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  1. Why would he listen to decrepit, morally bankrupt, inept, educationally flawed, corrupt, evil, human failures? He's got balls! and is exactly what is required to stand up to, decrepit, morally bankrupt, inept, educationally flawed, corrupt, evil bullies.
  2. I agree, it's a human failing sadly. The only caveat being, in a country without dictators, you can call out the corruption and not be 'silenced' to live another day......Big difference.
  3. It is so corrupt because most of the countries have dictators at the helm......the curse of humanity and will lead to catastrophe, as we're already seeing with russia.
  4. Great post. You could almost replace....... "The Burmese army is a den of thieves, drug dealers, gem smugglers, human traffickers, serial killers, vote stealers and despot thugs. Billionaires raping the public. General Min Aung Hlaing is the top pig. He says the military will hold an election and hand over power to the winning party. Right. Can't handle the loss, you loser?".........with 'The Thai army' in your paragraph......pretty much the same description of the heathens.
  5. As long as the Thai population are aware that while the current status quo continues, Thailand will slide even further behind the rest of the democratic world than it already is. The world is changing at an ever increasing pace. Those who don't educate their populations well, will slide further and further into the mess they already find themselves in. A legacy of dictatorships. The people in charge of a country that are responsible for retarding a populations education deliberately, should have their miserable lives unequivocally ended.....period.
  6. This professor of economics sums things up nicely......read all of his articles from 14th December onwards. Not looking good for Thailand....but good for our exchange rates.....let's see what happens in May. REMOVED LINK TO BANGKOK POST
  7. This will only change when the police start acting like police. This will mean a change in the entire countrywide system of governance. This will only happen if the old corrupt political system changes. Therefore, there will be many more years of people dying needlessly unfortunately.
  8. I sincerely hope that all involved in the corrupt shenanigans that denied the result the people voted for, die of cancer in 2024.
  9. The main flaw is that Thais grow up thinking corruption is the norm. They learn it from birth onwards and know no different. It's the awful human failures from the top of society that have cast this mould. It will be many years before society as a whole will see this as 'not normal'.
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