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SexLess relationship 


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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

As I recall, you used the expression "or rub one out myself". If you have an alternative explanation to the inference I believe most posters would make, I'd like to see it.

You're completely missing the point. Money has nothing to do with it.  I can't stand spending TIME with someone I can't have a conversation with above the level of a 6 year old. I rent or prefer self abuse rather than trade my life for shackling myself to someone I don't much like, REGARDLESS of how attractive she may be.

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Just looked at a ranking of number of times people have sex on average per year (Google search) and it's quite surprising:


Amongst the top 10:

Rank = 1 Greece = 138

Rank = 2 Croatia = 134

Rank = 3 Serbia & Montenegro

Rank = 4 Bulgaria

Rank = Joint 5th France = 120

Rank = 7th UK = 118

Rank = 10th New Zealand = 114


The bottom ranked were mostly Asian ... Japan (bottom) ... then Singapore, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and China ... and amazingly Sweden was below China?


So perhaps the Asian sex drive naturally slows more over time?


Sex maniacs should move to Athens. 














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9 hours ago, whitemouse said:

Sexless relationship is the only way for long term relationship. Nearly always,  sex becomes not a thing, but if love remains, then people stay together. Long term relationship, decades long relationship is actually deep friendship, it is love. Sex has nothing to do with it. Unfortunately very few can pull this off, it takes 2 very smart, wise people to pull it off. 


If people are getting "pulled off", then that's still sex!



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1 hour ago, quandow said:

You're completely missing the point. Money has nothing to do with it.  I can't stand spending TIME with someone I can't have a conversation with above the level of a 6 year old. I rent or prefer self abuse rather than trade my life for shackling myself to someone I don't much like, REGARDLESS of how attractive she may be.

Perhaps I am. I don't have in-depth discussion of world politics, religion etc. with my Thai GF. On the other hand, she is street-smart and a happy person. I've been with her for 8 years now. I like her.

I'm still incredulous any male would choose masturbation in Thailand. We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

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11 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I read an interesting article about relationships in America, apparently the 12th year is when you stop having sex with each other, well I've been with my missus for 14 years so yes, it's about right.

I should have moved to America, that would have given me 11 more years of sex with my Brit wife.

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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Just looked at a ranking of number of times people have sex on average per year (Google search) and it's quite surprising:

Amongst the top 10:

Rank = 1 Greece = 138

Rank = 2 Croatia = 134

Rank = 3 Serbia & Montenegro

Rank = 4 Bulgaria

Was sex with the opposite gender specified, or did guys doing it with each other (or alone) count?

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So I'm 

2 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Interesting for reflection. Had a discussion with my former wife concerning the topic when I was accused of viewing her as a sex object. (On her desk, she had the saying, "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle"). I asked if I would be sharing my life with her if she were not female? Would I be sharing my life with her if there was no sexual attraction? Ex-wife in USA, I am retired in Thailand where I am sharing my life with a cute Thai girl 26 years my junior and we share a healthy sexual attraction. To each their own but I'm only 72 and still alive.


Is there a stipend included in this mutual sexual attraction?

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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I think you will find that there are a lot of expats here, that could not live on their own. Cannot cook, clean, iron, etc., most things that back home the 'housewife' used to do for them. Most of this type stay in relationships, rather than being on their own, unable to do these everyday chores.

That's really sad. that some men are unable to do even the basics for themselves.  I have the Military to thank  for taking a young boy and showing me how to look after myself and be independent, for which I am always grateful. 

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6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Just looked at a ranking of number of times people have sex on average per year (Google search) and it's quite surprising:


Amongst the top 10:

Rank = 1 Greece = 138

Rank = 2 Croatia = 134

Rank = 3 Serbia & Montenegro

Rank = 4 Bulgaria

Rank = Joint 5th France = 120

Rank = 7th UK = 118

Rank = 10th New Zealand = 114


The bottom ranked were mostly Asian ... Japan (bottom) ... then Singapore, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and China ... and amazingly Sweden was below China?


So perhaps the Asian sex drive naturally slows more over time?


Sex maniacs should move to Athens. 














so the hottest women in the world are not getting enough, hence why most of us end up here. 

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Definitely not sexless here. We've been together nearly 8 years and married for 2. We're a similar age (late 20s / early 30s) without any kids so that definitely is a factor. If kids happen soon then I imagine the numbers will sadly dwindle, but currently it is great. 

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23 hours ago, borovik said:

Not long time ago I read story about Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun.The story said.that their relationship was in fact platonic.

thanks goodness for that, we don't have to worry about future generations of murderous megalomaniacs. we have enough around already. 

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15 minutes ago, BobbyL said:

Definitely not sexless here. We've been together nearly 8 years and married for 2. We're a similar age (late 20s / early 30s) without any kids so that definitely is a factor. If kids happen soon then I imagine the numbers will sadly dwindle, but currently it is great. 


Does she have an older sister?

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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've been in a sexless relationship for 7 days now, probably the longest time I've been without sex in Thailand for ten years. Another 7 days before the nurses remove the 'impediments' .....................

Hope you get better soon. I went six weeks after my gall bladder hemorrhaged and had surgery. It sucked being in bed for so long.

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23 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Some folks believe sex is love and love is sex. The perfect condition is to be loved and to have good sex.


    But you can't expect a bargirl loving you after she'd a few hundred meters of di... fferent ones. Unfortunately, do some people believe that you can buy love, but it's the sex you pay for.


    Love is in the air.....



I rather suspect the reverse is true. Bar girls get endless sex, whether they want it or not, but not love or security. This is why, apart from any other considerations (money to support their themselves and their families) they often end up marrying falangs much older than themselves. That way, they are more likely to get love and security and the sexual demands of their partner will be easier to cope with than those of a randy young stud. 


Sex has little to do with lasting love. The sexual side of all but the most physically intense relationships diminishes over time and often peters out completely. I well remember one of my pals and his wife making a no-sex pact in their seventies. It later turned out that for years (unbeknown to each other) they had both been going through the motions for the assumed gratification of their partner! Their relationship improved thereafter.


Generally speaking, men involved in long-term partnerships seem to miss sex more than women do, which may well be linked to the the biological itch we are blessed or cursed with (depending on your view), in the interests of keeping the species going. Sex is also, of course, a wonderful way to reinforce the intimacy that is so easily lost in long-term associations, the cement between the bricks as it were.


According to sex "guru" Bettina Arndt, who used to run Forum magazine, most men eventually end up "negotiating" sex with a reluctant spouse to whom it has become a boring and unfulfilling routine. Hence all those lavish Valentine's day flowers and impromptu boxes of chocolates and sexy nighties/lingerie as birthday/Christmas gifts.


Women have the drop on men when it comes to feigning an interest in sex, which many of them do for a wide variety of reasons. Biologically, there is no obvious outward physical evidence that they are not prepared to mate, whereas with us men, once our pants are down so is any pretence!

Edited by Krataiboy
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When you are young, if you aren't being led around by your genitals you probably missing out on a lot of fun;

When you are old, if you are still being led around by your genitals you probably missing out on a lot of life.  

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