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What is needed for a Filipino to move from Thailand to go and work in England?

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I'm hoping for some advice on a Filipino wanting to move to and work in England. Visas, costs involved etc.


She has :-

A Masters Degree in nursing (from Uni in the Philippines).
An IELTS certificate at the required level to work in the U.K. Health service.

A place to stay in England (my home).

I have known this lady and been in a relationship with her for over 5 years now and we would like for her to come to England and work here in the Health service.
She currently works as a teacher in Thailand and has done so for over 5 years, with intermittent work in Bangkok hospitals.

As the topic say, I am in need of advice on the best course of action and what Visas she would need and what other costs etc., would be involved.


Thanks for any helpful advice you can give.

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To work in the UK she will need General work visa (Tier 2). You will see that before she can apply she has to find an employer who is on the register of licensed sponsors to sponsor her.


Note that as she wishes to work in the health service then her salary can be less than the usual minimum of £30,000p.a. But, in addition to the standard evidence she will also need a criminal records check.


There is also a maximum time, 6 years, workers in this category are allowed to remain in the UK; but see below.


However, you say

1 hour ago, WhamBam said:

I have known this lady and been in a relationship with her for over 5 years now

Are you British and returning to the UK with her?


Are you her spouse? If so she could apply for a visa to join you as your spouse.


If not her spouse but you have been living together in a relationship akin to marriage for at least the last two years, and can prove it, then she can apply as your unmarried partner.


See Family visas: apply, extend or switch; Apply as a partner or spouse and other relevant pages.


Either option allows her to work in the UK, so she can move to the UK with you and then seek employment once she is here.


But, this option is more expensive than the Tier 4 route, and you will have to meet the financial requirement for family settlement.


The advantage, though, is that unlike a Tier 4 visa she does not have to find a job until she is in the UK and once here she can extend it after 2.5 years and then apply to remain indefinitely a further 2.5 years after that.


Tier 4 visas can usually only be extended up to a maximum of 6 years. Though she may be able to switch from a Tier 4 visa to a family settlement one in the UK or even apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain by virtue of being in a job on the Shortage Occupation List.


Whichever option you decide upon, if she is legally resident in Thailand then she can apply there, otherwise she will have to return to The Philippines and apply there.


If she qualifies, I'd go for the family settlement route. It may be a bit more expensive, but she wont have to find an employer to sponsor her visa application, you'd be her sponsor, makes it far simpler to remain here indefinitely and it gives her far greater flexibility in her employment options once she is here.

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