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Posts posted by unamazedloso

  1. h8 2 say it. 1 of these guys using monkeys to farm coconuts decided to let his monkeys out on my property to destroy our banana plantation cuz hes a racist jealous pig. my german shephards fixed it???? We trapped the remaining monkeys and drove 80km away and let them go. Clearly this farmer didnt care about the monkey's!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. why not only allow virus free countries in. why the stuff around? why make things difficult or dam near impossible for tourists. Forget the tourists anyway, shouldn't be priority.

    What about all those still unable to jump through hoops to see their wives, husbands, kids.. This is sort of a human rights abuse if you ask me. Families should be able to see this out together.

    Forget tourism, forget the insurrance many cant get and other stupid red tape, extend the amnesty until a trully safe time or Thailand WILL have big wave and those familes unable to reunite will be destroyed.

    Oh and stop sucking chinas little ....... 


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  3. Whats made here that china would want? If they aint making it already they certainly will be after buying one to clone. 

    I used to run a motorcycle performance parts biz. I would always send things i design to china to be cloned because its too expensive and problematic to do so in Thailand and they would shamelessly sell the same things i was having made to all my competitors and customers. 

    Dont think this is a way to protect Thai biz..

    • Like 1
  4. Something aint right people. People leaving thailand are testing positive abroad so with little to no testing on the domestic population who knows what the actual numbers are. Frankly i want the borders to open. I got things to do but lock it down if you must but lets extend the amnesty till 2021, cheers..????

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. When i first came here 20yrs ago i was forced off the road by government vehicles. They were trying to hit me and as i didnt want to pay uo for a damaged hire car i manouvered out of harms way. I was shocked that pricks get away with this and my gf at the time said her family car has been hit and that i should know better and to get out of the way. 

    These people are in important positions? Idiots!!

  6. I want a curfew thats implemented and law breakers punished cuz i want a dam good nights sleep. Keep the curfew i say!!


    Its funny i dont really understand the curfew either but i have military aircraft flying over head everyonce and a while now without lights and pretty low coming from myanmar to utapao.. Seems a bit fishy... Dying to know whats going on.. Not much else to be concerned about i guess when your living in isolation with nothing to do...

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