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OK, not strictly an IT question but close.  I recently bought an LED clock in Thailand which was most probably made in China.  The settings and display are mostly straight forward.  I set the time (24 hr), the date (date, month and year (Gregorian).  The year gets set but does not display.  After setting, the display is as expected along with a semi-accurate temperature display.

BUT, there is a display which is simply labeled "Week".  At first, I was baffled but then I noticed that the numbers went up each day and each number seemed to track the day of the week.  So Wednesday was 4, Thursday was 5 and Saturday was 6.   I then believed that this was simply a numerical representation of the day of the week - OK.  Now comes Sunday and the display now shows an 8, What the #$*(^&.  I know that some societies indicate different day of the week number depending what day their week starts.  But i am unaware of any society that uses an 8.  Do I really have a lunar week clock and what happened to day 7?  The tension waiting for Monday's number is unbearable!


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50 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

52 weeks in a year,can you set it to whatever week this is ?

if that is what it means.

regards Worgeordie

The number goes up each day and there is no way to set the number, only time date and year.  I had assumed that setting the date would set the week and it seemed like it was until it went from 6 on Saturday to 8 on Sunday.

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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There are a couple of videos about that watch on YouTube.

The only youtube videos that I see are in every language but English but they do clearly show people changing the date and the week number changes with each date increment.  However the week increments are as I stated 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8. Where is 7?

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20 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There are a couple of videos about that watch on YouTube.

Unfortunately my Hindi is a bit insufficient.

But one thing is obvious: the "8" is seen regularly.


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20 minutes ago, AAArdvark said:

1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8

Maybe 7 is an unlucky number in China :smile:

I checked two frames from a video.

It is an eternal calender with day of week (not week of year).

1=Monday, .... 6=Saturday.


Get used to it.


My digital thingy on the wall says that we are in week 11.

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