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Jet Gorgon

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Posts posted by Jet Gorgon

  1. :o Geez, LeungK, did you think this was a political thread about only the rich getting gravy and the poor scrounging for scraps of rotten cabbage? General forum is several fora above. You can debate off-hob topics there. Have fun, and lighten up. :D

    PS, you're welcome to join in here if you have a recipe or real comment about this topic. Actually, you're the first poster to troll and hijack a food thread methinks.

  2. ^ Leungken, most of us here have seen and done the big issues, so if you want to toodle off to the general forum and address what's happening in Burma, be my guest. This is the food forum. What do you want, a recipe for an A-bomb? Start your own thread. Some of us do eat food. I regret to brag, but I got roast beef, gravy and mashed potatoes at least once a year when I was a kid.

    Tutsi, you have to sprinkle (emphasis on sprinkle, like sifting a few spoonfuls in) the flour in the pan while stirring constantly, or else add a couple of spoonfuls of flour to say half a cup of COLD water and stir with a fork until smooth. Then add in a slow pour to the bubbling drippings and stir, stir, stir.

  3. ^ Yes, agree, Mobi, and with many of the notes above.

    Initially, one is busy setting up the new house, getting to know the ropes, meeting people. But, if you have no occupation, you will soon get depressed and the days and months roll into one long day.

    I always had a calendar and a schedule for each day. Up at 6 or 7am, coffee on, ablutions, sweeping the house, and, hopefully, freeing a beetle or other insect caught in the house overnight. Coffee in hand, walk on the beach with the dogs. Back to check the garden, and then started my work.

    Keeping appointments is also good, whether they're for docs, immigration or friends.

    Everyone needs a schedule of sorts.

    Sure, drink and party, but don't make it the main event every day.

    Meditation is excellent, too.

  4. hehe. Like Patsykitty, I had to get up and try. Yep, can do. But I also do stretch exercises everyday and walk alot. Wish I could swim, but I refuse to get into a chlorine pool with unwashed fellow countrymen. 555 The only thing I have lost lately is my balance, so maybe yoga would help. Thanks, Neeranam, that was a good test.

  5. Thank you all for your help.

    As I noted, the cancer is already in the body, so I am looking for foods that will help protect the good cells and fight the enemy.

    The patient did follow a balanced diet with fruit, veg, lean meats, fish, and had daily exercise. Stress is the one factor I cannot omit.

    So, cross referencing several websites, I found these so far:

    Cancer Fighters

    Green tea

    Nori (seaweed)

    Seafood and fish

    Tomatoes -- cooked or fresh with olive oil

    cooked carrots

    Broc, spinach, kale

    Blueberries, strawberries



    olive oil

    flax, whole grains

    Enemy Agents: The Cancer Cell Feeders

    SUGAR (for sure, as a sugar solution is injected in patients when given a CAT scan; the sugar collects at the cancer sites)

    trans fats, hydrogenated oil

    processed (white) flour, white rice

    dairy products

    greasy foods and even gravy


    These are the basics I've found so far. I have lived on fresh foods and Japanese cuisine for most of my life, but I reckon stress and quality of life play a big factor, as already noted. I also know that some foods should be combined with others to ensure the nutrient values and balances are optimal. This is trickier to find info about. I will not give up.

    My "patient" lost about 10-15 lbs (now weighing about 90lbs, or 41kg) after suffering a serious bacterial infection following intial tests at the hospital. So, besides fighting the C enemy, I have to try and put some weight on her bones before she starts radiation and chemo.

  6. ^ thanks, Orion. Yes, I know the fundamentals. Sometimes when a body needs more than these basics, extra supplements help. I'm not looking to pick a fight, I'm looking for help. Oh, and I lived in Japan for almost eight years, so I know the diet quite well.

  7. ^ I did not ask for reasons that cause cancer, Dr Naam. I know that there are quacks everywhere, including the western medical doctors who prescribe treatments they would never undergo themselves. I also know there are several anti-oxidants and various vitamins, minerals and herbs that help to attack carcinogens in the body. It's like forecasting a company's stock price on P/E, PEG or discounted cash flow models in a way; you can plug in your historical data and your expectations, but at the end of the day, you really never know what you're gonna get. But, you never stop trying, do you?

  8. Thanks, Sheryl, LThai, Wiley. I know green tea and nori (seaweed) are good..

    "a bottle of Portwine a day keeps cancer away!"

    my claim has as much value as any other rubbish published until this very day.

    Ya, thanks so much Dr Naam. I hope others are as helpful as you when someone you love is dying.

  9. 'wasted lives'?...shit, the 6 chickenshit punk perpetrators should lined up and wasted by a .12 gauge... :o

    I agree, Tutsi.

    Hmmm, unemployed 14-16 yr-olds?

    Based on the first story, it would appear they knew the girl and had some quarrel with her.

    Based on story two, the poor lass was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Whatever, I hope the cops get the real story, and this little gang will get beaten and shot for the murder; from previous news on rape and torture in Thailand, I doubt it will even come up in court.

    If these little monsters had bikes, no jobs, no school, and were going "home" at 6 in the morning, I would speculate they are from monied families and were coming back from a yaba party night.

    Redeemable to society? The names may not be in the papers, but the villagers will know. At least a scarlet letter for the monsters' families.

  10. 555 LBoy, that's a real chef's base for soups and gravies from John -- homemade superior equivalent to gravy in a box. John, what do you reckon about cooking it and then pouring into ice-cube trays; once frozen you can crack them into baggies and take out as needed? We can turn Tutsi and Jayenram onto this.

  11. OMG. Two chefs I admire and bow to, Tutsi and Jayenram, and neither makes home style gravy. I am devastated. Heart-broken. Shattered by gravy granules. :o

    Gravy has to be the easiest thing to make ever. And it is sooooo good. Look at JR Texas' delish Willie Nelson recipe, and Listenup and Slapout's.

    Please try it, Tutsi and Jayenram...

    Percy, I first tried milk gravy when I was about 12; made from pork chop drippings. Abfab, it is. I just made a hamburger and mashed potatoes. Sliced onions and added them to the hamburger drippings, stirred about until onions were soft. Then turned up the heat to get it bubbling and sprinkled in flour and browned while stirring with a fork. Slowly added the hot potato water and kept stirring to dissolve any flour lumps. Then turned down and simmered awhile, stirring occasionally to keep the skin at bay. Oh, yummy.

    I reckon you could make gravy out of sausage drippings, too, but never tried.

  12. cleaned up the thread SBK but then realised they were all old posts and that you'd made a warning!!

    Anyway, not to come this womans defence (behaviour sounded disgusting), next time suggest she takes my wifes approach:

    1 - Get hair done

    2 - Get blond highlights

    3 - Smile nicely and pay the vast amounts of money

    4 - Come home and cry that the hairdo is a crime against humanity

    5 - Go through the process of grieving. Anger, Denial,....,every thing bad you can direct at a loving hubby,....,acceptance. Repeat the next day.

    6 - Ask hubby for 4000 more baht to go somewhere else to try to get it fixed....

    7- See 1.

    Yep, that's about right, but you missed 4A, personal configuration of SWAT team attack on hairdresser and methods of torture commensurate for the misery I will live through for the next six months from the sh*te cut.

  13. My fam made gravy from almost any fried meat. I was shocked when I was in Thailand and all the English pub owners used bisto crystals for their Sunday roast gravies. What? Tastes like phoney baloney.

    Roast beef gravy is made from the drippings. Cook the roast and there's juice and scrapings enough for three days of gravy, so you can slice up onions and leftover beef to make leftover roast gravy on bread.

    Remove cooked beef from roaster, put roaster with juices on a hob and bring to a boil. Sprinkle flour in it and let brown while stirring with a fork. When the flour is cooked, start adding the hot water from the potatoes you cooked for the mash. Stir and stir until it thickens. Feking real gravy.

    You fry hamburgers, chicken, pork, liver, you can make gravy out of the drippings, as above. We usually did milk gravy for chuck or pork chops -- substitute milk for the potato water.

    Tutsi, backup please. :o

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