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Posts posted by losworld

  1. All the hyper-partisans on both sides of the aisle desperately looking for scandals, should take a close look at course of events in this story. 30 years ago he would have been put in jail for a decade or more and now he gets a fine that is probably less than his speaking fee.


    Yup and they want to jail Snowden and throw away the key. It appears the American double standard between the establishment and the people has come full circle.

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  2. @NanLaew: A lot of what you suggest has already been said over the Internet. There are a lot of pros and cons about this man, and for me the jury is still out, but I find that my admiration for him is growing steadily day by day as he handles multiple issues that have been handed to him with great deftness and skill. I need to see things unfold more and how he handles those things before I can form a concrete opinion on him, but for the time being, let's say were I to have to choose him over Obama for my POTUS, then I would definitely choose Putin.

    I would appreciate your views on Putin and how you rate his performance against the odds and those who are against him and their tactics as well.

    I can't define any pro's right off the bat. I can't honestly comment on anything that he's done publicly that indicate deftness and skill either but maybe I don't follow him closely enough. The same goes for Obama; he's not my head of state but I am aware there's huge discontent with the man at home. If we are to believe the traditional, 'free' Russian press, the mainstream US media (and Fox News) in a pre-election year, this is the polar opposite of what Putin experiences in Russia right now.

    I am not sure how Putin's domination of the Russian political scene for over 16 years can be remotely construed as being 'against the odds' and due to his alleged silencing of pretty much all internal dissent, I am not sure of what opposition 'tactics' you seek an opinion about. My sister has an opinion on his sexual preferences but I am not privy to the source of her dislike so my jury is out on that count too.

    It appears as if Putin has dusted off the Nazi playbook from the 1930s. He went after the international financiers first. He believes as Hitler did that the control of money is the way to defeat the west if there actually is a way.

    His caution is to buy time to set the stage for gold backed reserve currency. He is picking allies carefully and locking them in financially. He has not yet nationalized his banks as Hitler did in 1933 but he plans to do so. He has already removed all joint citizens from government and does not allow any public official to bank outside of Russia.

    I seriously hope the leaders in the West are paying attention or this could get very ugly in about 5 years.

    Wow talk about huge generalizations and dangerous leaps of logic.

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  3. Nuclear weapons were only a deterrent in the past when mutually assured destruction meant the end of parts of the soviet union and the USA

    In the middle East its all or nothing, first to strike wins

    Exactly wrong. You don't understand "second strike" capability, which is the whole reason Israel has invested in those German subs. The Arabs can launch a "first-strike" against Israel, but if they do, no matter how successful or preemptive it might be, they will then still have to deal with Israel's second-strike from the sea. Still the same old nuclear deterrence.

    What planet are you on? What arabs have first strike nuclear capablility? What arab countries have the u.s. backing them? In fact Saudi Arabia an arab country backs Israel? Are you afraid of the bogeyman too? If you understood Israel not signing the non proliferation treaty one of the key reasons is that it deters agressive nuclear armed nations from parking their subs off the coast of non nuclear nations? Duh...

  4. Here's an even better idea. I am sure Iran would be more than happy to shelve any nuclear projects including reactor for electricity if Israel would provide transparency, sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and disarm itself of 200-400 nukes including subs which can only be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes.

    LOL. How nice. Well, lil' ol' YOU may be sure that Iran, a country with no more credibility than N. Korea, would do this & that, but frankly, no one cares what you're sure of or not sure of. Others obviously aren't so sure. Very impressive presumption.

    Secondly, if these nukes can ONLY be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes, then I guess that pretty much proves Israel has no aggressive intentions, since they've had them but have never used them in, what, almost 50 years/half a century!?

    D-. Logic needs a lot of work. (An 'A' for hyperbole and bar-raising bloviation though. 'Sure you're not an Obama staff member? If not, you've missed your calling.)

    No the nukes are for defensive purposes but who the hell needs 200-400 nukes to defend oneself in an area where no one has any lol. Also the subs are for offensive purposes but I am sure you can twist your argument to show how nuclear armed subs are necessary as defensive when one has 200 plus nukes and the U.S. arsenal backing itself up. If you do even the slightest bit of research you will see that the subs employing nuclear armaments were from Germany and they received them a short numbe of years back not 50 years. If you are going to act like you know something at least do a bit of research.

  5. I didn't think it possible in this day and age but my ex- missus in Chiang Mai got Scrub Typhus, two weeks in hospital with anti-biotic injections every day,apparently it isn't too uncommon in CM it's caused by parasites in the bushes, hence the name scrub Typhus.

    If its a leech or parasite and not bacteria why the hell would she be getting antibiotic injections?

  6. The U.S. really needs a third party but Rand Paul is the best one at present to shake things up. But he will not be elected because the media will totally ignore him as they ignored his father who was a strong frontrunner and offered real change. You see they don't want change and the American political system is hijacked and you will be given the candidates and you can choose between the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately that is the way it works. And to make it even more ridiculous you may just have a Bush and Clinton running against each other. Only in America.

  7. Good option but your click should be fine if it is one of the alter 125cc models. Just increase your front tire one size up making it I believe a 90 width. It will handle much better and the engine is adequate for 100 km cruising. However, the pcx would be a more comfortable bike. The click 125 is actually faster than the pcx 125 so try to get a 150.

  8. Inflation...

    This is what I have been told by respective maids, nannies, caretakers,... or whatever you can call them, for the last 50 years.

    But should I care as soon my fridges have been always full since I was born?!?

    Yeah and its a lot of bullshit too. Inflation is how banks make money it simply takes more money to pay back what is borrowed. A result of allowing the Federal Reseve, a private bank, the right to the money that they lend to the govt. A huge scam.

    Anyone who thinks that the current ridiculous inflation is the result of pent up demand is wrong. Its the result of all the money printing to pay off the govt debts.

    I don't know how Thai families can afford it. There could be civil unrest in many countries when they can't feed their families.

    actually inflation is how banks loose money,

    economics 101.... sorry if it sounds didactic, and the following explanation simplistic

    if you lend to someone $30,000 for thirty years to buy a house and 30 years later they gave you back that $30,000 but now you cant even buy a small car with it, would you feel that inflation helped you make money?

    Aside from the profit aspect, that's an other reason why banks charge interest, as a hedge against inflation.

    in a high inflationary environment banks need to raise the interest rate they charge to keep pace with inflation and maintain a profit margin

    Inflation is a natural economic occurrence, and has many complicated components but basically is a result of the interaction between the cost of the means of production and the price of product ,

    it is a push /pull interaction,

    as prices go up people demand higher wages, and cost of raw material and other means of production go up, so producers have to charge a higher price for their product, so people need to make more money to afford product raising the cost of means of production etc etc etc

    The central bank raises or lowers rates to adjust the cost of money which is a big part of the means of production but also stimulate demand for product, , in this explanation I am not even touching on how inters increases the money supply, which would open an other can of worms.

    A low Inflation rate or stagflation is also not desired because it indicates low demand and signals a slow down in economic activity

    So a natural rate of inflation between 1.75% and 2% is desired and is usually the target inflation rate of most countries

    The core inflation rate in Thailand is now 1,6% The national bank of Thailand predicts that inflation will average at 2.1% in 2015

    So to simply say that banks make money from inflation, or as someone else said the Bangkok elite are buying Baht to protect the value of their money is simply not correct, It is a complicated system and any simple answers have no choice but to be wrong. Remember Thailand is a net exporter a high BAHT is detrimental to exports. and if the "elite" actively maintained a High Baht they would be shooting themselves on the foot.

    Any way, again sorry for the simple explanation , volumes can be written on the subject, but who wants to read themtongue.png

    as I said simple explanations to a complex subject have no choice but to be wrong, and this can also apply to my simple explanation,smile.png

    Do you seriously believe that if the banks believed inflation was not profitable the Fed Reserve would be so committed to preventing deflation????

    I have an MBA so you can skip the 101 econ stuff.

    Fed Reserve controls the money supply and lends money to the banks. Inflation results from excess money supply and money created out of thin air which must be paid back with interest. A fiat currencly. Interest and inflation and all part of the bank profit game. Its not as simple as supply and deman although I wish it was. Don't believe everything the University told you.

  9. Grew up 35 miles from her. One line from a song she wrote I always remember when i hear her name is " They paved paradise and put up a parking lot" I believe that is from "Big Yellow Taxi" but not sure.

    You must be from near Saskatoon? I believe she is from there and when we listened to that song we used to think if that nice Capital Theatre they foolishly tore down in Saskatoon.

    Not Saskatoon. She was an Alberta girl. Fort Macleod.

    You are correct but her family moved to Saskatchewan at a very young age and to Saskatoon when she was just 11. It was her that her music blossomed.

  10. Very risky they love to nab foreigners and here is why. In Pattaya for instance the game is nab the foreigner get him to pay the 20k to get bail and not sit in the doghouse than never return the 20k. The fine itself is about 3 or 4k I believe. So yes foreigners are targets.

    Unfortunately this is more about revenue generation than proper enforcement. I have yet to see a Lexus or Mercedes or BMW car randomly pulled over.

  11. Grew up 35 miles from her. One line from a song she wrote I always remember when i hear her name is " They paved paradise and put up a parking lot" I believe that is from "Big Yellow Taxi" but not sure.

    You must be from near Saskatoon? I believe she is from there and when we listened to that song we used to think if that nice Capital Theatre they foolishly tore down in Saskatoon.

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