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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. How come God did not protect the Bishop and the other people in the chrurch...i mean it's God's house? The other kids God also did not protect the kid from getting caught and arrested. It's almost like those gods do not exist, isn't it? Yet billions of people are still fighting and killing each other in the name of their religions gods. Humans as a species have not progressed much further than a primative caveman.
  2. Two toads can't make the pool green and dirty. Take them out and release them somewhere else where there is water for them. As for the green pool problem you need to check you filter and the water chemistry.
  3. It's OK. I have a conservatory to grow them in. I plant to grow the again each spring from seeds they make. I was worried the customs would fine me if they see some packets of seeds in my suitcase. I can't get the Thai Basil in the UK, or the winged beans. And the price of the chilli peppers mad...so I though I would grown them myself.
  4. Anyone know if I can take small quantity of pre packed seeds of winged beans, chillies, Thai Basil, and egg plants back to the UK?
  5. 500 trees! Is this a commercial venture? What size or kind of trees are they? I used to have a mango, lychee and lamyai orchard with lots of trees....and I also kept about 50 chickens and some ducks free range amongst them. I never had any problem with my chickens harming the trees. They were good for them..tbeir poop fertilised the ground and they ate pest insects. They used to roost in the trees. Maybe it's the heat, lack of shade or lack of water, or even pests killing your young trees? Seedlings stand a very poor chance in this climate if simply planred out in the dry season. They need to be grown in pots, under cover for shade, and get regular irrigation, until they are large enough and sturdy enough to be planted out....which is best done in rainy season. If you start killing your neighbours chickens you are going to stir up a lot of trouble. Another poster suggested getting a dog. That is a very good idea. You could leave it to run about on your land and it would chase away the chickens and then they would be deterred from coming back.
  6. I from the uk and it's even worse there for diabetes. 13.6 million at risk from type 2 diabetes.. Here in Thailand I have chosen to go hungry rather then buy any 'food' from 7/11. I have not been able to find any food in that place that did not contain lots of sugar.
  7. As a fit healthy man, I could identify as being disabled and go abd win at the paralympics. Or, identify as a kid and go win all the medals at a school sports day.. How about I enter my pet greyhound in the 200 meters race as he identifies as a human? Where does it end? How about having mens and womens sports seperste as they are now, and simply add a third gender class. Trans can compete together against other trans.
  8. Yes. And most LGBQ people are getting pretty sick and tired of these trans activist crack pots damaging the gay communities hard earned respect. Genuine trans people we respect, but these social media woke clueless angry people are a disgrace.
  9. Trump is a retarded lunatic. Biden is a geriatric old man. Why is there no normal people to vote for? Same in the UK. We got no real good choices. It's the best of two rubbish people. What is the point of democracy if it leads to this kind of stuff?? The phrase 'stuck between a rock and a hard place' :comes to mind.
  10. So bodies are too decomposed for identification......and yet they are sure no foul play?
  11. Well that is all well and dandy for you. So why none Christians of opposite sex can get married? Should marriage be only for Christians bexaie it's in your religious book?
  12. Good.😂 No idea why people. Are agsist age gaps. Some younger people are naturally attracted to older, and same the other way around. There is a 20 year age gap between me and my partner and we have been together for 28 years and still in love.
  13. So you happy with the UK under the current government. They promised us if we left the EU we would be able to contol the immigration. Under this government...and they have been there a long time now....the immigration is the worst it's ever been. If u keep them you think the situation will improve? I'm not labour or conservative BTW, but you would be made to jeek the current lot and things getting wosse just for imagined fear it will get worse under another government. Something now working you have to fix it. They have had plenty of time to fix it...
  14. The UK is such a mess now. If the people on that demonstration care so much about Palistine then they should go there and fight with them All they are doing in London is sgirring up hatred and tensions, and wasting police resroces and time.
  15. One or two a day. Always one just before bed.
  16. Maybe the chickens got their revenge for all the ones he tortured and killed. Don't Thai's believe in karma?
  17. The religion of Muslims, Jews and Christians is basically the same....they are variation on a common theme.. Abrahamic religion. Because they are so similar they hate each other and are always fighting. Even within their own religions there are different dnominations and sects that bicker.
  18. Oh no thanks! Easter is a pagan festival that was hyjacked by the brainwashing Christians when they were trying to wipe out the culture and religious beliefs of the native people. Christians need to apologise for ripping off others religious festivals! Come on man...use your brain...what have Easter rabbits and Easter eggs got to do with your Jesus? Was he pooping out eggs and had a pet rabbit?
  19. What a bigoted and raciest comment. I, as a transracial person, now identify as Jewish, and I ask you to please respect and accept me as a Jew. Ethnicity and race has no genetic basis. It's a social concept.
  20. No. Not really. Everyone should be free to do as they choose for their lifestyle. I have no problem with people who don't want long term relationships. I was pointing out the irony that some of the straight guys here who are agsist same sex marriage, bexaie they believe marriage should be only between male and female who are going to be monogamous till they die. Yet here are these men in Thailand who are all from failed relationships, divorces, remarried, kids with different women etc. They have not held up those standards that they insist marriage should be and why gay people should not be allowed to marry.
  21. I like how all the 'anti gay marriage' straight guys on here, who act like they want to protect the biblical idea of a monogamous union for life of a man and woman.....are all probably divorced or separated, on their second or third marriage, with kids left from previous ones.
  22. Thank you for that. So it's similar to the LGBQ plus these could be an ethnic groups as they share a culture. In theory I could call myself a Jew if I adopted the culture and ethnicity, or was brought up / adopted as a kid by a Jewish family. I just wish humans gave up their ethnicities and cultures and just got on with modern life and all be one. It's all very interesting but belongs in a museum or history class. These days everyone seems to want to attach a label to themselves and make themselves special or unique. In my younger years people used to say they did not like to be labeled gay, stesignt etc..they are themselves. Get to know the person not have per ideas about them based on their race, religion, sexuality etc.. Anyway. Thanks for taking time to reply to my question.
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