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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Your totally right, but the other option is letting everyone off the hook when they get caught. That is even worse. Of course the offences should not be a reason to go after the opposition. You say its just Prayut but the PTP does the same. Its a sign of Thailand where they only ever go after those that are against them instead of enforcing the laws equally. This is of course really bad but i think its worse if nothing is ever done. I admit its not perfect but better then nothing. The only fair party seems to be move forward that party is not morally corrupt like all the others. But they are too small to elicit change.
  2. Yes victim blaming, but to say that someone died because the aircon did not work is a bit strange too. Especially as it was probably not the only kid in the bus. This should be investigated because its strange.
  3. Its about gambling something that is illegal, so its ethically wrong even more so to do it in parliament. These guys should lead by example. None of them do but its great if a few of them get kicked out for doing things normal citizin get punished for.
  4. What i always wonder about is that do people who vote Trump actually like him or is it a case of he is a republican so its the only choice for me even though i know the guy is a huge liar. I mean I cant imagine people really supporting Trump with all his lies. So I am just trying to find an alternative explanation. Just like in Thailand people who hate Thaksin go for Prayut as there is nothing better and the other way around.
  5. Your right but Somchai does not seem able to fix is so lenevo would be a better bet. Just my opinion. You tried 2 times and it failed. Id go for Lenovo.
  6. Then its your own mistake if problems arise. Its tough but that is the way it is. And no they dont check powders. I get you dont do checked luggage, it makes things faster but it has its downsides too like you found out. Its not really a matter who is right or wrong as arguing with officials will almost never work. So all you can do is trying to avoid the problem with checked luggage if that is not an option for you then just accept that there could be problems. Sometimes there are only imperfect solutions.
  7. Then it is crazy but why carry this in carry on luggage its asking for trouble.
  8. Liquid is liquid and sure its peanut butter but if they let this go then they will be challenged for everything. Look its gel not a liquid and so on. Then later bombs are hidden in peanut butter. I get it its annoying but its almost impossible for rules to have many exceptions as then the danger increases. Before nobody thought liquids were dangerous until it was used for bombs. Better safe then sorry. Sorry for your huge loss.
  9. I dont need weed to assume things, actually weed like alcohol makes one think less when high. So less assumptions when high. So your reply is a bit strange. Maybe you dont understand the effects of drugs. I am full of assumptions and connections, while they might not all be true they usually help a lot. Point being you look down on canabis while alcohol is as much a drug and in general worse then canabis. But both drugs of course are bad if you use to much. Just like drinking a beer or few beers a joint (i vape not smoke its a bit healthier) is not that bad. Heavy use of both can of course lead to problems. My point was just that you use drugs (alcohol) and look down on use of an drug (cannabis) with less health implications. Its a bit illogical. Just enjoy your own drug and accept that people make other choices and accept that. Canabis is my drug of choice with fewer downsides than alcohol. Does not mean im using it a lot. Just like drinking some beers does not make you an alcoholic.
  10. No idea but you might have gotten a few hits to the head, given that this is the only part and a general part you reply to while skipping everything else.
  11. True, but still Nato is even better for them. Otherwise they would not consider joining. Now if only the idiot Turkish president and the autocrat idiot in Hungary would allow it. But those are playing political games.
  12. The guy has lost it, besides Putin has shown that he loves to conquer lands that in his mind once belonged to Russia and a few countries have fallen already. So if i were Finland that was once Russian in before 1917 and was invaded by Russia during WW2 id make sure i get in Nato asap. Russia with Putin cant be trusted anymore.
  13. You drink alcohol, its far worse as a drug then cannabis. So get of your high horse. You followed the sheeple drinking. Many of the people drinking still dont accept it that alcohol ranks higher in the bad drugs category then cannabis. They dont like science. https://www.healthline.com/health/weed-vs-alcohol#misuse So in general alcohol is worse and then we dont even talk about the aggression alcohol causes.
  14. Opium needs to be chemically processed, cannabis does not it just grows and you only need to take the tips and they are ready to use. Still, there are plenty of harmful things in nature so just because something is grown does not ake it safe. Many people die of eating the wrong mushrooms. Its better to just look at science that classifies how harmful a drug is. From science we know that cannabis is less harmful then lets say alcohol. Though both are pretty harmless if not misused. Though the violence from alcohol is widely known and cannabis does not have that. (not even on the same scale) I am all for free drug use as long as people don't harm or bother others. Banning a substance because some people (a minority) cant handle them is just crazy. Nobody would consider banning alcohol even though its quite bad because like with all drugs there are many people who use it without any problems. As long as someone is using drugs and does not harm others I dont really care what they use.
  15. If you had to choose between a drug and like alcohol and weed. Then cannabis is the better one (according to science and all). But otherwise, i think people should not do drugs because other people tell them too.
  16. Yes if it was cannabis related every news media would jump on the evils of weed. Now its ok as alcohol is an ok drug.
  17. Wow what strange remark. SO if someone robs a bank its the bankrobbers fault. Nobody would blame the bank but now that a canabis shop is robbed is the weed effect . I wonder why. Maybe a bit bias old peoples view of drugs.
  18. I think they lost the plot in the USA. I mean considering David from Michalangelo porn and firing a school director for showing it to students. What a scary place.
  19. I think your totally out of your mind and the responses show this. There was a sham vote at gun point to be Russian. That is not legal. Even if it was a real vote it still would not been legal. International law ad all that. But hey do believe Russia, they claim even more B.s then Trump Trump is alarming he always was buits not on the same level as Russia. Besides Trump will pull all support Trump is on your side. The word is uniting against Russia I hope we break it permanently.
  20. The west should just keep supporting Ukraine with weapons and sanction China if they deliver weapons. Russia cant be allowed to claim land as theirs. If we allow it it will happen again. The reason China supports Russia is also that it wantt o take land Taiwan and other places. Russia has already proven to want to expand taking Crimea and other places. If we dont unite and stop this then a new age of war will commence, because those countries then know it pays to just invade other countries. Its really sad that there are still people who support Putin in the west.
  21. So many complaints about people hogging the lane but nobody says anything about the complete over reaction of pulling a gun on the lady. Sure its annoying but hardly worth getting a gun pulled out on her.
  22. It just shows that in both Thailand and the US there are people without morals. Who want to escape the law. So we cant say its a Thai thing to escape justice. Its a human thing to try to wiggle out. Then we got countries like the Netherlands where someone who drives 205 km/h and has alcohol in his system and kills someone in an accident and is a soccer star seems to get off much lighter then in other countries. They don't even have to escape my country the punishment is too low. Just so many people who think the law is not important. Its a human thing unfortunately.
  23. I hope we get rid of him But honestly nothing will change. Now a justice minister goes from his camp to the PTP. Tha t just shows how mercenary the politicians are and that they stand for nothing. (on both sides as PTP accepts the guy). So they stand for nothing have no conviction all just want a slice of the pie. So what changes will there be. Nothing much besides that the corruption money goes somewhere else. Sad fact of life. In other countries at least politicians bind their fate to their party. That way bad performing ones get weeded out. No such thing in Thailand. I still hope of course to see him lose would be worth it to see his angry face and shame.
  24. So many options but its easy to put the finger at cannabis as it better then to say the police overworked him or the hospital failed him with his treatment.
  25. I smoke cannabis and the GF does not even see it when i do. She knows i smoke. She can only see it with close inspection. So I am amazed at your detective skills. Also going out to get stuff for muchies, you never heard of grab. Oh you did not hear of canabis being able to get it delivered either. So you probably also dont know you can get all your muchies by grab if you want too. Now i wont say there wont be people going out but if your high your usually lazy going for the easy choice and that is have things delivered. But you change your story a lot first it is going out to buy it.. now its the muchies. And as someone using it who could walk past you without you ever knowing i have my suspicions. As unlike stuff like XTC and speed where people chew with cannabis its hard to see facial expressions unless they are totally baked. Me thinks your exaggerating a bit about frequency and how easy it is to spot. What i as a user know of people who use. I know others too is that most get he cannabis delivered. Also going out to get it and being high at that moment is a bit strange as you need to get it before getting high. Plus you can get it delivered so easy. Then the munchies (IMHO the worst thing about cannabis) the people i know all use grab for that once high they dont want to go anywhere.
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