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Everything posted by Thumbs

  1. Caused outrage? Because its a foreigner in a nice car? Thai drivers do this and worse every hour of every day
  2. Shower of <deleted>e ! Too sick to serve his sentence but ok to stick his nose in thai politics
  3. Trace the serial number of the weapons suspect the original purchaser was either police/army/government employee, nice little business buy the gun and get the great government discount then after 6 months sell it on for a profit and buy another. Its unlicensed so trace it back and arrest all those involved not just the foreigner dumb enough to buy it illegally
  4. All these past governments both military and civilian keep spouting that the Thai justice system is fair and everyone receives equal treatment, ok let the people making the complaint have free access to the prison system and compare the treatment that Thaksin received against a poor incarcerated convict…… then tell us it was fair
  5. After the farcical decriminalization of weed by Mr Anutin and the ministry of health this sounds like a brilliant idea, how about getting that mess sorted first
  6. Police instructed him to pay 20,000 baht to the rental company? Think the boys in brown are going above their pay grade there, thats what insurance is forand im sure police cant levy fines to third parties.
  7. Moaning about the Russian behavior then inviting more to come, all they are going to get is an abundance of Russian males trying to avoid the upcoming draft now Putin has been re-elected he cant lose face and withdraw his troops he will just keep throwing more and more soldiers at the problem
  8. The police are doing the right thing (i know world turning upside down) she has no physical injuries from the assault and mental harm is hard to prove definitively, if she continues to push the mental issues she is allegedly suffering from she might have her medical license suspended (depending what type of doctor she is ) she is definitely enjoying he 3 weeks of fame and is desperate to remain in the spotlight,
  9. Nothing wrong with him exercising, in fact all credit to him for doing so. The issue is he was so sick that he couldn’t leave the hospital and return to prison however the day he was given parol he suddenly became well enough to return home and then travel. The system is a joke and any foreigner with a serious illness that they can’t afford treatment for should look and learn from Thaksin and get free medical treatment
  10. Not inclined to believe either, been on both ends of the stick, lost track of how many beers ive drunk but also had my bill padded on more than one occasion. But never assaulted the staff i just talk with my wallet and never frequent the bar again and share the experience with my friends so they stop using the place as well
  11. Will be same as weed legalization, wait for people to invest then change their mind when new government comes to power
  12. Both pm and deputy pm need heads banging together Deputy pm for its deregulation without proper laws to back its use, he let it become a free for all and has caused many to doubt it legitimate use, worse still he encouraged millions if not billions of investment to only have his party partner try to get it made illegal again pm must have been sampling some of the weed he is against if he think he can easily close pandora’s box again after 2 years of freedom compenSation needs to be forthcoming if its criminalized again and civil action against former minister of health for dereliction of duty rushing it through to gain election votes plus when it was decriminalized all those who were serving time for possession were released from jail and records expunged will they be recalled to jail and their criminal record reinstated
  13. This is not japan, those antics over here ill likely get you killed
  14. When are police and immigration bosses going to start the good guys in bad guys out within their own organizations
  15. They haven’t agreed to it, they just signed an agreement to talk about it in future meetings
  16. Step 1 arrest all immigration officers working in cahoots with visa agencies
  17. So no innocent until proven guilty for foreigners in Phuket, by all mean investigate and prosecute but why revoke there visa if they are to remain in the country to face charges.
  18. Safeguarding tourism while risking the health of tourists by allowing them to travel to the region? Enjoy your holiday heres some free face masks
  19. Maybe a good option instead of medical insurance for expats. If you are seriously ill, commit a minor crime resulting in a short custodial sentence then complain of ill health and demand the same medical imprisonment and treatment as Thaksin (because all prisoners are treated the same apparently) then get free treatment paid for by the state
  20. The horse was on edge and the owner immediately recognized it as a sign of sexual ass So horse is stressed and his first assumption is my horse has been sexually abused,
  21. Slow month because they are giving the 2 swiss guys much more than the 2 minutes of fame and last week story was a British guy coming and saying never wanted to leave.
  22. Who in there right mind would build a casino in Thailand all that investment money and then the next government come in and decide gambling is a blight on Thailand and make it illegal again, just look at the weed situation
  23. After all that its not even his own property but a rented one, how can they revoke his visa if he still has charges pending, either drop the charges and revoke his visa or keep his visa active while the case is under long drawn out legal process
  24. All he needs now is a medical condition (which under thai law is not allowed to be known apparently, then jobs a good un and spend whole sentence in Police hospital)
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