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Everything posted by AlexRich

  1. I find this story hard to believe? Your ex wife demands money and you give it to her? Report you to the Police for what? Your story makes no sense.
  2. This happened to me in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The taxi driver was given the correct money and tried to show me paper notes that were much smaller ... it is a well known con in Vietnam because the notes look so similar. Now I always count the notes into the hand of the driver. Fool me once ..... etc.
  3. Many years ago I attended a two week training session in Dubai with a financial advisory firm. One of the guys who presented is the head of one of the advisory firms mentioned in the article, although he is not named. I realised very quickly that it was all about selling financial "investment" products to expats ... with the emphasis on "selling" the product that generated the highest up front commissions and annual fees. They couldn't give a toss about whether the product was good for the client or not. I decided to make a quick exit ... I wouldn't do that to anyone, even people I don't like very much. My advice to anyone who gets approached (in a cafe or by a phone call) by anyone describing themselves as a financial advisor is to run a mile from them, and never agree to meet them.
  4. The only way “around it” in my view is if the UK change the rules. But if they choose not to change the rules I think you won’t find a way around it without getting yourself in a great deal of trouble, and that will be more financially painful than a frozen pension.
  5. There is intelligence related to solving problems and mathematical puzzles … and there is emotional intelligence relating to how you interact with people to solve real life issues. Some who are strong in the former, may be lacking in the latter. And that’s why it is hard to assess someone’s intelligence. Dyslexic people can be very intelligent yet underperform in a school setting.
  6. The problem is that is a “cunning plan” that even Baldrick would balk at. Countries are increasingly communicating with each other and swapping information on citizens. It’s only a matter of time before that ruse catches up on you and you’ll end up being prosecuted for fraud … not to mention having to pay back the extra with penalties, fines and interest. Simply not worth it.
  7. I think you need more than the UK State pension to survive in Thailand, even if you are benefitting from annual increases. In the UK you will have access to free healthcare as well as other benefits. In Thailand you are only one heart attack away from a financial catastrophe. I don’t believe the existing policy is fair, but it does raise the issue that you need a few income sources to live here comfortably, and close family who have your best interests at heart, preferably grown up children.
  8. Thats's quite a challenge. If the kids were 5 and 8 I'd say go for it, as they will eventually catch up and by the time they are taking important exams they will be on a level playing field. But at 13 and 16 they would have to be exceptionally intelligent, gifted even, to cope successfully with that level of change. The danger is that your well intentioned move has the opposite impact - it worsens their life chances rather than enhancing them. Perhaps it might make sense to stay in Thailand until they have both completed their education?
  9. I had a small canvas backpack that I used to sling over my back when walking in Pattaya, including Walking Street. I noticed a tear in my backpack that looked as if it was made by a box cutter. I recall being stuck in the crowd whilst walking in this street, so I wasn't able to move as quickly as I normally do. Nothing was taken, so it was a failed attempt. It was quite a few years ago so I suspect this type of activity has been going on for many years. If you are walking in crowds best keep your bag in your hand and in front of you. Lesson learned.
  10. Best not to take any action off a phone call, especially if the caller is trying to rush you into doing something. Just go into your Bank or phone them on a number you find on the card or website, preferably using a different telephone from the one you used to take the call. This situation is only going to get worse, so we all have to be hyper vigilant.
  11. The problem with the Pattaya Songkran is that it goes on too long and it attracts the worse kind of foreigners who try to knock people off of their scooters, and other bad behaviour disguised as "fun".
  12. The time it took to respond beggared belief. The IDF would have known about the attack before any of them left Gaza.
  13. Move on, nothing to see here? I don't think so. The 7 October attacks are what led to the current situation in the Middle East, and need to be investigated thoroughly. Like 9/11, there was a lot going on that day that simply didn't make sense. You can get an Apache helicopter up in the air in 5 minutes, the slow response to the attack by the IDF requires investigation.
  14. When leaders lose their grip on power they sometimes engineer a war to stay in power. To this day the 7th October attack disturbs me, as Israel has one of the best intelligence/surveillance operations in the world. I still can’t get my head around how this happened? When this war ends Netanyahu will lose power, and his legal woes could land him in jail. An attack on a Quds force General in Syria was always going to elicit a response from Iran, albeit a telegraphed and slow moving attack that Israel dealt with fairly easily. Clearly Iran don’t want direct confrontation, as they are not quite there when it comes to obtaining a nuclear weapon. But they are close. I would not be surprised to see an Israeli attack on Iran in response. Netanyahu can’t afford peace.
  15. I wouldn't go to Thailand without a decent income/pension and a back up plan if anything happens that would lead me back home. You can live relatively cheaply if you want, but it's wise to have a cushion for unforeseen events.
  16. For the most part, real. Bear in mind we are generalising, so there are plenty of villains in Thailand, like any other country.
  17. The point is that the pollution in Chiang Mai is likely to reduce a persons life expectancy, and increase the risk of cancer. I love Chiang Mai, it is a great place, but you can't stay there year after year and expect to remain healthy.
  18. The Artful Dodger escapes London, only to reemerge in Thailand. Thieving little bar steward.
  19. Russian drink driver. He’s described as a Russian driver? Yes, a shot of vodka.
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