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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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12 hours ago, MrPancake said:


Stupid reasoning.

You can't proof non-existence.

Something that doesn't exist leaves no trace by definition.

God is a moronic concept.

And Brian Cox is a botoxed cuckhold.

Have you applied for Mensa? You really should as you'd be a shoo in.


Just love the well reasoned posts on here.

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9 hours ago, save the frogs said:


yeah, whats up with that guy's lips?

agree. boring rehashed drivel that will never convince anyone of anything. 


Another mensa 🙊

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So typical, Get two guys filling up the pages with loooooooong posts about stuff that I didn't even understand but I'm sure were of interest, then they just stop, and leave a gap in our lives, that no number of posts saying "god is dumb" will fill.


Will they return? One can only hope. Meanwhile sunsets will have to comfort me.


BTW, when is AN management going to recognise this thread as the longest ever on the forum, and award it a 🏆?

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have you applied for Mensa? You really should as you'd be a shoo in.


Just love the well reasoned posts on here.


Keep believing in unprovable garbage if that's what you wanna do.

I'd rather doubt.

As for Mensa, they're a bunch of jackasses.


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I've been posting on this thread since the very beginning and a lot has changed since then. Both in the dynamic of the thread, as well in my own little world. I used to search for answers wherever I suspected to find answers...books, art, music, people, discussions...but I don't feel this need anymore. I don't feel like reading spiritual books anymore. There is nothing to be added on an intellectual level. 
Bob Marley said: Once you stop racing, you've won the race. 

The primary question now is, how much of what I know do I actually live?

What more can I add here in this thread? I've covered a wide range of topics...religion, spirituality, art, science (consciousness research), sociology, philosophy, meditation... Those with ears to hear will pick up on the info, others not, no problem. It is neither my goal to convince anyone, nor do I see it as my duty to change anyone. 

After nearly 3 decades of searching, I feel like a big chapter in my life has come to an end, and a new chapter is just starting. It's like I got rid of old and worn clothes that were too small for me, and instead put on new clothes that are a few sizes too large. I need to grow into them. It will take time. 
One day I will get rid of these clothes too and walk around naked, metaphorically speaking. 🙂 

If you or anyone else has direct questions for me I'd be happy to answer, but other than that...🤷‍♂️


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4 hours ago, Sunmaster said:


I've been posting on this thread since the very beginning and a lot has changed since then. Both in the dynamic of the thread, as well in my own little world. I used to search for answers wherever I suspected to find answers...books, art, music, people, discussions...but I don't feel this need anymore. I don't feel like reading spiritual books anymore. There is nothing to be added on an intellectual level. 
Bob Marley said: Once you stop racing, you've won the race. 

The primary question now is, how much of what I know do I actually live?

What more can I add here in this thread? I've covered a wide range of topics...religion, spirituality, art, science (consciousness research), sociology, philosophy, meditation... Those with ears to hear will pick up on the info, others not, no problem. It is neither my goal to convince anyone, nor do I see it as my duty to change anyone. 

After nearly 3 decades of searching, I feel like a big chapter in my life has come to an end, and a new chapter is just starting. It's like I got rid of old and worn clothes that were too small for me, and instead put on new clothes that are a few sizes too large. I need to grow into them. It will take time. 
One day I will get rid of these clothes too and walk around naked, metaphorically speaking. 🙂 

If you or anyone else has direct questions for me I'd be happy to answer, but other than that...🤷‍♂️


I started not long after yourself, and while the thread consolidated and educated me, I still believe the same as when I started- God is the creator of life the universe and everything, but God doesn't intervene in my life. If I thought my life was God's plan for me I'd hate God. I prefer to believe that s**t happens and a lot ended up on me, because I was too dumb to get out of the way ( women mainly ).

If God is reading this, can I have the winning lotto numbers please.


The thread was very illuminating about non believers though, at least the ones that actually thought about it. The ones with the one line idiocies were not even worth my time.


I do miss the thread though, and I used to look forward to reading and posting on it and some of the characters that were regular posters like MauGR and yourself.

I don't miss some of them, like that sc****c guy. I think I have him on ignore now, but I don't see him anymore. I should have done that ages ago.

I posted a lot on this thread and that does leave a gap in one's life when it's over.


If I learned anything from life, it's that everything ends, eventually, and things I love end sooner than things I don't.

Even the universe will end sometime.


I'm going to end too, in a few years time, or less, so I'm hoping that I'm right about what comes after. If I am, we'll all have a big get together in the afterlife.


Take care and may life's problems be small ones.



PS. I still love sunsets.

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24 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Food for thought.........



This is nature, if no living conditions, no life. It is only humans who keep life where there is no conditions for life. They even let them reproduce and stay same place and repeat it over and over. 


In natural habitats, humans had moved on to where it is food, and better living conditions. These humans cant do that, because other humans made borders and rules. 


God made rules, humans cheats the rules, therefor continously humans suffering, and where humans are, they kill all life, that eventually will kill humans. 


Nature is god, nature is not human, not like you and me, 

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14 hours ago, Hummin said:

This is nature, if no living conditions, no life. It is only humans who keep life where there is no conditions for life. They even let them reproduce and stay same place and repeat it over and over. 


In natural habitats, humans had moved on to where it is food, and better living conditions. These humans cant do that, because other humans made borders and rules. 


God made rules, humans cheats the rules, therefor continously humans suffering, and where humans are, they kill all life, that eventually will kill humans. 


Nature is god, nature is not human, not like you and me, 

You are so right. Why oh why do posters keep complaining that God doesn't care about humans enough, as if God has to hold their hand and take away all their cares, feed them when hungry, heal them when ill, provide for every need. The Bible has a story about that when humans lived in the garden of Eden, but they disobeyed and were cast out.

Time for some to man up, grow a pair and accept that mankind's problems are as a result of mankind's bad behaviour. God didn't make humans kill each other, eat bad food and drink alcohol or smoke tobacco- that's on people's choices. If God took away free will in exchange for an easy life, they'd likely complain about that too.


Humans make bad choices, behave badly, and live badly. It's on them, not God.

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