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Everything posted by Magenta408

  1. Yes, there is logic that the longer tourists are allowed to stay, they will spend. One has to eat and sleep irrespective. It is the beginning of a lot they could do if they really wanted to.
  2. Mediocre people in power that are hell bent in damaging and killing people. As the world sheds these bloody masks which serve NO purpose, Thailand is being led by jerks.
  3. This Anutin dude is a blowfart. He has enriched himself beyond imagination at the expense of his fellow Thais. A disgrace!
  4. What with all the restrictions. penalties, curfews, additional charges, quarantine and multiple medical checks, no alcohol; this may please the geriatrics.
  5. Top virologist - what do you base your premise on? We have built herd immunity for so many viruses, why not this one? It's only a coronovirus afterall!!
  6. Anutin has no credibility. He has been blowing hot air on the waves since the plandemic started. He is a disgrace. Am I being charitable? You betcha.
  7. Chinese, Thais or other nationalities cannot buy land in the USA or Canada or Australia as it crashes their economies? What a crock.
  8. I do believe that he has worked tirelessly but for his benefit. I do not see a drop of altruism or empathy from this character.
  9. Half-half Listerine, some bleach and a dab of rubbing alcohol. Use in moderation. Ask your doctor if this mouth wash could be right for you.
  10. Reminds me of the "GUM" stores in the old USSR. Open for the party members, others need not enter.
  11. He's been making wild projections off and on over the last couple of years. One yearns to see their faces in the public. We will let the "czar" handle this one. Chulaporn you say?
  12. This is another cock-a-mania scheme. There have been too many Grand Poobahs voicing their views and they are NOT qualified and have no experience.
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