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Everything posted by Phuketshrew

  1. I think that it changes to 67 after next year. I will be eligible for mine next year at 66, but my sister (2 years younger than me) will have to wait until she is 67.
  2. Not going to get much bang for his buck now ......
  3. Probably just a misunderstanding lost in translation. Easy to mistake "I want to hit the bars in Phuket" for "hit me with an iron bar in Phuket" ....????
  4. Submitted my 90 day report online on Saturday using the same address as I have for the last 2 years. It was rejected as apparently their records show that I now live at a hotel in Jomtien that I have never, ever visited .... what a shambles. ????
  5. Is it even possible to do this? If so, is a minimum period of stay required in the UK? Just saw your previous post. Thanks for the info.
  6. Given that the main cause of accidents seems to be brake failure shouldn't they also be inspecting brakes?
  7. I know it has 5 letters and starts with a 'P' but that's not how you spell pv33y ...
  8. Sleeping and looking at his phone ... and listening to his wife. Multitasking at its finest.
  9. 10 minutes to get it into the sack. Well done boys. I'll have to start using a lasso type tool next time as it usually takes me a little longer than that ????
  10. It looks like a few of the locals sneaked in for a free feed disguised as monkeys ...????
  11. There was a big landslide a couple of weeks ago that washed away half of the road so I guess that's affecting the traffic flow in both directions.
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