever make murdoc howl!!!
  15. Waaaayyy to light on the fine I to would be delighted to see this specimen frog marched to the holding cell with true weight and a for real no makeup or hairspray mug shot
  16. Yea he’s a dullard(sarcasim alert) how about that nato……revitalized with 2 more top tier members yup a dullard for sure helping checking our biggest foe for less than 5% of our defense budget without spilling American blood….all the positive legislation accomplished so far the chips act infrastructure lowered drug prices for seniors making inroads on childhood poverty helping our brightest minds get an education without mortgaging their future…..Seeding renewable energy……there’s much much more.Yup he’s old yup he tripped over a sandbag…we get it we wish he was younger all that beeing said he’s one magnificent old duffer he rocks!!he gets good stuff done in these fractured times that sir is remarkable in my humble opinion……one might ask why you as a foreigner would be so concerned about competent leadership in America?🇺🇸
  17. Trumps worryed about him because he appeals to many trump nutters lol 😂
  18. Well jee attacks on democracy hummm……j6 comes to mind…..the endless lying about the election comes to mind …..the disparaging of the institutions that have built this country.as far as student debt and the fear of said debt has held this country back big time.defense of (our) freedoms and liberties are you kidding?you can’t possibly be serious with a statement like that,how’s about voting rights or women’s rights you obviously aren’t American id bet money on it and I don’t gamble.mr trump has earned my distrust and revulsion many times over his insulting pows and disparaging of the military his sucking up to Putin and little Kim his betrayal of the Kurds and their families trump is what he is a malignant narcissist and quite possibly a sociopath he must never be potus again
  19. I agree with this caveat no body likes to see people being chased around and killed by any military force anywhere in any country .the Palestinians must give up the hostages and the hammas criminals .the Israeli aren’t going to stop what hammas did is unforgivable especially with the history of the Jewish people unfortunately it is what it is and it sucks
  20. Unfortunately that just means energy will be more expensive for consumers those fat cats will just pass it on to us
  21. Ahh no I see trump for what he is,your delusional thinking (at best is sad)at worst if it’s intentional that makes you an enemy of my country
  22. Naa trump was only interested in bilking as much money from the rubes as possible…..it would be interesting to see who’s funding this abomination this ladan person certainly needs to be checked out and jailed if possible
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