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Bring Kale in my carry on baggage


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I've found that thai 'kale' is more like collards in the west...western kale has a more delicate texture and flavor than the thai version that requires parboiling for a few minutes to be edible, it's pretty tough otherwise...



but once you get the hang of the thai variety (trim the stems) and also the local bok choy they can substituted for a leafy western green veg in recipes...


I useta grow kale in my garden in California 30 years ago and there's nothing available locally that resembles it...mostly ate fresh kale in salads back then mixed with freshly picked chopped romaine and spinach and freshly picked tomatoes, olive oil and lemon juice to dress...days of heaven...



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11 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Thailand nowadays, like many countries, has restrictions on carrying fresh foods into the country.


Check the customs laws for the full details.


yeah, I neglected to reply to the OP original query...


I useta regularly bring in a braid of chinese garlic and a kilo of fresh lemons from the middle east when home on leave and one time I got stopped outside of customs in BKK and searched, also had some packages of fresh arabic bread...the customs goons weren't interested in the food, just disappointed that no illegal liquor or tobacco was found...I think that thai customs would only be concerned if one tried to bring in commercial quantities which isn't likely inna suitcase...


however the OP wantsta bring the vegs in his carry on luggage which might cause some confusion when scanned by security at the point of origin; 'whaaa?, hey Omar, have a look at this' 'I got it! he's dissolved class A drugs in water and sprayed it onto the veg...better detain him until we can run an analysis...'




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