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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. And yet they run.

    So if it's not the military, what has spooked these workers so much?

    As i said in another thread rumours can take on a life of their own so god knows who or what started it and how much it was exaggerated as it was passed on.

    The other newspaper is reporting the worry amongst Thai businesses at the loss of so much ( cheap ) labour which will be felt everywhere.

    Just who would benefit from starting this rumour if deliberate or was it an unfortunate throwaway line somewhere that became a snowball at the top of the hill ?

    IMO only two scenarios, some employers started the rumor for fear of being caught for using cheap labor or.......anti-military/pro Thaksin groups. Can't think of any other, anyone?

  2. It's quite simple. It's either worn piston rings and/or a blocked air filter.

    Diesel is not abrasive, it's an oil, however there may be some abrasive particulate in it, rather like petrol and that is usually sand.

    Dirty/clogged injectors produce a lean burn and a loss of power.

    They don't burn hi-quality diesel here or anywhere else I'm aware of. Open market diesel IS abrasive.


  3. Poor quality diesel is the main cause!

    Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met behulp van Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Partly true. Diesel fuel by it's nature is abrasive, the dirtier the more abrasive it becomes. This abrasiveness over time/kilometers will wear the orifice diameter in the injectors hence more fuel to the cylinders and not enough air. Too much fuel and not enough air equal black smoke. I would be surprised if the Thais change the injectors until the engine will not run. Changing injectors is not too much of a chore for a good mechanic, not sure what the cost is of new injectors in LOS.

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  4. "Thai boxing" as it's practiced in these street battles is all about "Thainess"

    They want to show how many homies they can pull onto the victim.

    That way, victory is assured and specific blame is unlikely.

    Do not get into any kind of confrontation with these people.

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

    I made this mistake about twenty years ago. If you see a Thai man stomping the hell out of a Thai woman in the face just walk on by like nothing is happening.

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  5. Oh i thought this time they attacked alone instead of bringing the entire cheerleader group. I mean they are supposed to be tough. At least that's what they are desperate to project.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thais are about the most p3ssy guys there are.

    Thai dog-packs are everywhere. I have to agree with your assessment of Thai men.

    Anyone remember about fifteen years ago an Aussie Rugby team challenged their bar bill in one of the rip-off bars on Patpong. They refused to pay and in a few short minutes about thirty Thai Dog-packs with weapons were in the bar, needless to say the Rugby team lost the battle with a couple going to hospital with serious injury's. Police stood by and never intervened. Welcome to Thailand nightlife.

  6. Oh i thought this time they attacked alone instead of bringing the entire cheerleader group. I mean they are supposed to be tough. At least that's what they are desperate to project.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thais are about the most p3ssy guys there are.

    Thai dog-packs are everywhere. I have to agree with your assessment of Thai men.

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  7. All the politicing and hyperventilating over this guy. He was a prisoner of war. The only POW in Afghanistan. He has been released. Did you think it would be OK for the US to abandon him there? Do you think he should be tried in the court of Republican opinion and then left in Afghanistan?

    Credo, first of all he was not a prisoner of war, he was a deserter that went over to the enemy. Just for drill how many years did you serve on active duty in the military and were subject to the UCMJ?

  8. A few years ago I bought a British East India walking stick at Galare guest house, on the river not far from PornPing hotel. They had a small tour section, sold these walking sticks. A good value and will last for years.

  9. Hi All,

    I've got the old lifetime driving licences - one for a car and one for a bike.

    They are both getting very old and shabby, and the photo no longer looks like me.

    Can I still exchange them for new lifetime licences, or do they only issue replacement 5 year licences, even to lifetime licence holders?


    I read somewhere a couple months ago that ALL lifetime license in Thailand would be revoked and would be no longer available? I don't remember where I read this. Perhaps others might know.

  10. It may well take more than two years to root out all the corruption associated with the multi-billion baht scams PTP foisted on the country. And that should be part of the process of a fair election--full knowledge before the election of where the money went, who got it, and who accepted payoffs and bribes.

    Would you apply that to only the most recent government or the one before also? Im thinking in particular the billions of baht Suthep stole with his Palm Oil antics?

    But But Suthep................., A good liberal statement.

  11. To be fair Abhisit & his TV fan club, how about we turn this proposal around & see how you feel about it;

    Let's say Yingluck proposed this;

    1. All Democrat MPs resign

    2. The UDD & Nitirat appoint an interim PM to oversee the reform process

    3. Well nothing really matters after Point 3

    I thought the Democratic MPs had already resigned. Why not compromise & suggest UDD, PDRC & Nitirat get together on this proposal. There has to be some change, some compromise & as Abhisit has stated many times his plan will not please eevryone, both sides will not get all they want.

    Compromize? Sure.

    Yingluk stays in power, Abhsit can have his 30 days to write his reform plan, get it agreed with Suthep and submit it to a referendum, exactly as he wants.

    In exchange he has to compromise, for the good of the country.

    The referendum can decide whose reform plans are good, and so who gets to run the country.

    So myself, I think making the Senate fully Elected is the way forward, and I'll be backing Pheu Thai's plan.

    But you can support the Democrats plan if you wish on July 20th, whatever that plan may actually turn out eventually to be.

    Or even Chewits plan, or any of the other parties plans.

    Sounds like a good plan...supporting the PTP plan is surely 1000-1500 Baht, voting PTP another 500-1000 Baht. Than consider that the smaller parties also give some money, it will nicely add up with a big family, if it brings the country forward is another question.

    I understand that the Shinawatras don't want any constitution that bans vote buying and has strong checks, but I do not understand why so many people here support vote buying and corruption.

    h90 everything here is all about money and nothing more. Many Thais will sell their soul-country for Baht 500. Many years ago I worked for a large family owned Thai company (eight siblings) where every family member spent most of their time scheming against their siblings and finding ways to steal from the company. Life is very cheap here. I have lived and worked in several different countries and I have never seen a society that had so much focus on money and material things.

    I've lived here for a very long time and still enjoy the country and have learned who to do business with.


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