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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. As conservative as Thai people might seem, I've been with a few promiscuous girls. Not prostitutes, just normal girls. I've been told that Thai men don't like to wear condoms (I know this is a gross generalisation) I'm just quoting.

    My advice to anyone is; wear a condom. They're cheap, easy to slip on, and 97% safe (I think) If you're a man who enjoys the company of a lady of the night - double bag it!

  2. More racism your GF comments. Her mother paid off for her ID did you know that or do you even care :D .

    Frankly we who live here don't need your sympathy if you want to help get rights for all of us buckle down and help.

    Frankly I get more tired of the guys living here than I do the locals. :)

    I don't care, that's my point. Thought I'd made that quite obvious. Rights? I have rights, In my own country. Thai people don't even have rights here unless they have money.

    I live here too, just like you. Maybe I should take to the streets and spill blood? I know her mother bought her way into citizenship- Why on earth would I want to do that? (I'm not running from anything and I'm not some nomad escaping from repression)

    You knew from the beginning what life would be like here, but you chose to fight after. By all means, fight the power. My ancestors fought and died for the rights I enjoy today, and I 100% appreciate that. But as for Thailand, it has to come from the inside out.

    "Frankly I get more tired of the guys living here than I do the locals" Sorry I make you tired, sorry the locals make you tired, everyday must be a chore.

    I have a good set up, and if one day the Thai government take it all way, I'd be massively pissed. But I won't have lost anything I couldn't afford to. Immigration interview me once a year 'why you have no children? Buy no property?' Easy! Because you bunch of wanke_rs could take it away from me without a moments thought.

    Thanks for your empathy though. And once again, sorry you're so tired of everybody here.

    My g'f is racist? I really don't care about that, even if it were true. Thai people, asians, the French, Peruvians etc etc can say what they like about me and 'my kind' Stupid farang this, stupid farang that. I know who I am.

  3. You have to be oriental to be Thai. My gf's mother is Vietnamese. She has a Thai passport and ID card etc. I jokingly said to my g/f, if your mum can be a citizen, then so can I. She quickly and sharply replied 'never!' I was curious and asked why? She said her mum looks Thai, and I don't. (My g'f really is a nice person, it's just she has it ingrained in her)

    The bottom line is, this is a developing country, in every aspect. I don't wanna be Thai, I don't bang on about how I love the culture and suck up, cos to be honest, they don't always like it. I'm from England, and proud. I have a good job here, I pay tax, keep my head down, offend no one, stick to the letter of the law and mind my own business.

    I have a country I can go back to any time, where I have rights that I'm happy with, people who respect me and call me their own. Better to be a outside in someone else's country than your own.

    I feel bad for the foreigners here with families who have the best intentions but have absolutely no rights. But at the end of the day, If I get married and have kids, I won't do it here. I'll take my g/f back to England and be safe in the knowledge that I will be treated fairly.

    Best piece of advice I ever received about Thailand was 'don't take this place seriously, have fun, do what you need to do but expect nothing in the long run'

    Mai pen rai and all that.

  4. Yes! Save the buffalo! If buffaloes (or is it 'buffali?') become extinct, people here might forget about them; therefore, the word 'kwai' or even 'buffalo' may be forgotten.

    if this happens, what will I use as a joke to entice the ladies?

    P.s I saw a cracking show on T.V about these two buffaloes who knelt before and prayed to Buddha. They were about to be executed by their owner until they ran away and knelt before buddha. The farmer quickly realised that killing these buffaloes might jeprodise his 'next life' (Being stinkin' rich and respected for it) so now they're worshiped by all in the village.

    See how powerful the buffalo is? It brings out the best in all!

  5. Yes, very sad indeed, I've always wondered why the driver seems to flee a lot of them time.People need to be made aware of how dangerous some of these vehicles are. I can see myself that these big old, overcrowded trucks are a death trap, but maybe some of these people don't have a choice, get on, or no money for the day. I love Thailand, but when a group of people here pick up the 'mob mentality, It scares the living beejesus out of me, very dranconian. Good driving, bad driving, I can see why they might flee.

  6. It's pretty simple really. I don't smoke. So if the security guards or police accused me of smoking and littering, I would simply say to them the same thing I said to my friends at school after taking a girl behind the bike shed 'smell my fingers'

    Peace out.

  7. Is a list available where I can read which distinguished VIP's have been invited?

    The likes of Jacky Chan, Jet Li....................... or Nippon Boy Bands? :)

    Girl's Generation, Super Junior, Wonder Girls, Paula Taylor's boyfriend, more than likely the type of celebrity they would invite.

    I can sum up all these people in three words: 'Shower of cu**s'

  8. I am not a religious person at all. I have no problems with people who are and I respect their right to believe what they want. But at the end of the day, no one should be forced to do anything that because of someone's idea or right or wrong. If you're religious and think drinking is bad, don't drink! If you're like me and can handle your drink, cause no one any problems and do it socially, go wild.

    I never preach to anyone about being 100% non religious. So i don't expect people to preach to me.

    Wouldn't life be so much easier if everyone just minded their own business?

  9. Friend A and Friend B are watching the football when an advertisment for Heineken appears

    Friend A "what was that an advertiment for?"

    Friend B "beer"

    Friend A "What Beer?"

    Friend B "Heineken"

    Friend A "No - What is beer?"

    Friend B "It's an alcoholic drink. It has a bitter taste but it's very morish. If you drink enough in an evening you might develop a personality"

    Friend A "Sounds like bad news to me. Sounds like an evil vice that could be to blame for so many problems in society"

    Friend B "Nuff said. I quit"

    Wow! I think it's going to work.

  10. Choosing a woman to settle down with because she has fairer skin is not racist. (sorry this doesn't fit the western man's P.C mould) A lot of western men like darker skinned girls because it makes a nice change to the women they're used to seeing back home. You wouldn't call a man racist for deliberately choosing a darker skinned girl over a fairer one.

    When I first came to Thailand I had a thing for dark skinned girls. Now, I much prefer the fairer more Chinese looking ones.

    Insighting hatred is 100% wrong. Having a preference of your ideal woman is not racist. It's your god given right. (Maybe we should date and marry the women we're least attracted to, that would really balance the P.C books)

    I hate pc too,but there is an increased racist attitude of the issan people from chinese/white/thais and seems to be rubbing off with so called hi-so farangs in that dump, Bangkok.Nothing sounds more bigotted than a farang calling an issan person,thick or lazy and should be banned from ehre as its not true.There are many many hard working issan folks about,and thats why they are darker,working out in the sun allday,try getting a snobby whiteskinned chinese/thai doing that.

    I don't stereopype anyone. I have no idea about Issan culture or what the people are like. You're right, it's not nice to say they're lazy and good for nothing. But again, it's not right to say the fairer chinese looking Thais are snobs.

    I don't look down upon a person because they're uneducated, I look down upon people with no manners. Education comes at a price, manners are free.

  11. Choosing a woman to settle down with because she has fairer skin is not racist. (sorry this doesn't fit the western man's P.C mould) A lot of western men like darker skinned girls because it makes a nice change to the women they're used to seeing back home. You wouldn't call a man racist for deliberately choosing a darker skinned girl over a fairer one.

    When I first came to Thailand I had a thing for dark skinned girls. Now, I much prefer the fairer more Chinese looking ones.

    Insighting hatred is 100% wrong. Having a preference of your ideal woman is not racist. It's your god given right. (Maybe we should date and marry the women we're least attracted to, that would really balance the P.C books)

  12. I'm not being funny. I don't agree with either side because neither could give two hoots about the good of the people. But when someone who hasn't been eleceted, is saying that they're going to give amnesty to former 'political criminals' it kind of makes you cringe.

    Sorry, but all of this is so laughable. I just wish there was one good person amongst all of them.

    Corruption is a way of life here, accept it. (If it wasn't, half of us 'farangs' wouldn't be here)

  13. A 'wye' is Thai and we don't do that in England. We shake hands. In Thailand I wye people, in England i shake hands. Respect other people's culture. No player in the premier league salutes the chairman on the football pitch before a game. Whether it be by 'wying' or dancing a jig. (unless you feel the need to do so out of respect)

    You're 100% right - Wying is just like shaking hands or any other type of greeting. But at the end of the day, it's a mark of respect, and if you've never been to Thailand it would be completely alien to you.

  14. I used hate Thaksin a lot. But now looking at the grand scheme of things, they're all just as bad as each other. Yellows or reds, these people at the top pulling all the strings have absolutely no interest in helping anyone. They're in it for the power and the money.

    I aspire to be finacially comfortable in life. So many people in this country aspire to be stinking rich.

    Knowledge most definitely is not as powerful as money here.

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