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Tt&t Problems


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Has anyone been having problems with their TT&T connection in chiang rai? Mine has been down for 4 days. I phoned them twice already and they promised a technician would phone me but so far nobody has called!

If things dont get better I may have to switch to another company. My contact is due to end soon. WHich companies give good customer service?

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Has anyone been having problems with their TT&T connection in chiang rai? Mine has been down for 4 days. I phoned them twice already and they promised a technician would phone me but so far nobody has called!

If things dont get better I may have to switch to another company. My contact is due to end soon. WHich companies give good customer service?

So far I must say that TT&T has been very good. When I had problems a year ago they came within 24 hours every time. The last 6-7 months my ADSL has been working really good.

Are you talking to Bangkok?

:o:D :D

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I can't complain either.

It can happen sometimes that it doesn't work, but I always put trust to the fact that they will do their uttermost to fix it as soon as possible. It is very seldom that the problem lasts longer than 24 hours.

After four days however I think you are entitled to an explanation.

The fact that you were able to inform us about your problem indicates that the problem is solved in the mean time, isn't it?

Or are you using an internet shop?

I hope the best for you, but I don't think that other providers for what reason so ever would be able to deliver better services as I believe that there are other reasons behind the malfunction, beyond the controle of the providers. The problems might be related to the infrastructure of the Thai communication system.

One of our members knows more about this kind of things :o

Anyhow, I wouldn't know a better alternative.

It is extremely annoying not to be able to connect to the net when you want to do so.

I really hope we don't have to share your experience for such a long period as you did.

Limbo :D

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Sometimes when my ADSL get slow or stop working I use a little trick. :o

I have the PTI 2/2+ Router with four small green lights on front. When it is not working the one on the right side is black.

So I go to

Userid: admin Password : TTT

Select "Admin" on top.

Choose function "Diagnostics".

Then choose "Submit" in the bottom.

It "Testing Connectivity to modem"

"Testing Telco Connectivity"

"Testing ISP Connectivity"

"Testing Internet Connectivity"

by 13 different tests.

Then you see "pass" or "failed" on each of these tests and you have a clue what the problem is.

The funny thing is that 9 times of 10 my connection goes back to normal after this little "Diagnose". :D

If it works for you too you can buy me a beer next time!

OBS! This might only working with PTI routers!

:D :D :D

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Sometimes it helps when you switch of the router, wait ten seconds and switch it on again.

What would life be without mysteries?

Limbo :o

Thanks for all your advice guys. After two attempts at phoning the TTNT people and complaining, the technician didn't call back. So I decided to go to Big C and actually see the assistant in person. I explained my problem and she forwarded my complaint to the supervisor of the technicians. The next day a technician gave me a 'beep' missed call on my mobile followed by a longer dial tone which I picked up. He said he was in front of my apartment. So I rode back home (10km) and 3 technicians were there outside my apartment. One of the guys ran a few tests to check my connection, he asked me a few questions like 'did you drop your router?' 'where did you get this router from?' (which I replied 'it was free with the package and I didnt drop it') and the 2nd technician wrote what looked like a prescription on a piece of paper. He gave me instructions to go to Big C and show the TTNT people the paper and they have me a free replacement router! So 5 days later my internet is working again. The lesson I learned from this is that it is better to see a real human being and make a complaint rather than a phone call. Things get done much faster.

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Has anyone been having problems with their TT&T connection in chiang rai? Mine has been down for 4 days. I phoned them twice already and they promised a technician would phone me but so far nobody has called!

If things dont get better I may have to switch to another company. My contact is due to end soon. WHich companies give good customer service?


I am afraid you won't find any reliable company here, don't forget where you are!

Have you ever met a Thai who kept his word? If yes, then this was the winner of

their philosophy: "Tam tschuea!" (Make believe!)

Only one thing to do: Take it or leave it! No alternative!

Sorry for the bad news, but here you have to learn to live with the truth even though nobody

will tell you the truth cause they don't want to lose face !

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Only one thing to do: Take it or leave it! No alternative!

It is probably time for you to listen to your own advice!

Take it or leave it!

I'm tired of your bashing of the Thais. If you don't like it here, do us all a favor and go back home!

:o:D :D

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Only one thing to do: Take it or leave it! No alternative!

It is probably time for you to listen to your own advice!

Take it or leave it!

I'm tired of your bashing of the Thais. If you don't like it here, do us all a favor and go back home!

:D :D :D

Hey guys!

Thanks for all your responses. I can see from the responses that some people got offended. Perhaps part of it was my fault. Starting a post with negative comments. My purpose was to ask for advice and see if others had similar experiences as me. Fortunately with a bit of patience and time (and talking to the right person) the problems has now been solved. Sounds like my situation was uncommon as most of you have had better service with TTNT. Sorry if this post has gone a bit out of control. Thailand is a nice country to live in although frustrating at times when it comes to customer service. I'm glad that TTNT made an effort to rectify the situation. Let's all be friends on this forum. :o

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Have you ever met a Thai who kept his word?

Many times, Napfbrother, many times! I would say just as often as I met people of other nationalities.

Every morning I am happy to wake up in Thailand. I love Thailand and I love the Thai people.

I learnt a lot of them and one of the most important things is to take life the easy way.

Your remark is actually rather insulting to our hosts and hostesses.

I am sure you didn't mean it so, but it only can be red this way: Written words have another connotation than spoken ones. Please be aware of that.

Thanks crabstix for your last posting!

Limbo :o

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