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Posts posted by useronthenet

  1. The heart of the Thai economy is esconsed into the hands of maybe 30 or 40 massively wealthy and powerful Thai Chinese families who get the policies they want to keep them in the gravy to the detriment of the rest of the economy.

    Until this hegemony is broken, Thailand will not move forward.

    And everyone thinks what is going on at the moment is about squishing the Shinwatras. It is about keeping these families in their dominant position preventing a changing of the guard. I mean honestly. The richest man in Thailand farms chicken and pork, whilst the consumers pay prices akin to the west. Hardly ground breaking innovation is it.

    This is very true, the rich keep on getting richer, and the poor languish in poverty. The internet is however changing all that, and the poor Thais are realising they have been conned by those controlling them. The old way was keeping them dumb, by adopting poor standards in school (if you could afford to go). Then brainwashing them will outdated propaganda, and subjects which are of little use in a modern-day society. One of the reasons why Thais are so ignorant (not their fault of course). But the tide is changing, and people are waking up to the truth, that no longer can they be repressed in the same manner, and inevitably things will change.

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  2. Everything is about race in Thailand. You can't just have a story about one person saving another. Sad.

    Yup. It's always extremely important in Thailand to point out Thai national, or a non Thai person, as if this has huge importance, especially if the news is simply about man helping another man.

    I have lived in several countries, nowhere else is the nationality of crime victim, or a man helping another THE most import aspect of a news story. In Canada the headline would be 'Brave man comes to aid a drowning man, and saves a swimmer from certain death'

    It just makes it seem that there is always the issue of Us vs Them, it's almost like non Thai is looked at as an alien from another planet, and not fellow earthling.

    Near enough, farang are not treated as equals but as lesser people. Hence why Thailand is for Thai people and no other. (also in the Thai national Anthem)

  3. I've been reading TV for some time now, the prediction of the end of Thai tourism is always on the agenda, but still they come.

    The mismanagement and the scams have been around a long time, but still they come.

    The Armies in town, but still they come.

    Numbers may be down, but still they come.

    This is true. It's a bumper year with tourists, and next year will be the same if not more.

  4. The problem is that Prayut, the royal establishment and the Bangkok elite, truly believe from the bottom of their hearts that true democracy is only reserved for the rich and powerful. In their eyes the poor should have no say on who rules the country and the US is fully aware of this. The US will ramp up the pressure now, notice the timing of this high level visit? smile.png

    Problem is the US is very much out of touch with the political situation in Thailand.

    Perhaps it would be wiser for the US to first engage brain before opening mouth.

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  5. China certainly doesn't worry about human rights, and we buy everything from them down to the kitchen sink.

    USA certainly deosn't give a hoot about human rights ... guantanamo bay is a prime example.

    Human rights has never been a priority for Thailand. Afterall, when there are so many tourists coming these days, why should they worry about what the west thinks,

    when clearly they don't practise what they preach ?

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  6. Censorship is comfirmation that a country is still not ready to embrace freedom of speech, and hence will not be taken seriously by those that do. Besides, it is rather futile, you cannot block or control the internet. Most in the international arena are not impressed by the actions of this country, and Thailand is already on a short leash.

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