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Posts posted by thetravellingcat

  1. ...They were too tough to eat as the breeding was not weight gain...


    everybody knows worn out egg laying hens end up in McNuggets :) pretty sure MCD cannot call them McChickenNuggets anymore due to the low chicken content. It's mostly corn. Corn fed hens, corn coating, corn starch, deep fried in corn oil. Omega 6 eat your heart out. [/OT:]

    great info on rearing chickens. if they are liked then they will produce great eggs!

  2. AFAIK they don't have a history of bread eating because they've never been invaded by other nations!

    This is a good thing because bread is incredibly bloating and turns to sugar after a few chews. I say this on the back of returning from 7 months in Thailand to find I developed a mild allergy to wheat. In that time I lost a pound or two but my stomach does not need to expand so much to process non-wheat and thus bread based products! wonder why the Thais are slim? My take = lack of bread.

  3. By eating/drinking at McDonalds you're just the lowest common denominator and a fresh statistic ready for heart disease and a whole shed load of health problems. There is nothing unique about McDonalds, they do not care about you or your health. All they care about is "taste".

    McDonalds and the fast food industry spend millions on "food feel" "taste" and "texture" all to give their products that "melt in the mouth" effect. Yes ignorance really is bliss when it comes to McDonalds. Just thinking about the animals that have to be bought into this plane of existence just to satisfy human "taste" is so sad. Don't get me started on the environmental impact.

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