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Posts posted by tropo

  1. 2 minutes ago, retarius said:

    With massive grade inflation in say 'A' levels in the UK I wonder how I would fare these days in such exams. 

    I got 10 'O' levels with 9 grade 1s which in 1967 was worthy of an article in the local n news paper.

    I got 4 'A' Levels and two special papers. 3 of the 'A' levels were grade A. Again I got a short article in the newspaper, forecasting a bright future. 

    I did miserably at university....but pretty well in my career. I think I peaked early 🙂


    I was in the 8th Grade in South Africa, and the other kids called me "professor", but I still wouldn't have passed that test, and back in those days the school curriculum was very "old English". Blazers and ties warn at all times, hair was chopped above the collar, and we were caned for minor infringements.

  2. 3 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    13-14. OK, so on that basis, I doubt almost any kids of that age anywhere in the Anglophone world today could pass such a test.


    For those European countries that still have much of an old-fashioned education still in place for those who can benefit from it - which is probably most European countries - such a test would be fine.

    Forget about kids, not many adults would be able to pass that test. Would you? On an overall score in all 7 categories, I would fail. Of course, a lot of the history and Civil Government questions are USA-specific.

  3. 11 minutes ago, RPCVguy said:

    After making two false statements, you express opinions lacking any understanding of the chemistry and physics as meticulously tracked. The lack of research on your part is ludicrous to include in a discussion. You make accusations against people who have devoted their lives to precisely understanding aspects of our environment. You believe the science that conveniently supplies satellite data to your phone, provides weather maps, warns of major storms - yet refuse to accept the same data as gathered and applied inconveniently to your ideology.
    I've a degree in chemistry, work experience in oil company research labs, before working in chemicals & plastics. Now retired, I have taken added courses in climate science and quite well understand the basics of how greenhouse gases act as insulation, which human society is adding to our atmosphere.

    That's worse, that you claimed yourself that you know the climate of the earth 3 million years ago. I thought you might have copied and pasted it from somewhere. This is nothing more than a wild guess and you're claiming it as a fact. You keep posting the same links from climate change advocates. It's biased material - that's also a fact. I didn't need your resume as it means nothing here. People can pretend to be anything they like here. Maybe you're promoting your own websites.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/22/2023 at 1:34 PM, ftpjtm said:

    I spent an hour exercising in the local outdoor exercise park this morning. The thermometer read 33° and it felt like 33° to me. 


    I've been in desert environments with high actual temperatures and very low humidity. The low humidity didn't make it "feel" cooler. 33° in the desert feels like 33° in a very dry environment. I'm much more comfortable in the humidity. Heat Index temperatures are a click bait headline generating phenomenon. 

    You didn't learn much in that dry desert environment as you obviously don't have a clue about how humidity affects how a temperature feels. All weather sites have temp, humidity and temperature feel indicators. It's not to promote anything - it's just fact. The higher the humidity, the hotter it feels.


    The easiest way to prove you wrong is by going into a sauna and putting some water on the coals. I guarantee it will feel twice as hot. Wait for the steam to disipitate, and it will still feel much hotter as the air will be at 100% humidity.


    Another trickier way would be to have 2 thermometers/hygrometers set up in 2 rooms. One of them at room temperature, and the other that has been air conditioned for a long time and turned off so the temperature can return to the same temperature as the non-airconditioned room BUT maintains a lower humidity. The room at the same temperature but lower humidity will feel considerably cooler. I have 2 rooms like this. One room had 75% at 30.5C and the other room was 40% humidity @30.5C. You'll be amazed at the difference in temperature feel.


    If you buy some thermometers/hygrometers and experiment, you might learn something.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. On 5/3/2021 at 6:28 AM, jacko45k said:

    Perhaps better to say there is no single one good solution, but a combination of efforts, of which mask wearing is a component. 

    It's a component in that it make people feel safer, for what that's worth... .and make the government feel like they are doing something. It's quite evident that after more than a year, there is very little humans can do to contain these type of viral infections, and what they have done is causing more harm than good.

  6. 4 hours ago, sungod said:

    A bit harsh, all the info is on the Pattaya News website if people can be bothered to find it, all that's needed is a little self help.




    From yesterday, 241 contact tracing, 1609 pro active.


    89 positive.



    There's no need to search as you've done the hard work for us. Thank you.


    Do you know if the hours between 11pm and 4am are official curfew hours?

  7. On 4/22/2021 at 6:40 PM, pattayadude said:

    Covid somehow bypassed certain countries like Thailand and the Philippines most of the 2020 but just started affecting them one by one and cases in these Asian countries skyrocketed within a few weeks in March and April of this year. No one really knows why. It is becoming very obvious that bars and neon lighted streets full of people is slowly becoming a concept of the past, sweet memories of the last decade.

    Covid did not bypass the Philippines. The whole country has been locked down tight for over a year. Unfortunately the lockdown is causing more suffering and death than the virus itself. The schools have all been closed for more than a year.

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/28/2021 at 11:05 AM, smedly said:

    going to need a special mask that allows food to pass through but blocks the virus 



    Stupid nonsense 

    One thing is certain - the virus can get through all masks unless they have a dedicated air supply AND are extremely well sealed around the face but of course the person will vent covid virus if he is infected and spread it around. Bottom line, there is no good solution to stopping the spread.  

  9. On 1/23/2021 at 10:23 AM, possum1931 said:

    There was hardly ever anybody in it, no wonder with their prices. Some things cost more than double what they cost in M/S in UK.

    UK prices are not particularly relevant. I've never been to the UK so cannot compare... and I'm sure I'm not their only non-UK customer. I'm not surprised that imported goods cost more than at their country of origin. They are luxury items here, so if you want them, you pay the premium or just do without.  I often pop in to M&S to take advantage of their food items on sale... usually going for half price.

  10. On 11/17/2020 at 5:24 PM, johng said:

    Euro Optic is still my recommendation. It moved to Royal Garden Plaza (2nd floor) several months back as it was cheaper rent than the roadside shop on 2nd Road. Unfortunately, staying in business now is a challenge.

  11. 7 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    A recent case where IO showed leniency was when a friend of mine applied for his 1-year extension of stay based on his original Non Imm O-A Visa for reason of retirement.

    He didn't realize that when using the money-in-bank method IO now also requires a 12-month statement of the bank proving that he did not went under the 800K/400K tressholds during the 12 months preceding his application.  But his local bank branche could only provide a 3-month statement and it would take at least 5 days to get the bank HQ 12-month statement. But since he applied 2 days before his permission to stay expired, he would not be able anymore to get that 12-month statement in time.  Of course, he did have his updated bank-book which clearly showed that he never went under the required tresshold, but still he did not meet the 'administrative requirement for the 12-month bank-statement'.  

    In his case IO provided leniency and did approve his application for the 1-year extension of stay even though 'technically incomplete'.

    Similarly, when e.g. an 80-year old cannot meet the requirement for the mandatory thai IO-approved health-insurance when applying for the 1-year extension of his Non Imm O-A Visa for reason of retirement.  Since such insurance can only be subscribed to if you are under 76 years of age, it is not possible for the 80-year old to get such insurance.  In such case the local IO can provide leniency, but since it is a 'serious' non-compliance, divisional HQ would have to provide approval to the decision to accept his application without that mandatory insurance.

    Well, these people were very fortunate to have had some leniency applied, but unfortunately stories of the IO's requiring expats to jump through hoops, making their application process nothing short of nightmares, are more common.


    Either way, the IO's will use their discretionary powers any way they see fit. Whether you agree with their decisions or not, based on your ideas of when they should use their special powers, is irrelevant.


    I believe they are making the process of extensions based on retirement and marriage more annoyingly complicated to entice more people to apply through agents. Last time I got an extension they told me point blank that next year I need 800k in the bank. They didn't even suggest a monthly income method was a possibility.


    Business is very slow right now, so they are becoming even more helpful than usual. They actually canvass for "customers". I won't mention the IO, but she suggested that one person who used an agent to obtain his extension come directly to her next time, and it would save him money.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    I seriously doubt that IO not meeting the laid-out IO regulations is part of the 'special consideration' the office head has.

    That special consideration is meant to provide leniency in certain cases, but surely not for ignoring that the required financial funds were depleted.


    Where did you get your information on the guidelines on how they should use "special consideration"? Could you give an example of a "certain case" where they provide leniency?

  13. 21 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I am not suggesting that anyone uses an agent to circumvent the law, merely to make life easy for yourself and remove the uncertainty. 

    It's not circumventing the law at all. It's is done by "special consideration", which is at the discretion of the head of the immigration office you visit and signed off by him/her. They have that right. It is not necessary to use an agent. It also waives the need for the 400k minimum balance to show at 90 day reports. By doing it this way, you actually become a VIP of sorts. You actually see immigration officers being super friendly and smiling, a rare thing on the main floor LOL.

    • Like 2
  14. On 6/24/2020 at 12:53 AM, SePl said:

    Hola, I am also drinking kefir but wonder what to do now that i have too many grains ? should i freeze the ones that i don't need ? or do you just throw them ? Cheers.

    Freeze them for backup stock, and eat the rest. You can also make a smoothy with them. What about helping out your fellow humans on this thread that are looking for them? You could give them away, but do not destroy them - that's a crime.

    • Like 1
  15. On 6/7/2020 at 11:51 PM, gamesgplayemail said:


    yes if it is sour it contains the bacteria, SURELY !


    It surely will, just as yoghurt, sour milk and buttermilk have bacteria. That doesn't make it kefir. Milk will sour on its own without any external bacterial seeding.


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  16. On 6/14/2020 at 6:05 PM, sirineou said:

    It is not  a troll post at all. I asked a honest question. to which I did not receive an honest answer. 

    If anything I was trolled at by an answer that did not answer my question but instead endeavor to point out the difference between the words KEFIR,and Kaffir even though in my question i indicated that I knew the two thing were different but did not know how. I said :

    "please forgive my ignorance .

    but what are kafir grains? I am familiar with Kaffir limes and the leaves we use in soup  but not familiar with kafir grains 

    I tried googling it but it was confusing, Is it a fungus  you grow "

    I even was polite enough to ask  forgives for my ignorance. a courtesy  not returned to me. Yet you have the nerve to accuse me of being a Troll. 

    Then another smart ass poster endeavor to  accuse me of laziness  for not googling it, 

    " And you still don't have google, right ?


    even though I clearly said in my post "I tried googling it but it was confusing, Is it a fungus  you grow? "

    So to all above I say "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones" . and urge you all to apply as much effort in your reading skills as you do in Kafir grain growing . What ever it is.

    The spelling correction was all you required to search for 1000's of articles, listed on a Google search (or Bing or any other search engine).


    This thread assumes readers already know what kefir is and was started in 2011 to help people find them. Find out what they are, then if you have specific questions about brewing it or need to find them, don't hesitate to ask.





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  17. On 6/9/2020 at 12:36 AM, scoupeo said:

    Can I know what happens here ?

    The kefir grains have converted lactose (milk sugar) to lactic acid. The resultant lactic acid has caused the milk to separate into curds and whey. The further you let this process continue, the thinner your kefir will be. The photo shows about the maximum level of separation. The clear fluid is called kefir whey and it is not very sour. If you let this process proceed too quickly, then the kefir will not be very sour. 


    The most important thing to do is to stir often. This increases lactose to lactic acid conversion and slows down separation, yielding a thicker and sourer finished product. It's hard to remember, so I use a timer to remind me to stir at least once an hour. If you're going out for some hours, it's best to pop it into the refrigerator until you return. If you don't, it could be completely separated when you get home. I also leave it in the refrigerator while sleeping. The most important thing is it's sourness, not thickness. It needs to be very, very sour. My kefir approaches the sourness of a squeezed lemon.


    If your kefir still tastes a bit sweet after it has separated, not to worry. Put it in the fridge for a couple of days and stir often. It will sour up and thicken up too.


    Good luck!

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