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Everything posted by KarenBravo

  1. Why not? A wasp problem at the Reichstag.
  2. Well, good for you. I've lived in Thailand under army control and under democratic control. For the person in the street, there is no noticeable difference. If everyone wanted to live in Hawaii more than where they live now....imagine the hell-hole Hawaii would become.
  3. Because Hawaii is part of the USA. What sane person would want to live there during these times?
  4. Yes, I believe it was insurrection. Soon as you mentioned Soros, I pigeon-holed you. The familiar Republican bug-bear. Why didn't you mention the NRA and the gun manufacturers who pour in gazillions
  5. Check on your computer which country the keyboard comes from that the computer is using.
  6. Hmmmm. Historically, the party that isn't in the white house does very well in the mid-terms. But, this time, due to very unpopular positions held by Republicans, it might not be as large as Republicans hope. The overthrow of Roe vs Wade and what this could mean for Gay marriage and other hard won freedoms. Virtual inaction on mass shootings. Revelations of many Republicans supporting and having a hand in the insurrection.
  7. This info may be out of date now. The only thing I noticed that was cheaper in Phuket was rent for a house that had a small garden. You can still get these for around 10k to 13k per month. Everything else was cheaper, especially restaurant food.
  8. Sorry, but a menu doesn't prove anything. I do know that the government has said that recreational use is not allowed. 700Bt per gram? Robbery!!
  9. People seem to think that the legal MJ is the same as the stuff that gets you high. It isn't. THC must be lower than 1%. Therefore, this changes nothing for the recreational user. It's still against the law.
  10. Even his love buddy Kim Jong Un out-negotiated him. Kim got photo opportunities and legitimacy and a propaganda coup whilst the US got nothing.
  11. It only takes a single Thai to complain to immigration......... Why put your future into a complete stranger's hands?
  12. Don't think so. Firstly, it doesn't have a single yellow band around it's black abdomen. Paper wasp looking at your link has a brown abdomen. Secondly, the thorax and abdomen are not connected by an extremely thin tube. At least we agree that it is a wasp. Here is a better picture than the previous one I posted.
  13. I had a single incision of half an inch that bisected my belly-button. You heal a lot quicker and the chances of infection are a lot less than the open type surgery.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_United_States_Capitol_attack https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/trump-riot-death-medical-exainer/2021/04/07/53806608-97cf-11eb-a6d0-13d207aadb78_story.html You wouldn't know a liar if they bit your nose as your whole Fox news and Republican generated news is one large lie. Also, I only ever posted once about demonstrators dying and that figure was five people.
  15. I went to see a doctor about something else completely different and when they did an ultra-sound, they also discovered gall-stones. The doctor said that the gall-stones could be removed, but eventually they would come back. He recommended removal of the gall-bladder using keyhole surgery. All went well and I only stayed in hospital for 24 hours after the surgery. I got the same advice as tarteso, eat less fat and more veggies. The body still makes bile. Can't give any recommendations on hospitals as I live elsewhere in Thailand.
  16. No, I wanted to post everything he said. I believe him. If you don't, then you can look it up yourself.
  17. He cites the relevant paragraphs in the relevant paper. Check it out yourself.
  18. Muller report. No collusion (Trump's team too stupid) but at least 20 counts of obstruction.
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