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  1. OK. So from the horses mouth... the VFS Global clerk/officer confirmed this week that on average British passports are being processed, from application date to delivery date, in between 5 to 9 weeks just as per the reports in this thread.
  2. So, from reading this thread, nobody who applied at Trendy and whose payments were accepted has had to wait the full 11 weeks or longer. Has anybody any recent (February/March) experiences in addition to those already posted?
  3. One strategy is the following: Shoot for the weakest brand that is currently available in LOS, namely Sinofarm. (yes, it's still available here https://vaccinecovid19.cra.ac.th/VaccineCOVID19Content/content/home ) Well, 5 weeks ago there was an option to book for either 1st shot SinoFarm or 2nd & booster SinoFarm. Whether this has changed as of Feb 14th I am not entirely sure. Worth a look anyway. Ahh OK here is direct link for booking SinoFarm https://vacbooster.cra.ac.th/VaccineBooster/form/registration After suffering nasty side-effects from initial AZ shot last year, I chose Sinofarm for the 2nd shot. No noticeable after effects from the latter, but it "ticks the boxes" and awards the coveted "fully vaxxed" status for travel etc.
  4. www.freevoipdeal.com - excellent! 120 days is outstanding! Even better than https://www.voipdiscount.com/buy_credit2/ which I'd been using Thank you for sharing the information. Have signed up and setting up service right now. Cheers, @Barley
  5. There's a presumption there. That Thailand wants to stop the exodus. This TED talk, which popped up as "recommended for me" just last night, seems to link to this topic. I found it interesting. The talk was aired in September 2019 and pertains to SEAsia in general (in particular those nations that were colonized in the past). Although Thailand was not colonized, there are points of relevance in the talk. Watching the talk could prove to be enlightening for anybody who has yet to view tourism/expatriation to SEAsia through the same lens that a number of educated SEAsians may currently be doing. Younger generations may wish to change the way that they and their country are portrayed to the rest of the world. I'll drop the link here if anyone is interested.
  6. https://www.voipdiscount.com/country_subscriptions/info Desktop & mobile apps Topup 10 euro for 90 days of free landline calls to all countries in their list. [note: the original 10 euro's here is not spent during those 90 days and remains as a usable balance afterward] Or pay 2 or 3 euros for 30 days of unlimited landline & cell calls to your choice of UK, USA, or Thailand.
  7. Ahh. Doesn't seem to have changed so far as I can see here https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14714
  8. Interesting topic. I would like to ask whether anybody knows whether the 'requirements' in terms of paperwork has changed since this time last year for the non-O dependent 1 year extension? Will carry out google searches etc but wondered if anyone here in the forum had made such an extension of stay application in the past couple of months?
  9. Is it officially illegal? The undertaking? See it every day and thought it was just part of the Thailand flow of traffic. The 'norm', as it were.
  10. Interesting to hear. Has inspired a google search.... Firearms in Thailand From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Firearms in Thailand refers to the number and types of firearms in the country in civilian (unofficial) hands and the laws and societal norms that govern their possession and use. About one in ten people in Thailand legally own a gun. There are more than six million registered guns in a country with a population of 66.7 million.[1] Small Arms Survey estimates that the total number of guns, both licit and illicit, held by Thai civilians in 2017 is 10,300,000,[2] equating to 15.1 firearms per 100 inhabitants. But.... https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1341415/gun-possession-use-by-foreigners-to-be-banned and Applicants for a firearms license must be at least 20 years of age (the age of majority under the Civil and Commercial Code), have a record of good behavior, have an occupation and receive income, and have a permanent address in Thailand with a name “listed in the house registration specifically in the area where you are applying for a license, for at least six months. (from https://www.loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2017-10-23/thailand-amendments-to-firearms-law/) So a Thai wife or child (of a foreigner) would need to be at least 20 years of age and be in paid employment.
  11. Sarasas Witaed(experimental) Bangbon School. Not far to commute. As of late 2000s they had 9 or more classrooms/groups per grade (therefore large numbers of teachers).They take fresh zero year experience teachers. Your bachelors will get you the higher starting salary. You can choose between the EP or the IEP. Walk in face to face and find the admin office. Tell them your intentions. https://www.infobel.com/en/thailand/sarasas_witaed_bangbon_school/bang_bon/TH100495817-028953472/businessdetails.aspx
  12. Hey that's reassuring for a lot of people I'd imagine. Be a nightmare to be escorted instantly from a mobile testing station to a quarantine centre, without having had a chance to make suitable provisions for dependent humans or pets, for example.
  13. That's right. There's a lot of talking done in bars and pubs, and a lot of talking done in school classrooms. That's why the both of them are best kept closed for the time being, regardless of the temporary reduction in quality of education or loss of profit for entrepreneurs. Talking was banned on the BTS/MRT for the same reason - exhaled air being pushed out in a deliberate and directional manner. [would think the masks would help spread that air all around at a reduced velocity and in no particular direction but, guess that's not quite good enough, as evidenced by the recent data]
  14. Is that also for domestic Thai flights do you know? By the way I think proof of immunity trumps proof of receiving the injections. Either an antibody test proving immunity OR proof of double-vaxxing should qualify. (1200 baht from thonburi hospital for antibody test).
  15. And send plain-clothes enforcers all around the areas of known historical non-compliance, and make sure they (or rather their unit) have the power to revoke whatever type of licence the place has if caught. Enforcers would need to be part of a 'special unit' operating as a team, and they should be assigned to localities/districts which they would not usually visit in their normal line of duty. This would help to avoid local corruption at the Kweng level.
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