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  1. It depends on the package. There are offers like the NT Work & Learn that you can extend as long as you pay or until they stop it. But there are for instance also monthly packages that you can extend only for up to 6 months as shown in this picture. You have to read the details of the offer or ask the vendor.
  2. To my best knowledge this is not possible. When the SIM expires you need a new one. Bad if you want to keep the phone number for instance. Perhaps some vendors provide different options. They have contracts with the SIM card issuers. Best ask the vendors directly in the chat.
  3. You have to test at your location with your devices. Everything else are just assumptions. I did many tests with True, AIS, Dtac, NT Work & Learn, NT Thunder, with 2 different SIM routers (CAT 4 & CAT 6), different tablets and phones and even at completely different locations in Pattaya. It is not so easy. For instance if you move the router to a different position in your condo you might/will get different results already. And then the time of the day, the day of the week and even the weather.... I posted a very long story about all this in this forum... The question of course is whether you want to find the best option or just something good enough for your purpose. In the latter case it is much easier ????.
  4. You should set it to 4G only. I have Band 40 because I use the Thunder. Go to Band select manual and then search - can take a while. Then you see all bands you can select.
  5. Call the Hotline and complain. You don't need many Mbps to play videos. Here what Netflix says https://help.netflix.com/en/node/306
  6. Very complicated. So if I take a picture in the Walking Street and put it online I have to ask all persons under the age of 20 for the permission or blur their faces - is this correct? I don't talk now about very young people where you even need the permission of the parents.
  7. Do you have any link to such a law? Would be interesting to know when you have to blur faces.
  8. I wouldn't throw it away. There are still some keys left ????.
  9. Before I switch off the Internet for today one last remark regarding Lazada. I posted the website links before. If you can use the Lazada app. Often you get better prices and discounts there. And compare the offers at the checkout (you don't need to confirm the order). Sometimes a more expensive offer might be cheaper than others with all the coupons and the cashback.
  10. You can buy at Lazada too. Perhaps you have a user there already. They all have stores there. But check where you get the best price. I didn't look. JIB https://s.lazada.co.th/s.Qo1G8 Banana IT https://s.lazada.co.th/s.Qo1qT Advice https://s.lazada.co.th/s.Qo1Nx
  11. Look here too https://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/catalogsearch/result?q=Sdcard https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/product_list/2/293
  12. TOT was a no-go for me. I had TOT internet here in Pattaya at a time when only dial-up modem connections were available. It was a very bad experience. I was so happy when I could switch to Maxnet (3BB later). Therefore the Thunder was the last thing I wanted to test. But since I was finished with my tests of True, AIS and DTAC I gave it a chance.
  13. Imagine what would be if all bars did not close at 2 already.
  14. Sitting at home with a beer I sometimes talk to Bixby (the Samsung version of Siri). Since I told her my name is "Sexy Man" she always calls me like this. And (so far) she never asked for a lady drink.
  15. Yes. Especially here in Pattaya this will create more space for new bars ????????????.
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