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Posts posted by WalkingOrders

  1. I had a Ninja 250 in the USA a few years before coming to Thailand. Very fast for a small cc bike. On the smooth Highways of Georgia Cruising at 100 mph was like a human bullet flying through clouds. They are made to really run great on a high RPM. I think I had a 2011 bike? And very fast off the mark. Especially after its hot and you have that oil heated up nice! I road once from Atlanta to Miami and was on freeway the whole way at 90 mph. easy

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  2. 5 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I read some of these posts with great amusement, consternation, and wonderment. I do not think any POTUS has ever caused a greater divide in the UNITED states 

    Well certainly not in my lifetime anyway.


    Strange to me that you would be so amused and in wonder.


    A political party invented a story about the President of the United States paying prostitutes to urinate on the bed used by the former President and first lady. They then funneled the story to a politically aligned CIA,  FBI and press. For our children to read in the national media, as they called the President a Russian asset for our troops to read.


    Amusing? They should all be hung by the neck until dead.


    Unfortunately that maximum sentence does not exist!


    Would you be so amused if this happened in your own country?

  3. 1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

    That is true and Trump is crazy, but we are in the process of making a U turn and you can expect all kinds of craziness over the next decade till things get back on track.

    You will need to rebuild a disgraced and demoralized Democrat party from nothing to accomplish that task. A new brand name will be needed for sure.... I mean...if you are an American Democrat.

  4. 11 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    i agree with you completely.  too informal.  prefer "deranged" or "insane" for upcoming 25th amendment proceedings:


    Both are similar to mad or mentally deranged. However, these two words are often used in different contexts; crazy is mostly used in informal speech whereas insane is more used in formal or legal contexts. This disparity in usage is the key difference between crazy and insane.



    Congratulations you are now qualified to use a Thesaurus! Advance to level II propagandizer.

  5. 1 minute ago, ChouDoufu said:

    other voices become really, really, bigly important when the us regime wants to craft foreign policy.


    kinda hard to punish your enemies when no other country gets on board.  how do you enforce unilateral sanctions, push through united nations resolutions, build coalitions of the willing, or keep "maximum pressure" on naughty countries with no irrelevant outside support?

    I think that you may understand me that the days of attempting to cajole any nation to get onboard with US policy should be over! You are onboard or you are not. That simple. If you are not, no hard feelings simply take care of yourself. Trade with friends. Don't trade with backstabbers. Bi lateral vs multilateral. Centered on self interest. Disengage from intanglements. Be selective. A lot of nations are going to align with China. Good luck to them and goodbye. As for Europe deal with Russia on your own. US troops should withdraw. Shipping? Defend your own. 

  6. 1 minute ago, ChouDoufu said:

    dude, there are multiple reports that trump and his advisors are "considering" this action.  i mentioned it.  you asked what i meaned.  i told ya.  you didn't specifically axe for a quote/link, just an explanation.  i went to the trouble to find a link for you.  sorry i bothered.   'member, the googles is free for everyone to use.


    here's another link.   to "stars and stripes" so it's gotta be for realz!  this one even names a source.


    In private, Trump and aides have discussed stripping China of its “sovereign immunity,” aiming to enable the U.S. government or victims to sue China for damages. George Sorial, who served as a top executive at the Trump Organization and is now involved in a class-action lawsuit against China, told The Washington Post that he and senior White House officials have discussed limiting China’s sovereign immunity. Legal experts say an attempt to limit China’s sovereign immunity would be extremely difficult to accomplish and might require congressional legislation.





    I don't speak that slang man, whatever language that is. Again, no credence in multi circular reporting of same claimed event. And I pointed out that you posted a link that does not offer a free read...meaning the link is a waste of time as it is unreadable.

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  7. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Incorrect. Respect for the President of the USA is important for the global Rule of Law and influence of the Western democracies. trump's arrogance, current path to isolation and disregard for the Rule of Law will be proven to be a grave error of leadership, as it has been in other times of history.

    The United States of America is NOT "Western Democracies". The USA follows US law only unless it decided to do on its own accord. Your opinion is irrelevant. Nations likewise choose on their own accord to ally with the USA or not, and Isolationism is a matter of degree, and needlessly shipping globally serves no purpose other then to destroy local economies for profit.

  8. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Wouldn't all that also refer to US? Perhaps except for the last bit on losing soft power due to Trump's inane foreign policies. All said, both countries are at different stage of distress and it is really a zero sum game to go after each other in the middle of a pandemic. 

    No it would not. The time to turn up the heat on China is now. They have been exposed as filthy totalitarians who are a threat to the entire world. Trump needs to turn that knob up a few more notches. 

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  9. I think it is worth promoting Thai destinations to Thai people, as I would assume that those Thai having that kind of disposable income would have likely been off to Korea or Japan for a getaway. As that is currently not possible perhaps they might travel inside Thailand, however, I am not sure how this would be quantified, nor do I think it would make up for the loss. It could perhaps ease some local pain if these somewhat affluent Thai spend.

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  10. 17 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Agree that crazy was the wrong word. It should be madness. Madness because it started with a carefully calibrated trade weapon to rebalance the relationship and ended with uncoordinated unpredictable and non-calculated personal tit-for-tat tiff with China that harm US consumers and throw the supply chains into disarray. It is madness when one man's impetuous has confounded attempts at strategy. It is a madness of a President caught between his instincts as a self proclaimed "dealmaker" trying a make his place in history and a contentious band of aides goading him into more radical actions. 

    I think next stop should be to blast China right out of the South China Sea on the slightest of provocation from the Chinese before they put 20 carriers into the water. Get them off their man made Islands, send a message to Taiwan now is the time to renounce any reunification ideas as independent Republic, and take the early hits to US economy by withdrawing from Chinese supply chain ASAP while the Chinese are weak.

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