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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. 18 hours ago, Purdey said:

    Not a single country in the world with a death sentence available has no serious crimes. It is just people getting legal revenge. I understand why people want revenge, just saying the death penalty doesn't solve the crime problem.

    It does in my book. It's NOT revenge (Political Correctness?) it is JUSTICE! And YES it does solve the crime problem, especially drug crimes. The reason being after being executed, the criminals have NO further chance getting involved in criminal activity again. However, with hundreds of criminals with the Death sentence in the Big Tiger, most will die of old age or killed by other inmates. Thailand, bring back the crossbuck and machine gun! Forget about putting these criminals to sleep permanently. Let them look at the crossbuck and they will have the time to reflect on their crime while being strapped down before the trigger is pulled.

  2. On 8/25/2020 at 7:38 AM, BritManToo said:

    Not irony, the police are employed to stop crime, and here they are committing crimes.

    What's their justification for shooting someone, who's unarmed, in the back more than once?


    The police need to know, if they shoot an unarmed person they will lose their job and spend the rest of their life in jail.

    Get with the program! They committed no crime. The criminal was an ex-Felon and was going to be served with an arrest warrant. He decided to disobey Police Orders and STOP. Nope, this criminal decided to run to the front seat of the vehicle where a knife was found to be on the floor! His intent was to fight fully armed Police with a knife rather than get arrested. Well, he got shot 7 times for his misdeed. Let a Lesson to ALL be learned from this: Never take a knife to a Gun Fight!

  3. The revolving door of Governments that come and go in Bangkok should think about the Economic Depression the Country is in first. Millions of poor people, thousands of businesses closed forever, now this, Submarines? There have been many stupid ideas throughout the years by various Leaders, however purchasing submarines has got to one of the stupidest at the top of the Stupid list.

  4. Every Gold shoppe should have a Thermo Scientific Niton XL2 800 XRF Analyzer Alloy Precious Metals XL2-800 for Gold. Once calibrated, accuracy is 100%. Plus, they are reasonably priced at $16,000.00 USD for a quality used, refurbished and calibrated for accuracy unit. I previously had an upgraded model for my mining operation which cost $32,000.00 USD but it had full spectrum of minerals on the Periodic Table I was searching for. The photo is what the Gold shoppes should have.


  5. Just now, The Barmbeker said:

    Maybe you didn't get it the first time: UNMARKED police officers in UNMARKED vans, taking people off the streets without even telling them, what they are arrested for!


    It is strange, but doesn't that sound like the exact overreach of a tyrannical government, the 2nd- amendmenters are always babbeling about?

    It is YOU that don't get it! Do you think they are arresting someone walking out of a library or shopping Mall? NO, they are arresting Anarchists, looters, arsonists, agitators etc. You do have a strange misconception regarding a Tyrannical Government which right now is nowhere in sight. And yes, the 2nd Amendment does allow the overthrow of Tyrannical Government. Do you really think that's in place now? If you do, rescind your American Citizenship and move to a peaceful Country. Bye!

    • Like 2
  6. You have been provided with a mix of advice regarding leases, owners etc. Right at this moment, I would be in charge of what I was willing to pay on a 1 or 2 year lease agreement. With an astounding amount of empty condos on the market and the continuous building of new ones, my suggestion is to deal with owners first. What ever the monthly amount is, start by offering half the amount first. Use your negotiating skills as this is a renters market. Offer, counter offer will eventually lead to a meeting of the minds. You are in control, so use your position be firm and if there is no agreement on the price of say, a 2 year contract, just shake your head and head to the exit. There are 50,000 empty units available in Bangkok. Use that advantage in your favour. Bye, Chok dee Kop! May I suggest an area I find desirable? For me it is the On Nut area. I was in a condo unit 150 meters from the Sky Train. Plus the entrance to the mall connected to the station had a Lotus in it and other shoppes. Super convenient on the way back home. Did some shopping upon my return in Lotus and a brief walk home. Choose your location wisely for local flooding during Monsoon Season. Best of Luck to you!

    • Thanks 1
  7. After 1 Datsun, 4 Nissans and 3 Toyotas, I went and got me a Suzuki Claz in NOV 2019. 4 door GL Plus Model with the wing on the boot. Also the Dealer threw in window tint all around for free. First Suzuki for me and I love it! Comfortable ride, cold A/C and plenty of power. Hit the 9,000 Km range with 0 problems. Check it out as it should be in your budget range. Plus dress up add on's are available from Lazada.

  8. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes. Likely either disenfranchised young men, hired hands of the right, or just idiots with parents who tried too hard to be their "friends". Regardless once again Trump has failed dismally. Once again he was given a golden opportunity. And instead all this coward can do is threaten young Americans with vicious dogs, all the might of the national guard and the military and other nonsensical and potentially illegal actions. All this from the deferment king, who would wet his pants if he were ever in the line of fire.  

    Say what you want about Trump, I don't like him either. However, this protest has morphed into Anarchy. Looting, burning, pillaging, destruction of property. It is time to drop the hammer. Even the peaceful protesters are saying it has to stop. Outside interference has made this into a mockery of the peaceful protest. 80% of those arrested were not from the area they were in. Antifa will be labelled as a Domestic Terrorist Organisation. If the Insurrection Act of 1807 is invoked, this BS will be over Nationwide in 24 hours. All those involved should make Peace with their God beforehand.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. I had a R/O system installed in my house in America years ago. This was to avoid in taking chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals. Since moving to Thailand 9 years ago, I had triple filtration systems installed at 2 places where I lived. As a matter of fact, a new system was installed this week in the third place I now live. Water is the gift of life, why take a chance with some <deleted> it has been treated with.  

  10. I also had Dengue Fever 2 years ago. I was relatively fit due to the nature of my work at the time. 188cm tall and weighed between 105 to 110 Kg. All of a sudden, I was not feeling right. Tired and sluggish also. My Conditioned worsened over the next 10 days. I went to the Hospital with my Lady and was diagnosed with Dengue Fever. I was placed on powerful antibiotics and spent 3 days in Hospital. My lady spent 3 days sleeping near the Ward only going home briefly to shower etc. and came back to be with me. Wow, laying in that bed, I actually though my number is up. However, by the end of the third day, I was cleared to go home. I was given a sack of medicine to take at Home and was told if a relapse occurred, return to the Hospital ASAP. I, however did not have a relapse after finishing all the prescribed drugs. To this day, my weight has been continuously at 95Kg. I no longer am able to continue my line of work which involved extreme activity. Just can't do it anymore. So in ending, Dengue Fever is no joke. There is treatment but no cure. Everyone take any precaution you can against moskies. My Lady shooes me into the House around 6 pm each evening as she fears the moskies will come out.  Be careful not sorry.

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