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Safety Concerns


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Wife nagging me to relocate from Kanchanaburi to remote village in Isaan where her family live. Great family - no issues with them at all but I must admit there seems to be a lot of farang (and I base this on heresay, bangkok post, bartalk and television news) get topped at night up on the plains there just as they thought Isaan was the quiet rural dream they had been searching for. What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

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What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

Probably paranoid. Seems to be more dangerous in Pattaya.

Don't know of many farangs getting topped in the villages - best to take sensible precautions tho. :o

Pattaya is your best bet if you are feeling suicidal....

One of my mates was topped a few years ao down in Nakon Si Tammarat, poor bugger was 50% owner of a prawn farm, somebody put a hit on his partner and they got the wrong bloke.

There ain't a day goes by without me thinking about him....

Go by all means just be careful and make sure you can lock up everything at night


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does anyone remember the story a few years back, of the uk policeman who married a thai isaarn girl, lived out in some remote village or other,and due to a financial dispute that pulled the wifes loyalties to and fro between her family and the husband, the poor husband ended up being kept in a bamboo cage in a secluded part of the field next to the house. he was kept like an animal and starved for 6 weeks until his brother from england who, worried that he had not had the usual weekly letter for some time, came over and made inquiries. the police didnt want to help him ,but he eventually found and rescued his brother who was on the verge of death. was a big story in england at the time....the heartlessness of thai women etc.

so, toddy :

What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

good question !

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Yes, I understand what you say about uk,

I do feel safe there especially in the inner-city where I grew up. Not being sarcastic, it's just that I know what is intended as aggression, what is not, who to worry about and who to not worry about, what is an empty threat and what is not in UK, ie I understand people better and what to avoid and what to take a risk with. In Thailand (despite living in Yala for 3 years), I have yet to figure out the people as regards jealously and aggressive feelings - SO MANY VIOLENT SITUATIONS OCCUR COMPLETELY FROM 'LEFTFIELD' IT SEEMS. Or do they? ... I don't know but out of the farang around me there are some who seem really to not repsect this place and voice that opinion, give off that aura - maybe it's these kinds of guys that things happen to. Who knows? Oh, I'm going to live in Buriram.

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does anyone remember the story a few years back, of the uk policeman who married a thai isaarn girl, lived out in some remote village or other,and due to a financial dispute that pulled the wifes loyalties to and fro between her family and the husband, the poor husband ended up being kept in a bamboo cage in a secluded part of the field next to the house. he was kept like an animal and starved for 6 weeks until his brother from england who, worried that he had not had the usual weekly letter for some time, came over and made inquiries. the police didnt want to help him ,but he eventually found and rescued his brother who was on the verge of death. was a big story in england at the time....the heartlessness of thai women etc.

so, toddy :

What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

good question !

I'd almost forgotten that cracker Tax. :D Great story for the grandkids, but poor old bugger, being locked up like a prisoner in Nam! Wow, a copper and all. Bet he had a red face when he got back to England and went round to see his mates. "Allo, allo, allo. What have we hear then Sarg? Looking a bit thin since your little Thai holiday. The food not agree with you or something? And where's that cracking little bit of stuff you showed us in the photos? Not brought her back to show her round the nick then guv? All the boys would love to show their truncheons to her." :D

Bet that's the last exotic holiday he ever took. As for Khun Wifey, you can see she was a good Buddhist and couldn't bring herself to kill the barbarian farang, so showed him great mercy by keeping him alive (just) on somtam and water in a cage. Such thoughtfullness. :D

Just had a thought - do you reckon that Erco might be the copper, come back to exact revenge against Thai womenkind, the nation over? A kind of Freddy of Pattaya. Hubbies, keep your wives locked up for safekeeping: Erco/Freddy/cop in a cage is on the loose! :o

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  • 2 years later...
Wife nagging me to relocate from Kanchanaburi to remote village in Isaan where her family live. Great family - no issues with them at all but I must admit there seems to be a lot of farang (and I base this on heresay, bangkok post, bartalk and television news) get topped at night up on the plains there just as they thought Isaan was the quiet rural dream they had been searching for. What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

you should have no safety fears about living in isaan. most dangerous thing you will find here are the pretty girls.-easy to prevent an incident: just dont open your wallet too wide. seriously though- probably the safest place to stay. i made big shit and had death threats,etc.-tourist police laughed when i told them my ex had taken out a "contract" on me and they said nothing would happen. nothing did,except the hitman made off with the money she paid him(mine!)

there is an american guy living in our village who is hated by all-arrogant,self-serving and condescending (the thais hate that) and he had an altercation with his thai neighbour, and the thais told me (the whole village knew about it) that they were going to "take him out". i did not tell him as i would have liked to see him taken out,myself. two years later and nothing has happened!

just be friendly to everybody, and you will find that the locals will love you, though you will battle to find a place to have a quiet drink without them flocking in for a piece of the action. if you give in -even once- you will never drink a whole quart of chang by yourself again! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

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does anyone remember the story a few years back, of the uk policeman who married a thai isaarn girl, lived out in some remote village or other,and due to a financial dispute that pulled the wifes loyalties to and fro between her family and the husband, the poor husband ended up being kept in a bamboo cage in a secluded part of the field next to the house. he was kept like an animal and starved for 6 weeks until his brother from england who, worried that he had not had the usual weekly letter for some time, came over and made inquiries. the police didnt want to help him ,but he eventually found and rescued his brother who was on the verge of death. was a big story in england at the time....the heartlessness of thai women etc.

so, toddy :

What do you lot reckon - I am paranoid or realistic?

good question !

That tale was mentioned in another thread recently.

I can not remember him being locked up in a bamboo cage though - that might be poetic licence - he was kept debilitated through the poison.

The brother did come over but only after getting a message from a farang monk the ex-copper managed to speak to when he was passing his village.

Edited by Prakanong
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Toddy, think on mate, UK inner-city and violence and race riots ect? no thanks, what about the girl who was kept in a cellar for 16 years, was that Austria?{dont remember exact country} and DR Harold Shipman, 230 killings to his name? and then he commited suicide in prison, the prison boxing team were royally pissed of with his death because they wanted him in there team, he had a lethal jab!!

As long as you dont howl or crow all night and you are not black & tan, keep yourself to yourself, dont wear lots of gold like Jimmy Savvile, you will do fine here, Welcome to Issan,

Cheers, Lickey.

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Toddy, think on mate, UK inner-city and violence and race riots ect? no thanks, what about the girl who was kept in a cellar for 16 years, was that Austria?{dont remember exact country} and DR Harold Shipman, 230 killings to his name? and then he commited suicide in prison, the prison boxing team were royally pissed of with his death because they wanted him in there team, he had a lethal jab!!

As long as you dont howl or crow all night and you are not black & tan, keep yourself to yourself, dont wear lots of gold like Jimmy Savvile, you will do fine here, Welcome to Issan,

Cheers, Lickey.

You forgot the bit about the refugee, who comes to school dressed like a cross between Rambo & The Terminator, and proceeds to kill half his classmates. That doesn't happen in Isaan either.

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Well it could be a Golfing term

Could be my Beer is not topped up

Could mean Screw Topped : or may be your tops not screwed on

Or is it something Sexual mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Well I live in Issan it's a big area, never worried about my safety, but I would never live wihtin a 100 Klms of my inlaws they will talk you to death LOL You will be very lucky if you can keep them out of your house. If you desire anything that resembles privacy you will put your wife in a very had situation. Tell you what you tell your mother that she can not visit unanounced because it bothers your wife. You can have peaceful village lots of them around, it doesn't have to be in the family village.

Just be prepared for an entire comminuty to know and have long conversations about the last time yuo sneeezed LOL

But the people here in Issan will treat you kindly even in times when you don't do the same thing yourself.

It's very rare here if you smile and are friendly that total strangers dont repsond in kind. There are days that I might have several mini conversation at red lights. But if I don't say somehtign they just mind thier own business.

Remember the way your probably going to get killed here is being talked to death.

Learn Thai and you can even enjoy the wait at red lights

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Just got back from.....well outside of Korat about 2 hours on north highway 24. I have never felt I was in danger or had any altercations with a Thai. Well the drunk Thais will try to use there best english on you about a million times. Just smile ignore them like you cant hear them. After awhile when everybody in town knows who you are and you are not a A h#@% they will keep a eye on you. You will feel like a extotic pet for awhile because your Thai GF will want to show you off to her GF's .

By the way if you want to know everybody in town to see you goto Temple, or a funeral. I had to goto 2 of them. One was next door OH MY GOD 4 days and 3 nights of food and music. The old timers here know what that is like. I live accross the street from the Wut. I know all of the dead foks for the past 2 years. YOU WILL BE FINE Sawadee Krup......Chris

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On a ride this weekend with few other guys and the wives, we were meeting Lickey in Tha Bo, very much a typical Issan town, not a village not a city. We were meeting at the local Honda Shop. They had some nice shade and it was hot in the sun. Had no intention of buying a bike and the knew it. After a few mins wait, a pretty lady came out all smiles with ice water for everyone. Now thats Issan put a smile on your face and be nice and you will have no problems.

Edited by ray23
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Ray23 your ride on the weekend would be one of the most dangerous things to do in Issan at the moment. :D

With all the rain I lost count of the number of snakes I saw on the roads last week. I watched some guy run over a decent sized cobra on his stepthrough. The traffic was heavy and he couldn’t avoid it. :o He didn’t even bother to lift his feet up.

And last Saturday I had a baby cobra inches away from my feet as I stood in the yard. I stepped back and let him continue on his way.

Oops I forgot to mention the dangers from falling skyrockets at the moment. :D

Seriously I don’t know why the OP is worried. This place is great, friendly and safe.

Edited by Farma
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Ray23 your ride on the weekend would be one of the most dangerous things to do in Issan at the moment. :D

With all the rain I lost count of the number of snakes I saw on the roads last week. I watched some guy run over a decent sized cobra on his stepthrough. The traffic was heavy and he couldn’t avoid it. :o He didn’t even bother to lift his feet up.

And last Saturday I had a baby cobra inches away from my feet as I stood in the yard. I stepped back and let him continue on his way.

Oops I forgot to mention the dangers from falling skyrockets at the moment. :D

Seriously I don’t know why the OP is worried. This place is great, friendly and safe.

Unless you happen to be a UK copper who stands out in the village like a square truncheon in a round hole that is........... :D

The rain also brings in squadrons of black scorpions from the garden, the little mites. Used to stamp on 'em with my DM's, but now I show 'em compassion and shoo 'em out with a newspaper. Respect them, and they won't harm you. :D

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Didn't see one snake of course with the rain I couldn't see LOL, Barely saw the herd of cattle slip sliding across the highway, And that was at 20 Klms and hour LOL

Yuor right though I have ran over snakes out in the country just get those feet up a fast a possible. I have never went back to see what they were. If I knew I might stop riding

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