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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Only on the outside... scratch the surface and reveal the real Shinawatra
  2. Best get started sometime soon then, because so far it' don't look on track.
  3. Why didn't she go straight to the police in Australia?
  4. After saturating the normal resorts to the point of being unsustainable they are trying to expand the nonsense. Tourism is all Thailand has... it's really sunk.
  5. Maybe someone is acting as a pyrotechnic whistle-blower... weren't these premises illegal?
  6. Don't you just hate it when that happens, at the arrivals hall too, not on the way out....
  7. She was here living alone after a good life, she was recently divorced and had cancer... she decided to end her life whie she had some dignity left. Instead of her estate going to others she decided to alter her will so it would go to the one person who stood by her side for over seventeen years. Sometimes you can read between the lines.
  8. You can fool some of the people some of the time...... you know the rest.
  9. The old green eyed monster followed by the red mist.
  10. Early morning the girls are still asleep, afternoons are spoiled by the no-alcohol with your lunch rule... evenings are as normal.
  11. But then remember where we are.... unbelievable things happen all the time. One even walks among as as a prime example... rose from the ashes.
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