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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. This poll desperately needs another option such as "neither - they're both biased"...
    This poll desperately needs another option such as "neither - they're both biased"...

    This poll desperately needs another subject to poll.

    Well you see the above reporters are the two main international reporters in Thailand and this is Thailand and a Thai forum. :)

    If you do not watch the news, just say so :D

  2. I would like to add that putting the name of your home and putting the name of where you make your money is two totally different things. If you really have to, lease the land and make a business in your name for a guest house/resort and then buy a small patch of land next to or near to build a home. That way if anything goes wrong you still have the money making part. If I were you I would not even do this but hey it's up to you buddy and I have no clue about who or how she is.

    Good luck ! :)

  3. Honestly mate, I would not put anything in anyone's name unless you have been with them for a very long time. It just is not good business sense, not even with your wife.

    Look into getting a lease, you can get 30 year ones which have an option of 2 x 30 years, that is 90 years. If you are thinking about investment for the future I would buy condos, Or you could invest in the stock market.

    If you just want to make a guest house but are not considering any of your children to follow into the business then lease the land.

  4. A lot of guys are stuck -more are married or at least committed... the latter usually means having children- here with no way out (and as mentioned no way up in the world either).

    So they whine to feel better.


    Are you saying that having little bundles of joy is a bad thing for your life ?

  5. i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

    They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

    I went through a period of this recently due to marital breakdown (she was having an affair), but ever since coming back I've really settled into the little village here and I'VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER! I've never been part of a community before and take back whatever bad things I've said about this place.

    Ideally, if you can do this without getting involved with a woman, I think that's the ideal.

    Apologies to all on TV for my recent rants, I was wrong.

    Nice people here in Issan.

    Good to hear it mate, there is nothing better than a bit of fresh air and relaxation.

    Good luck :)

  6. Just the other day I saw two old farang, one was in a wheel chair and the other was pushing him, they were racing down the street and only caught a glimpse. The guy in the wheel chair had lesions on his face and arms and the one pushing him looked extremely thin and frail. They were going at full pelt and screaming random sh8it. My guess is they both had one too many bare back moments and are subsequently living out the rest of their short days not giving a fu7ck.

    Has anyone else seen these two and got a better look ?

    PS. This was just the other day.

    Wow, I would have wanted to see that :)

    Sarcasm or not, the hideousness of the sighting will haunt my memories forever.

  7. i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

    They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

    I am not sure where 'bravingbangkok' gets his info, and I am here for two years have family and don't drink at all. And I do hate something about Thailand and Thai people; especially when Thai people do wrong things and never say sorry, when they promise something and unable to deliver, some all care is about farnag money especially the wife family, but I still like living here and I guess has more good than bad.

    I have learned to be careful about some thing and some people over here and make sure I do not get taken

    Yes but you do not make it your life mission to try and talk as much sh7it about Thailand and it's people as possible.

    Like a normal and decent human being you accept that people are different and you just get on with it.

    It is one thing to think about it, it is another to constantly start threads about it as we have seen on this forum and talk endlessly about it in bars of which I have overheard many a time.

  8. i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

    You can't possibly have a balanced, objective view of this country until you LIVE here for at least a year. Frankly, you sound like you are in the silly rose colored glasses honeymoon phase. It isn't paradise, it isn't heaven, it isn't hel_l, its just another country with a distinct set of positives and negatives. Also, it is most definitely NOT for everyone.

    Bloody well put ! It is what you make of it I find.

  9. i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

    They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

  10. The amount of outright and blatant brainwashing which goes on here under the guise of the ever elusive and most likely mythical thing known as "thai culture" is enough to wobble the mind.

    I have all too often seen thai parents forcing their children into wai'ing. Most of these children are so young they have no idea what they are doing, nor possess the motor skill development to carry out the maneuver. It is sad really.

    On the rare occasion I am wai'd; I discount it as a 'thai thing', and either nod back or totally ignore it.

    While off topic (yet still concerning the penchant for wais); my motto is' "wais are for thais", and in over 4 years here I've never wai'd a single person in this country, and probably never will. Of course not being enamored by, enchanted with, or endeared to either this country or its native inhabitants I choose to ignore most things the foreign wannabe-thai sock-puppet contingent tries to pawn off as thai culture.

    I also always cringe when I see what I call "wai-crazed foreigners". Anyone whose lived in thailand for any length of time has seen them too. They are the morons who are wai'ing the doormen, service staff in restaurants, go-go bar workers, limbless street beggars, and the occasional soi dog thrown in for good measure. I usually ask them; "Why wai, are you thai?"

    I am sorry I think this is rubbish, waiing is part of greeting in Thailand just like we shake hands in the west. I do not see westernized Asians in the west not using this form of greeting (hand shaking), do you ?

    This is Thailand, and if you want to be polite and have some respect for the country, it's people and their tradition then there are certain times a wai should definitely be used. I would agree with you though that waiing should not be used so lightly as I have seem some farang do.

    Fair enough though if you have no respect for cultures other than your own, free country and all. The questions begs to be asked why are you still here ?

    Ps. Both my daughters could wai beautifully from a very young age.

  11. Occasionally I am in a situation where i might give a small kid a sweet or something (Gary Glitter fans turn away now) and the parents then ask the kids to thank me and force the poor little buggers to wai me physically grasping their hands and clasping them together for them. Why cant they just say Kop Khun Krab? I must admit I dont like the bowing and scraping.

    It is just being polite, I always get my daughters to wai when they are given something or when they go to school and leave school. They both know not to wai in London and that it is a Thai thing not an English thing. They still sometimes do it in London though which is met which great appreciation by everyone.

  12. Just the other day I saw two old farang, one was in a wheel chair and the other was pushing him, they were racing down the street and only caught a glimpse. The guy in the wheel chair had lesions on his face and arms and the one pushing him looked extremely thin and frail. They were going at full pelt and screaming random sh8it. My guess is they both had one too many bare back moments and are subsequently living out the rest of their short days not giving a fu7ck.

    Has anyone else seen these two and got a better look ?

    PS. This was just the other day.

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