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Everything posted by Snig27

  1. And still silence from this useless Junta appointed government. The companies that instruct the farmers to burn are literally too close to the power structure to be threatened. People die as a result and nobody in the cabinet or govt cares. Only "good people" matter in Thailand.
  2. As we know, they are not even that stringent in the navy, with ships sinking in the gulf in still unexplained ways.
  3. I don't think that's possible but he's Theresa May, Bojo or Liz Truss level incompetent. It's hard to reach that level.
  4. For decades I’ve been saying myself,”it’s getting better” but it never does. A broken feudal kleptocracy where the poor get poorer and the rich get vastly richer. And if the people complain they beat and shoot them. Possibly the dimmest thing I’ve ever read on the internet.
  5. Add to that ancient cumbersome security machinery and processing procedures. Most airports don't ask you to remove shoes and belts anymore, and many don't want computers taken out. Instead of fiddling about buying useless submarines maybe the money would be better spent on security at the airport. I still think Swampy is a quantum leap ahead of grubby old KLIA. Rude staff, broken everything and shabby facilities.
  6. He doesn't have a boss, he is the boss, hence why they have actively tried to kill the craft beer industry which any fool could see would be a money maker for the country as a whole (see Vietnam and Singapore) and actually offer up some "soft power" to send around the world.
  7. Alternatively the government could just instruct the police to enforce traffic laws. They won’t.
  8. What exactly do you think has been going on at Full Moon parties since forever? Thailand has also been t radio ally home to hallucinogens long before Joe Falang and weed shops arrived.
  9. He did used to go into the street from time to time to get opinions but that scene in The Darkest Hour is fiction.
  10. Have you ever spoken to a Thai? Do you read Thai media? Clearly neither of those.
  11. I'm always amused how a Thai politician can use the title Justice Minister with a straight face given that they are inevitably as crooked as you can get, overseeing a strata of crooks and corruption from the bottom to the top.
  12. This gets stated over and over but is untrue. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/22/12467 For example tells us the 66.1% of the recorded road toll is at the scene. The numbers are horrific and indefensible enough without mis-truth clouding them. This new government (if it can be called one) is making all sorts of improve-Thailand noises but horrors like this are off their collective radar. They simply don’t care because most of those dying are not deemed valuable to this feudal society.
  13. They've had decades to address the slaughter of tens of thousands on the roads every year and nothing has been done. Why start now?
  14. Of course no mention of removing the totally corrupt restrictions on local craft brewers who could be contributing significant money to the country if governments didn't block them to keep the duopoly happy.
  15. What's the bet it will still be target a pedestrian on every crossing in Thailand. Has a single person been charged with not stopping on a crossing the year it's a 4000B fine? Of course not.
  16. International media has been full of poisonous air stories for a couple of years now, and it seems unlikely this half-baked government, controlled by forces we can't discuss and the major corporations that define their 'policies' will do much about it. In most places on planet Earth, it would be a national disaster, but here, they form a committee and pass the odd law nobody enforces while the appointed PM hangs out in Tokyo and California. Who, in their right mind, would bring their loved ones to Thailand?
  17. You've been moving in the wrong circles. Pretty much everyone I've spoken to under a certain age in Europe, UK and, yes, Singapore has expressed interest in the weed. Young Singaporeans come for two weeks - one to smoke and one to cleanse the blood. Ganja tourism is pretty big now and there are tours that specifically target it.
  18. As a former resident of Bali, alcohol is vastly more expensive in Indonesia. Wine is nuts.
  19. No, many, many Thais are very strongly against this. Why would you think animal welfare is just a ‘Euro-liberal’ position? Using this topic as an excuse to flout your grumpy old man intolerance I see.
  20. Those political views include destroying the democratic process and destroying countless lives because other people have different views. She’s a monster.
  21. They should probably supply their supporting evidence - peer reviewed by qualified people of science of course - to the people that have been trying to find scientific evidence that would back this for decades and failed. Then these police in a medium sized city in the South West of England should be put forward for the Nobel Prize they so richly deserve.
  22. In other news, thousands of young Thais were killed by drunk drivers over the last year whilst Thai Bev and Boonrawk made substantial donations to the parties currently in the new junta/coalition and it was decided that nothing would be done about this minor problem.
  23. How on earth can muscle weight more than fat. A kilo weights the same as a kilo.
  24. It's vastly more than just online merchants, it's a massive part of the tourist industry for a start. It's fine for you to not like it but to penalise probably millions of people who do rely on it because of your prejudices is a non-starter.
  25. Thailand puts a great deal of effort into NOT educating people. One of MFP's great crimes was a plan to reform the broken education system. Sadly, half the people working in service can't give you the change for a 70b purchase out of a 100b note without the POS device telling them what it is (this is not a Thailand only issue).
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