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Posts posted by The33

  1. 15 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I wouldn't normally recommend this, but It sounds like you've more or less exhausted every other option at Nonthaburi so maybe try with an Agent in a different district (Pattaya seems to be full of agents & has an IO that's very used to dealing with Retirees / People with Thai families so maybe try Key Visa  https://www.keyvisathailand.com/ there)


    I have heard that these agents can (not saying Key Visa can/cannot, if they can't try other agencies) help you to move to the district until you get your extension sorted then simply move back. 


    Good Luck, even though things look very bleak at the moment, I'm sure you'll find a way ????








    Did talk with someone about this option in some other thread earlier, could be an option for some, Im getting out of here unless there will be some issues with getting them to Norway.. But I appreciate the advice. theres always an option in Thailand, but then again, I kinda like to be sure it doesnt come back and bite my "backpart" later on... 

  2. 15 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Are you saying it´s ok to try and live permanent in Thailand on tourist visa, or that people should do what they can to walk around the rules and regulations regarding showing money for an extension? That´s what I am talking about, and both those option are wrong. As for now it is a situation like this in Thailand. To not live permanent on tourist visas in a country, that even a fool understand. Regarding the economic situation, that has not changed. Has been like this for many many years. That means people must be aware of what they must be able to meet up to, before settling in a foreign country like Thailand.

    Now my questions.


    Question 1: What in the world is it that you see as incredibly intelligent with that? I would see that way of thinking as falling under normal intelligence. Maybe it´s just you having difficulties separating what is more intelligent or less intelligent. Wonder what the reason for that might be.

    As for question number two: Do you consider it right to come to a country and settle down with the knowledge of the rules, and then after a couple of year not can meet up to the requirement, and for that reason complain about them as well as try to break or circumvent them?

    Alternative 3 & Question 3: Do you believe it´s ok to come to a country living on back-to-back tourist visas for permanent stay just because any other is not an option due to financial requirements or age? (Some actually live and work here as well, which makes it even more wrong and illegal.)

    Where did I say that I think that its ok..? Adding opinions and words in other peoples mouth which havent been said does not make you intelligent, and the fact that you still dont realize that its not necessarily what you say, but the way you say it that people have a problem with, just proves my point...


    If the tourists werent needed here, I can promise you that Thai immigration wouldve taken away the possibility to do so.. Just like when they were chasing down all the teachers without WPs earlier and ended up not having English teachers left, they know that it will come back and bite their own ... later on again...

    And special times demands special solutions, if just for a short time.. 

    Do you think that parents should be separated from their kids, because they didnt earn enough this last year because of the pandemic, even tho they have enough money to take care of heir families..? 

    Fortunately the Thai immigration has shown some more compassion due to this pandemic than you seem to be able to... Do you think that all the other countries shouldve jailed all the Thais that couldnt make it home before their visa expired earlier..? Its not like Thailand is the only country that has shown some understanding due to the restrictions and the situation we all find ourselves in these days..


    Anyways, by your reply you just stated that I was correct in my insinuation of you lacking social skills..

    Like mentioned, its not what you say that annoys many of us apparently, but how you chose to say it..! 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    No, you are just twisting things as usual. Please read the message below before posting another silly remark.

    I am not only thinking about myself. I am thinking about a normal reaction from a person that suddenly gets into problem. The normal reaction would be to try and minimise the damage and get out of the problem as easy as possible. That´s my way to, out of an intelligent perspective, think about others. If I would find myself in problems out of economic character, then I would not demand that the system is change just to suit me. I would accept that the rules are as they are, because I am the one that have forced myself into the position I am.

    Now I do understand, out of your mant promotions and replies regarding all the harsch rules and financial demands, that you probably are a person who has fallen in a hard position and it looks like you have to fight to survive everyday. If so, I am sincerely sorry for you. Unfortunately it doesn´t look like there would be any changes coming up in the near future regarding that matter. So, I guess I, you and everybody else that have chosen to live in Thailand out of one reason or another. Yeah, we just have to find a way for staying, or try to find another solution that works.


    And, dear Mr. Trans, It´s not me that are cracking on. I am trying to explain it as painless as possible for you. You are the one that constantly continue to complain and seem unhappy with your stay in this wonderful and friendly country. In other words, you are the one cracking on, you are. I mean why are you just trying and fighting so hard? If your plan has fallen apart, isn´t it much better to find a place of harmony in the world where you can feel at ease with the rules and regulations?

    I think everyone understand what you are saying here, you are much more intelligent than the average person on here, pat yourself on the back, again.. You arent making your comments,  nor yourself look any better by stating that you are so intelligent.. And others are not..  Apparently not intelligent enough to know that one person's situation is different from the other... And there are many various reasons to why some people, many people are struggling with extending their visas these days... 

    Sitting up there on your high-horse looking down on everyone else, and not being able to see how it makes you look even, tells me that when it comes to social intelligence, you have non...  

  4. 8 minutes ago, audaciousnomad said:

    @The33 ... Even though it sounds like your mind has been decided, have you at least considered to talk to a visa agent?  It would only cost your time/energy to see if they are able to help sort your visa situation out. You would not spend any money unless you agree to move ahead with their services.  Sometimes, when you hit the wall, there is a way through if you keep pressing. Anyway, good luck, and don't lose hope. You and your family still have your health.


    I have talked to agents, but they all say the same thing, Nonthaburi is difficult, they cant help me... So Immigration with some help from the Norwegian embassy have settled this for me.. I was looking forward to actually being in a position where I now could call Thailand my home, have a more "permanent" visa, raising my daughter and staying with my family in Thailand, so Im very frustrated, but then again, I cant wait until someone figures out how to get their finger out of their ... , risking that they dont extend the amnesty or setting up a virtual border, or something that opens to me staying here... By then it will be too late to do something about it, if they dont...  But I appreciate all the help, thoughts and compassion shown from you guys posting on here!

  5. 5 hours ago, greggraham said:

    So, from my trip today Hat Yai IO does seem to be issuing this 'free' stamp, but only if you haven't got a COVID embassy-letter extension previously.


    I have had the COVID letter, so doesn't help me sadly. Will maybe make a post later, too bummed out now.

    Sorry to hear that, doesnt make sense how they are doing whatever they can to get people to leave, while talking about how desperate they need tourism to get back to normal all over the media day after day...! ????

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

    @Peter Denis.... sadly, the preference of sending him down the path of a brown envelope appears to be precisely why he is facing a wall in his attempt to get an urgently needed extension. Nonthaburi should be ashamed of themselves. And I thought these people hated losing face. Well this doesn't gain them any, that's for sure.

    Im not gonna take any chances on any brown envelopes as they just had a few of their officers transferred just 2 months ago or something... Which I suspect that one of them was the officer setting me up, that usually sat at counter 3... When I told my story to IO on Monday, they said they couldnt help me, then I started pulling out the letter from the embassy, the application and all the papers that I had with me on the date of expiry that I didnt need for the 60 day extension,  mentioned that it was the man in counter 3 that told me to get back the day after, she just mumbled "counter 3"... And then told me they could grant me 30 days starting from the 26th if I only came back with a letter from my embassy...  (I havent seen the officer working in counter 3 since the 31st of March, as he was sent to CW on the 1st. I was told when I got back there the day after asking for him, which makes me sure that he was one of two officers being transferred, and that he had been setting me up for an envelope later on..)  I have given up on getting this sorted and leaving the country as they wish, bringing my family and money with me... If they had been working as hard on getting the tourism back here as they seem to do getting rid of us, Thai economy would already be looking more promising than whats the case now... Im not rich, so I know that Im no VIP, but I have been paying at least 200 k in hospital bills through this last year, birth, check ups and vaccines for my daughter (and I had a surgery), another 200 K in rent, probably  furniture for another 150 k, planned to buy a car that costs almost 1.5 mill in November...  Reading the news about how desperate they seem to be to get tourists and so on back, it just doesnt makes sense working this hard to kick out the ones that are already here, healthy and having their families here... 

  7. 8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Complete nonsense. Having a overstay before and the fine being paid has no effect on applying for another extension later.

    Many people have had overstays and applied for an extension after paying the fine and had no problem getting another one later.

    I hear you saying that, and from reading on this site every now and then, I know that you know you stuff, but when the IO made up their mind, there doesnt seem like much I can do, so I have given up.. I guess I will be back in 15 years when I qualify for an retirement visa... I might have gotten past the grudge that have built up now, by then... 

  8. 8 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Wow, what a dreadful situation you are in because of this combination of bureaucracy, incompetence and lack of empathy.  < your post #273 >

    Indeed you cannot apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage or dependant child, when you have overstayed.  The requirements feature the phrase > IF YOU HAVE OVERSTAYED, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR THIS TYPE OF VISA.

    And so this 1 (!) day overstay that Nonthaburi officer tricked you into with his ill-advice, is now the main obstacle.

    But I would challenge that interpretation with 2 arguments.

    1 - Afaik it states nowhere in the IO rules/regulations how long that overstay remains applicable!

    I don't speak/write Thai but I can even imagine that it might even be a 'bad translation' and that it simply states that you cannot apply when you are on overstay (which would indeed make sense).  But in your case, you have applied for the 60-day extension of stay which regularized your situation again, and you are presently on the Amnesty extension (or rather the automatically extended permission to stay).

    Would this 1-day overstay 'haunt' you till end of times to apply for a Non Imm O Visa?  That is clearly incorrect and I would therefore challenge that overstay interpretation.

    2 - The Announcement by Immigration re the Amnesty clearly stated that there would be no overstay during the period from March 26 till September 26. 

    So how can IO reject your application for 'overstay' when there is no such thing as overstay during the Amnesty?


    Imo it is largely due to lack of willingness from the Nonthaburi IO (who have a reputation as being the roguest of all rogue offices) to handle your application.

    I would suggest going again and pleading your case.  But don't talk to a desk officer.  Ask to talk to the officer in charge of the IO, as he/she has the discretionary power to provide leniency when not being able to meet the requirements due to circumstances.  

    And in case they stay adamant and refuse to handle your application, you might consider temporary/administratively relocating to a different province with a more accommodating IO.

    But time is running out for you, because a 90-day Non Imm O Visa requires that you apply for it with at least 15 days left on your permission to stay, which means that 11 September is the deadline to apply for that Visa.  And with 4 and 7 September being Thai holidays, you have only 4 working-days left for doing such application.

    Considering the above, it would probably be best - after having tried one last time at your IO - to engage a Visa Agent that might be able to provide a solution (greased by a brown envelope).


    @ubonjoe > What is your opinion about this 1-day 'overstay' that is now being the stumbling-block for The's application and might drive him away from his wife and new-born baby...


    I have given up, and leaving, hoping there might be some 3rd country that accepts both Thais and Norwegians before the 26th, but I doubt it... But I cant wait and wait for something that might happen, so I have already started arranging for my move back home, and hopefully they will get a visa in time as well..

    Cant just stay here with this uncertainty hanging over us, have to come up with a plan that makes it possible to stay with my daughter, and the only thing now that makes that possible is to bring my family out of Thailand, ending my lease on the house Im renting here, which puts my landlord in the position where she'll probable will have to try to sell her house before the bank takes it... Well, the house next to us have been for sale since before we (me travelling between Norway and Thailand) moved in here, more than 3 years ago... We were planing on buying a car before the corona became an issue, having a kid it is needed... That was put on hold, but now that my company back home is still doing alright, my missus is back working again, we had been talking to the car-salesman again and we were planning on waiting and buying a car when this year's model from Ford is arriving in November... Now all our family-plans about setting up a life for ourselves in Thailand is long gone... Thailand has to understand the effects this will have on their own citizens as well, when they make it impossible for foreigners to live here with their families.. I did try again after UbonJoe said that my 1 day overstay shouldnt be a problem, immigration and the agents I have spoken to says it is a problem... I gave up.. Then I read about them accepting the letter from the embassies, got my hopes up again, went to IO, they said they would help me out this time if I only got the letter from my embassy, and I was probably the worlds happiest person for about 16 hours until I got the email in the morning yesterday stating that I was denied the letter... 

    So now Im trying to get them a visa instead, booked a truck to bring all the furniture and our stuff to my "mother in law", who will probably appreciate all the more or less new furniture in her house, but she hasnt slept properly she says since she was told that I have to leave the country before the 26th and bringing her daughter and grand daughter with me... I might be in the right considering the one day overstay, and the officer at IO scr..... me over, but it doesnt seem like its much I can do... Im not gonna make a problem with the immigration in Thailand, worried about never being able to bring my family back here to see their Thai part of the family again... Enough is enough, is what I have figured out now, I cant just sit here and wait because there might be a solution later... Unfortunately..!
    And just to have mentioned it, the one day overstay that I had, was on the visa expiring the 31st of March, which I went to IO and got the great advice of coming back the day after, 1st of April...

    • Sad 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Phillip9 said:


    Maybe they are thinking you are asking for a letter stating you cannot leave Thailand.  I would try showing your embassy the text of the US embassy's letter.  It doesn't ask for an extension exactly or state you can't leave.  It just asks Thailand to consider the current special circumstances.  




    Thats exactly what I did after the refusal, and no reply after that at all.. Yesterday they replied as soon as the embassy opened, so I guess they are ignoring me now... 

  10. 14 hours ago, viewfinder said:

    You have my full understanding, but please consider who has allowed you to be here. If you are not here on behalf of Norway, you will not make friends in the country you have left.

    Couldnt care less... Not interested in making friends with the authorities in Norway, there is one good thing about Norway, the freedom of speech is strong..  I have the friends I need back home, if I can manage to <deleted> off the Norwegian authorities, Im glad.. Splitting up families for no reason during a world pandemic/crises is just a shame on them... I dont feel bad at all about reporting to the media on how they treat their own citizens and separating parents from their toddlers, if they look at that as a problem, then maybe they should do something about how careless they are, look at themselves in the mirror..? Norway havent been the ones that been "allowing me" in to Thailand, and to be honest, cant say I have much to thank Norway for at all... I Would more than happily give away my Norwegian passport if offered a Thai passport, I can tell you that much... Theres very few countries in the world (except those North Korea, and so on) that dictates how people should live their lives as Norway does, they call it a free country, well, only for the ones that are above average wealthy and able to afford all their stupid taxes and so on... Not even close to being my first choice to move back home, but I have given up, I have been at the immigration pleading my case 3 times already, Ive given up, started arranging to head home, bringing my (Thai) family and money out of Thailand, enough is enough.. Hoping that I might get a visa for them in time before the 26th, but I doubt it... Then again, I might, as I guess there wont be to many people applying right now...    

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    HI, what's your Visa situation? 

    When and on which Visa did you enter Thailand, and what was the permission to stay date stamped in your passport on that last entry?

    Did you already apply for any extensions since that last entry, and if so what was the permission to stay it provided?

    You are Norwegian, but what is your age and are you married to a thai national or have thai dependent children?

    Do you have foreign income and if so would it meet the +65K or +40K tressholds for a retirement c.q. marriage Embassy income letter?

    What is your IO and did you enquire already there about your options (if so what was their repsonse besides the special Embassy letter they mentioned)?

    >> On the basis of the above possible options for remaining in Thailand could be determined.

    As many others, Im struggling with my visa-situation these days, and would appreciate all the help, input I can get.. Just got back from IO in Nonthaburi frustrated as ...., but I will try to stay accurate and avoid foul language..

    I became a father in December, my partner is Thai, so my daughter is mixed, with for now, only Thai passport for now.. Our plan was to travel back to my home-country when she was big and healthy enough to travel, then covid came around, and my tourist visa expired just days before the amnesty came in to play, so I had to extend, had the paper from my embassy, everything in order to get my "emergency visa"-extension..

    As I was talking with the immigration officer, he mentioned and convinced me that it would be better for me doing the 60 day extension to visit my daughter, rather than the 30 day emergency visa, which meant that I would have to go home, to return with my daughter the day after as she had to be there, photographed, etc... Which put me on 1 day overstay, but like the IO said, "its only 500 Baht, no problem for you.."

    Well, today it is! As I had 1 day overstay when making that extension, I was told today that I cant transfer to a non o, or any other visa, and now having to leave the country before the 26. of September.. This IO have apparently ruined my chances of staying here taking care of my daughter which is now soon to be 8 months, and having to leave the country means I wont be able to see her for god knows how long...! 

    According to the IO there is no option for me, no way of doing it, I would just have to leave the country because of what I look at as their mistake, if he had just given me the emergency visa, instead of his great advice, it wouldnt be a problem today..

    This "helpful officer" hasnt been there since the transfer of the 2 allegedly corrupted officers at Nonthaburi not too long ago, which makes me curious if he was one of them, setting me up to make more money of me later on..? He must have known this was gonna create issues for me later on, for sure..!

    So like every other frustrated and concerned foreigner on here, any thoughts or advice would be highly appreciated! (I am considering an agent, of course, I would do anything to stay  with my daughter, not miss out on her growing up, but is that 1 day overstay gonna be an issue using them as well..??) 

    Usually Ive experienced the immigration at Nonthaburi as pretty helpful, and most of them even service-minded, but my experience from today wan the complete opposite, still got that smile, but still so careless and cold-hearted! 30 day extension using a letter from the embassy wasnt an option neither, as one nice IO-lady in the hallway suggested, but when I went back to ask by the counter it was a cold, fat, no! ???? 


    Explained my situation in another thread earlier, so I just copy/pasted this here now... I went to IO in Nonthaburi and explained my situation again on Monday as mentioned, and the officer seemed to be willing to help me out this time after I explained this again, showed her all the papers, the letter from my embassy that I brought on the expiration date of the visa I was on at that time, to prove that I was tricked into 1 day overstay by one of their officers, and as long as I could provide a letter from my embassy she would give me the 30 days (but my embassy wont provide me with the letter...) Was on Tourist visa earlier, which was extended for the 60 days dependent child-extension, sorry, I dont know all the right terms for the different visas...  not married, 35, so I dont qualify for any retirement visa, pretty sure I have transferred more than the 40 k into my Thai-account from abroad for all of the last 12 months...  But I cant change for another visa because of that one day overstay.. I was so happy going back from immi on Monday, thinking that I finally had a chance to get to stay, wrote my embassy an email asking them to provide me with a letter, but woke up with a no in my inbox Tuesday morning..  The visa that their officer tricked me into the one day overstay to have the 60 day extension instead of the 30 day "covid-extension" expired on the 30th. of May..

    So now Im back to square one, no clue what to do.. I guess what I will end up with, is taking my family out of Thailand, to a third country that allow all of us in, just not sure which country that might be.. Leaving my daughter and partner, just return here in 6-7 months again with a total expense of 2-300 k is not gonna happen.. So the way I look at it now, Thai immigration are pushing me out, which also means 2 of their own citizens are pushed out too... Either that, or splitting up a family with a young toddler... What was supposed to be a miracle for us, trying to have a baby for years, has now turned into a nightmare instead... If it wasnt for my daughter, I could actually understand why people end up doing a dive from the balcony... The way the authorities are playing with peoples life and families are f..... ..!

  12. On 8/31/2020 at 3:53 PM, NanLaew said:

    Unless I have missed something in the interim, this email in the OP and this letter still only applies to Americans?

    Went to IO yesterday, and was told to get a letter from my embassy, and they would extend my visa 30 days, starting from the 26th. unfortunately the Norwegian embassy does not want to give this letter asking for an extension due to the pandemic... Even tho Thai immigration are doing this, actually showing some understanding for us having families/young children here by gracefully giving this option, the Norwegian embassy is more than happy to split families up for no reason.. We will see if they turn around after the Norwegian media has been told about this, like many already know, the Norwegian children-services has been convicted tons of times over these last few years by the European court system in Haag for splitting children from there parents for no valid reason, here they are doing it again, seems to be something the Norwegian government like to do, just to prove their power over their citizens! The Norwegian government is such a disgrace, you guys should be happy you arent from this <deleted>ty little country of mine..! 


    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Firstly, I am not trying to be contemptuous, or mocking your situation, just giving you an insight for any future plans you may have to stay long term in Thailand.


    To apply for an annual extension of stay, you must initially have a Non O Visa

    Applying for the Non O at Immigration from a VE, or TV entry is a prelude to obtain the 1 year extension.

    You must be 50 years of age to apply on the basis of retirement - you obviously don't qualify.

    You must be legal married to a Thai national to apply on the basis of marriage - again you don't qualify.

    You must be the legalised Father of a child born to a Thai citizen to apply based on Thai child - unfortunately being named on the child's birth certificate does not make you the legalised Father.


    Under Thai law if the child was born out of wedlock, it is clear who the Mother is, but not so the Father, unless you later marry. If the woman is married the law assumes the husband is the Father. If the woman is not married the law makes no such assumptions about the Father. As it stands you have no parental rights or legal obligations to that child.

    Immigration would therefore not accept your application based on Thai child with the only proof being named on the Childs birth certificate. You would require a Court Order to legalise you as the Childs biological Father.

    Please read this link to understand your position under Thai law.



    When a baby is born, it is clear who the mother is. Who the father is remains the question. If the mother is married the the law will assume that the husband is the father of the child. It doesn't matter who makes the registration.
    However, if the mother is not married, the law makes no such assumption and the father being named on the the birth certificate is not enough. After all,anyone can be named on the birth certificate as the father, without that person knowing let alone agreeing. In that case the father has to legitimize the child, with which he acknowledge before the law that he is the father of the child.



    Unfortunately, I therefore don't see any way forward for you to remain in Thailand beyond Sept 26th.

    You mentioned planning to take your daughter and wife back to your home Country and your remaining time may be better spent on getting your daughter a (Nordic) Passport and researching how to apply for a Visa for your g/f.


    This is probably not the answer you were looking for, but unfortunately this is your current situation.

    You clearly know more than me, this is why I ask for help on here, because the information given around by immigration and so on is so various... And sometimes difficult to completely understand everything.. I have always dealt with my visas myself, never had any issues, before becoming a father, all the sudden now, everything turns difficult, it should be the other way around..  As I have friends that have babies themselves have gotten their non o without that process, there must be a reason around it, and the officers at the immigration said I would be eligible to apply, ig it wasnt for that one day.. I dont know, all I know is that I have to find a solution on this in time do get it in order before the 26th. next month, and there is always a way in Thailand, I just like to do things by myself, knowing there isnt anything that might come back to me, bite my ass later.. Never gone for the ED-solution or easy ways out as "everyone" are talking about, rather been honest about not having any other reason than visiting gf, being a tourist earlier..  Been going back home every now and then for a few months, and staying here for some longer periods at the time.. Going back right now, the way things are, well, not if I can find a way of staying, for now.. The plan was to bring them home to meet my side of the family when she was 4-5 months (when the doctors would say it was ok), , then back here to apply for a non o later on, was the plan.. As to getting married to legalize the father-situation, that is something that is kinda in the cards for the near future anyways, but I have to go home to get the paper that states Im not already married, as our embassies doesnt provide that, the tax-department does unfortunately... But I appreciate your input, but this didnt seem to be an issue, maybe as we have been registered on this address and on the lease of this house together for about 3 years now, and my daughter is only 8 months old ..? No idea, but that didnt seem to be an issue.. But who knows, it might have been, if it isnt one thing, its another..? Right..? ???? 

  14. 32 minutes ago, Jack Hna said:

    Recent visit to my local office resulted in similar frustration. I was even told I can only get a non O by being married and no such visa was available as a father. Rather than argue with the head IO I just explained I need to stay I even asked her to refer an agent and she said they will not help in my situation. She did volunteer one bit of info though. Got the impression she was trying her best. She said a medical certificate could get you 30 days. So some kind  of letter from your embassy plus a medical examiners declaration.


    She had no reason to mention that.





    Yea, apparently you do have some "health options", just have to figure out a bit more what kind of stuff that relates to..? Me myself, I had a surgery here in Thailand last year, which is an infection that still bothers me these days, so I might check into that, thanks ????

    I was told by the officers that I spoke to, that I was eligible to apply for a non o, if it wasnt just for that 1 day on the previous visa, so apparently they dont agree with each other on that part, neither.. ????  

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

    Whilst I sympathise with your plight, from Thailand's point of view you arrived as a visitor on a Tourist Visa.

    Your not married, your not the legalised Father of your daughter, so you don't qualify to apply for a 1 year extension based on Thai family.

    I did ask for your nationality and age, which you've ignored to answer and I only asked that to see if perhaps you could qualify for a 1 year extension based on retirement .... albeit through an agent.

    I dont see how that is relevant, if I would be old enough to qualify for a retirement visa, I wouldve brought that up, Im in my 30s, with a nordic passport..

    Im not married, no.. I am however the legalised father of my daughter, my name is on the birth certificate and so on... So I do qualify for a non o, but I cant apply for a Non O because of what I wrote in my first post, explaining why, that 1 day overstay that the IO convinced me to do, to come back the day after bringing my daughter with me instead, have the 60 day extension instead of the emergency visa that I had all the paperwork and everything set up for, and being there on the day of expiration date in the first place... It was also mentioned that Im on a 60-day visa extension to visit my daughter now (so I dont know where you read that Im not the legalized father?), expired end of May, which has been extended by the cabinet, for now.. So not on overstay now, and according to UbonJoe and a few others, the IOs are misinterpreting the rule... So I should be allowed to apply for a non o, but they wont let me because of that "made up" reason...

    They know standing there with my daughter which is 8 months in my arms, I will pay the fee that an agent demands to not leave, like another on here mentioned, they now got leverage.. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    You took my comment too seriously. When you have made so few posts - a taker rather than a contributor to the site - it is easy to assume you are very new here. If you were new as your very small number of posts suggested, then letting you know how things work might have been useful to you, an eye-opener. How was I to know you just use the site without contributing anything? I don't see how trying to inform an apparent newbie is 'insulting', do you? Lighten up - and contribute more.

    I dont have those connections, nor the knowledge about Thai visas to contribute with much on here.. Of course, I could like now, contribute with posting a whole lot that doest help anyone, just even more to read through to find the information people are looking for..? Like your posts now.. If you call that a contribution? Then we clearly look different at what is contributing, and whats not.. I registered another user on here like 10 years ago, but lost access to that email-account, couldnt remember the log in..

    Well, Im frustrated right now, I will lighten up when I find a solution to my situation, which apparently isnt a situation to start with, just IOs that seem to misinterpret the rules on purpose to "make a problem".. 

    Usually I rather enjoy staying here, than be sitting on the internet complaining or discussing.. But I do read news and so on, on here, they do get their "clicks" more or less daily.. And I dont feel bad about being a "taker", if thats what you went for there.. This is why this website was started, I assume, and I have been very thankful for all relevant advice and thoughts so far, expecting more responses like yours, happy to see that there hasnt been ????

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  17. 10 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    Yes, there are some people stranded here. And they should be able to demonstrate their inability to leave to Thai Immigration, and obtain an extension.

    Try that when they couldnt care less, couldnt even care to listen to whatever your problem is, even on top of that, make up a rule to not having to deal with you and wave you off... It might sound easy to you, but you cant just walk in to an IO and demand them to listen to you.... And getting frustrated, raising your voice, or getting <deleted> off isnt gonna make it better, so what do you do, unless you know some Thais in high places..?


    They said they would treat foreigners with a proper reason to stay on case-to-case basis, but that clearly isnt the case showing up at the IO... 

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  18. 10 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    I don’t want to sound callous but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t see your daughter for a few months or even longer.

    This has happened and still does to many children for many reasons some never get to meet their father. 
    My eldest sister didn’t meet our father until she was about two years old due to my father fighting overseas during the Second World War she survived without any problems because we had a loving mother and I am sure your daughter will be the same.

    Well, to me it is, we are all built differently, and that would mean more than a few months the way things are now, it wold also mean that my missus  would have to quit her job, which means she is breaking her part of that contract, which means we will have to pay her out, 500 k.. Well, there goes my daughters "education-money"... My daughter wont die from not having me there, but it will for sure affect her, a few months, well, that is in the absolutely best case scenario... More likely 6 months to a year minimum before I will be able to be with her again.. Why split families up for no reason, when they not have to, and they are daily crying out in the media how much they want foreigners to contribute to the Thai-economy again.. Well, if they only work as hard on making it possible for foreigners to be able to come here, stay here again, as they are on getting rid of us these days... Thais are still not kicked out from where Im from, they are getting their visas extended for now, because it is the right thing to do in this situation, the ones visiting their families, that arrived as tourist and others.. Its not really tempting to get on these flights and airports full of corona to make it home neither..   Not when there isnt any decent reason for them not to let me stay here with my family... The only reason why I have a problem about my visa now, is because one IO apparently screwed me over...  If Thailand want to act in a decent matter (like most other countries around the world now), they would treat people with families and other proper reasons to stay here on a case-to-case basis like they said they would, not split up families and so on in a time they even think is bad enough to extend the emergency decree even longer..

    • Like 1
  19. 11 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    You're new on this site, aren't you. Don't you think that immigration get part of the agent fee? That is the entire point of making things so difficult that you turn to an expensive agent in desperation.

    I havent written a lot on this site, but been reading and using this site for many years, when needed.. Usually I find what Im looking for... I am aware about that, yes, if you read it again, you will probably notice that I said the moving part was tempting, so these IOs at this particular office arent making the money, but someone at a different office..? I think everyone with an IQ above 10 knows that the IOs are getting their cut.. Dont insult other people for no reason, when you are the one that clearly doesnt understand.. Cant really see how your post is "helpful" neither.. If you dont have anything nice to say, well, then dont ... 

  20. 11 minutes ago, Jack Hna said:

    I have been in very similar circumstances and am facing the exact plight you are on at present.


    When our child was 6 months and I had to jet back to UK within 48 hours of realising I was needed there.


    Got off the phone drove straight to bigC spent 18k on supplies so the Mrs did not need to do any chores and could concentrate on the child.


    Was gone for 5 weeks but to be sure I primed her for 2 months before I left.


    Our child is nearly 4 now and being home based I am privileged to have watched him grow up for the last 4 years and only been out of Thailand for 9 weeks in that entire time.


    I used non O visa based on being a parent to a Thai child and all I had to get that was my name on birth certificate, copies of my woman's tabien bahn and our sons tabien bahn some other easy to obtain proofs of Mrs.

    Sounds like a hurdle but it worked for me for years. Recently I had to show 400k in my bank (Vientiane Dec 2019) but that was a new rule as far as I am aware.


    All that, got me was 90 days entrance and a further 60 days extension and rinse repeat every 5 months.


    So now I'm on amnesty and I'm willing to wait until the last 72 hours before booking a flight anywhere. I'm keeping all options open based on a rapid change environment. 


    It's worth the wait. 


    Yes you could be outside Thailand for a prolonged period and that is going to be painful.


    No it will not last as long as all seem to say but you have to wonder what their agenda is for stoking such fear.


    Be prepared for the worst and be strong for you and the family.


    Best of luck.





    Thanks, appreciate the advice and good thoughts! It will work out somehow at the end I hope, but it feels hopeless when the authorities are working against you, for no reason... My missus will have to stop working as well  if I leave, as I, just like you, am the one staying home, taking care of our daughter, as the missus works 6 days a week... The bigger issue with me leaving, is my daughter growing up without me being there, and it might be long until Im able to see her again, if I have to leave.. Just quarantine is 10 + 14 days, then the "waiting list" and applying to be allowed to enter...

    Im positive for now, that I will find a solution, but its hard not to be frustrated by the way things are done here at times... 

    Wish you all the best, good luck there as well, nice to have some good people helping out, giving advice, some good thoughts in these frustrating times, highly appreciated! I know, jai yen yen, I try, but not easy when everything that matters to you, are basically taken away from you, if even just for a shorter period of time ????

  21. 22 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    a whole lot of points, that made sense...

    Well, spot on what Im thinking, feeling here right now... Especially after more or less getting confirmed that it was a bull reason for not to... I have never had any issues dealing with extensions and visas on my own over the years, but it gets hard not to turn to an agent when they start to make up reasons to make you ineligible to apply...

    Well, the moving part is tempting, at least giving someone else the agent-money, and not the ones working in this IO..

    Guess there isnt any way around using an agent at this point, like you said, they know theyve got the leverage... They know that for most people, leaving your 8 months old child isnt an option... That would also mean that her mom would have to quit working as well, to stay home and take care of our daughter, without the father.. How about Impact Arena, the temporary office there, werent it mentioned that they would have a look at all applications by case-to-case basis..? Maybe thats where I should go, I do feel I have a valid reason to stay.. Talking about how to get foreigners back safely to Thailand, while splitting up families that are already here, safe and healthy..   


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  22. 9 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    They want you to use an agent.

    I assumed the same... One IO that I got in contact with down the hall, told me to ask them about 30 day extension, having a letter from my embassy and so on, seemed like it was an option, but didnt really seem like that were something they would consider providing me with, a big fat no, again.. So I guess they need more money coming in.. Who knows, maybe I will have to move for a month, just to have more pleasant IOs..

    But thanks, looks like an agent is my only way of doing something that shouldnt have been an issue in the first place... Thai immigration really needs to separate how they treat a 19 year old tourist coming here for fun wanting to extend, and people having families to take care of here..! ???? 

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