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Retirement Visa

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for a usa citizen

who has been a thailand a while

using tourist visas and visa exemptions mostly

turning 50 (at some point)

what's the best way to go?

apply for retirement visa in thailand, another SEA country, ausrtalia

or would it be better to do it in the USA?

there is also the possible option to continue with tourist visas and visa exemption runs

here is a list from the thai embassy at the washington dc website

some of this is unclear


in THIS case they dont mention where the money has to be, in thailand or home country, can you keep the money in the usa if applying in the usa?

quotes like this are unclear:

the verification shall be valid for no more than 3 months

which i think means not more than 3 months old

from what i have been reading so far on this forum is that it may be easier than jumping through all the hoops listed if i just apply here in thailand

though i have heard it is almost always easier and you have more visa options when applying in the usa or home country (depending on the country)

the talk also has been you need to transfer the money into thailand at least 3 months in advance of the application (applying in thailand)

this scares me since i have heard rumors/stories of money being seized or unable to transfer the money out

there are also minor issues like finding an interest bearing account, opening a new account without a work permit

and a zillion other little things

what is the turnaround time for applying and getting the visa in thailand and applying in the usa?

has anyone applied for a retirement visa and been refused and if so, what were the reasons given for refusal

any and all insights appreciated

thanks in advance

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If application in US funds can be in US. If application in Thailand funds in Thailand (three months prior). If done in Thailand you need the passbook and bank letter of account balance, your passport, arrival card, photos, 1,900 baht and non immigrant visa with 3 - 4 week remaining on permitted to stay stamp. If you don't have the visa you can change your current entry at an extra cost of 2,000 baht and you should have 21 days remaining on permitted to stay stamp. Not very difficult. You might have to ask two or three banks before one will open an account but that is also not very hard. I have never heard of anyone having legal money "seized" in anything but small amounts for non activity of a bank account over a period of years.

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